A woman’s health depends on her intimate health. More than a billion women a year all over the world are faced with problems of microflora disturbances in the intimate zone - vaginal dysbiosis. By this concept, gynecologists mean a whole range of manifestations that are equally unpleasant for a woman. According to statistics, at least 40% of women have at least once encountered this problem. Whether vaginal dysbiosis is contagious or not, how it occurs and what to do are the answers in our article.
The composition of the normal microflora of the vagina
From the moment the girl leaves the womb, her vagina will never be sterile. From the first minutes of independent life, the vagina becomes a place where a wide variety of bacteria and microorganisms settle. The healthy microflora of the vagina consists of about 40 types of bacteria: Dederlein sticks (lactobacilli, up to 98%), bifidobacteria, staphylococci, streptococci and many others. All of them are in antagonism and synergy with each other. In other words, they form a single ecosystem of organisms that are able to survive, coexist and develop in the physical environment of the vagina. They support stable biocenosis (bacteriosis) and prevent the introduction of pathogenic microflora.
The microorganisms of the vaginal biocenosis are obligate (they are part of the constant microflora and can be non-pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic), optional (may be present in the microflora) and transient (non-pathogenic, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic organisms brought from the environment). The dynamic balance of the vaginal ecosystem is constantly changing, but it is characterized by spontaneous cleansing from foreign microorganisms and a return to normal bacteriosis, which impedes the development of the pathological process. Normally, there should be no discharge from the vagina, but small, odorless, transparent discharge is allowed.
When the process is disrupted and the microflora does not recover, they talk about an imbalance in the flora or vaginal dysbiosis. This is a fairly common occurrence, with each sexual intercourse, a short-term dysbiosis of the vaginal flora occurs. We talk about pathology when self-regulation of the internal environment does not return to a state of biological equilibrium.
Features of the dynamic balance of vaginal microflora
The concept of norm for a given biocenosis is very relative. The quantitative and qualitative composition of vaginal bacteriosis is variable and depends on many factors:
- Woman's age and pH.
- The stages of the menstrual cycle.
- Sexual activity.
- Personal hygiene features.
- The method of contraception and the hormonal background of a woman.
All these factors make it possible to assert that each woman has her own individual vaginal bacteriocenosis. When there is a failure in the ecological balance (qualitative or quantitative) of microflora, which causes discomfort, then we can talk about vaginal dysbiosis. And this is more an environmental concept than a venereal one.
Causes of imbalance in microflora
Vaginal dysbiosis, the reason for which is an increase in the level of opportunistic pathogens and a decrease in beneficial microorganisms, is not an infectious disease and is not sexually transmitted. Indeed, conditionally pathogenic organisms are obligately present in the microflora, which become pathogenic (multiplied so much that they became the cause of the pathology) only under certain conditions. But the conditions for the occurrence of an imbalance of microflora (dysbiosis) can be very different:
- Hormonal changes (puberty, menopause, menstrual irregularities, pregnancy, post-abortion conditions).
- Change of climatic zones. Flights from winter to summer during the holiday period often provoke microflora disturbances.
- Sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis, candidiasis, syphilis) and promiscuous unprotected sex.
- Inflammatory infections of the pelvic organs.
- Diseases of the lower digestive tract, constipation.
- Decrease in the general immune status of an organism.
- The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.
- Non-compliance with hygiene rules, improper use of tampons and pads during menstruation. The constant use of one-day pads helps create favorable conditions for the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
- The presence of bad habits (overeating, drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking).
The above factors do not always lead to vaginal dysbiosis, but exposure to several factors immediately significantly increases the risk of its occurrence. In an organism with a normal immune system status, minor microflora disorders are eliminated, maintaining a healthy balance of vaginal bacteriocenosis.
Vaginal Dysbiosis: Symptoms
When a woman feels discomfort in the intimate area, itching or burning, more abundant discharge or discharge with a specific smell and color begins, we can talk about violations of the vaginal microflora. To these symptoms are added dryness in the vagina during intercourse, pain and pain in the genital area. But these symptoms are already the consequences of the initial dysbiosis, which passed unnoticed. If a woman is negligent in treating vaginal dysbiosis, he begins to progress. This stimulates the risk of developing more serious diseases of the genital area, complications of the course of the disease and its transition to a chronic form with periodic exacerbations. The main signs of advanced vaginal dysbiosis are a change in whites to purulent discharge, pain when urinating, sometimes a low-grade fever.
What does the imbalance of microflora
Serious complications can result from neglect of vaginal dysbiosis. First of all, it is:
- vaginitis (inflammation of the epithelium of the walls of the vagina),
- cervitis (inflammatory process of the cervix, another name is erosion),
- endometritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus),
- adnexitis (inflammatory processes in the appendages and ovaries),
- peritonitis (inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity).
If the infection enters the urethra, it can cause not only urethritis (inflammation of the canal), but also ascend to the organs of the excretory system and cause diseases of the bladder (cystitis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis). In the most advanced cases, such an innocent disease at first glance can lead to infertility, termination of pregnancy and cervical pathologies.
Varieties of vaginal dysbiosis
Whatever the reasons for its occurrence (with the exception of sexually transmitted diseases), imbalance in the microflora of the vagina is associated with the growth of a colony of microorganisms alone, which leads to inhibition of the growth of all other representatives of bacteriosis. The most useful and numerous microorganisms in the vagina are lactobacilli, which work more efficiently than antibiotics, producing hydrogen peroxide and inhibiting the growth of pathogenic flora. When the quantitative ratio of "lactobacilli - pathogens" shifts toward the latter, dysbacterioses of various nature arise.
If the fungi of the genus Candida have taken precedence, a “thrush” or vaginal candidiasis appears. If gardnerella bacteria multiply, a “fishy smell” of secretions appears, and the disease is called gardnerellosis or bacterial vaginosis. When these symptoms appear, you should not suspect your partner of infidelity - these troubles are purely female "privileges."
Dysbiosis, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding
During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes serious hormonal changes that can cause disturbances in the balance of microflora in the lower parts of the reproductive system. Neglecting treatment for vaginal dysbiosis during pregnancy should not be. But full treatment is hampered by restrictions on the intake of certain drugs, which can harm the fetus and baby during lactation. Therefore, local remedies are used to reduce the symptoms of dysbiosis and prevent the spread of infection into the uterus (vaginal debridement, suppositories). Infection of the fetus with pathogens is unlikely, but with the passage of the birth canal, infection is possible. During childbirth, the baby receives the first bacteria that populate its gastric tract (transient dysbiosis). And it is preferable that they are lactobacilli. Therefore, dysbiosis pregnant woman must be treated.
The key to success of treatment - diagnosis
At the first symptoms of discomfort, a woman should consult a gynecologist for collection of discharge tests (in simple terms, smears). The doctor will take samples for analysis: a general smear on the flora, inoculation of secretions, analysis for the polymerase chain reaction. The results of the analyzes will show which organisms caused the dysbiosis, and give information about their sensitivity to antibiotics. Complex analyzes provide the most complete picture for the preparation of a treatment plan and the use of antibiotics for vaginal dysbiosis.
Dysbiosis is not a sentence
Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis includes three tasks:
- Elimination of pathogenic flora in the vagina.
- The population of normal flora.
- Restoring the immunity of the walls of the vagina.
The first task is solved by the use of special drugs that affect the pathogen identified in the analyzes, which caused vaginal dysbiosis. Drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-medication can only worsen the situation. It can be intravenous injections or topical agents (for example, suppositories from vaginal dysbiosis: "Ginopevaril", "Terzhinan").
The second task is solved by the appointment of probiotics (Linex, Lactoberin, Normoflorin). Restoring immunity may require the use of complex vitamin therapy. The course of treatment ends with mandatory control tests.
But do not forget about the exclusion of factors that led to this disease; otherwise, funds from vaginal dysbiosis can be useless.
An important question is whether the partner should be screened. If a specific genital infection is not found in the analyzes, then the partner does not have to be tested. Although for the period of treatment, it is advisable for a woman to minimize sexual contact and use methods of mechanical contraception (condom).
What advises folk wisdom
Treatment of vaginal dysbiosis with folk remedies should be an exclusively complementary method of complex treatment. Traditional medicine offers the use of infusions of herbs such as chamomile, yarrow, sage, St. John's wort, oak bark for local douching and bathing. Teas from rose hips, echinacea are used as general strengthening agents. With bacterial vaginosis, folk wisdom advises eating kefir, yoghurts, yogurt. And this is understandable, because fermented milk products contain those very useful cultures of bacteria that contribute to the restoration of healthy vaginal microflora.
Preventive actions
There are no special methods for the prevention of the disease. General rules come down to personal hygiene, the rational use of hygiene products. Do not get involved in douching and excessive use of various disinfectants. Separately, it should be noted the use of mechanical contraception during sexual intercourse. Unprotected intercourse inevitably leads to the exchange of microflora between partners, which can trigger the appearance of vaginal dysbiosis.
The death of healthy vaginal microflora can cause antibiotics, therefore, when using them, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist to prevent vaginosis. General prevention also includes strengthening the body’s immune system - it is a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, moderate exercise and so on.
![vaginal dysbiosis symptoms](https://fb.ru/misc/i/gallery/48868/2386736.jpg)
In our century of high and developed technologies, when preparations have already been developed to cure thrush in one go, can we hope that the problem of dysbiosis will also receive one magic pill in its arsenal? After reading the article, the answer is unequivocal - no. A purely exceptional qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora of a woman’s vagina implies an individual approach to solving this problem. Do not listen to girlfriends with reviews about who helped. Your case is always special. People in white coats studied for a very long time so that we trusted them. Find your “doctor” and do not self-medicate such delicate diseases. Take care of yourself and be healthy!