How to make pancake dough at home

Pancakes were first prepared by the ancient Slavs - they were a sign of veneration of the sun. Currently, this culinary masterpiece is popular around the world. The whole process of making pancakes is quite simple, does not require special preparation and equipment. There are a lot of all kinds of options for this magnificent dish, which are distinguished by a variety of fillings and sauces, allowing you to change the taste. This simple and satisfying treat is a favorite dish of both adults and children.

Ready pancake dough should not be thick. It consists of flour, eggs and milk. In the absence of the latter, you can use water, but this will significantly affect the taste of the future dish.

Pancake dough

Often, many people ask: "How to make pancake dough?"

Prepare it in several ways. In order to properly prepare the dough for pancakes in milk, you need to take two measures of milk, one and a half to two measures of flour, as well as a few eggs, a pinch of salt and a little sunflower or olive oil. Mix salt, eggs, butter and milk. Then they beat everything in a deep bowl, adding a little bit of all the flour. Very often pieces of any fruit, vegetables or herbs are kneaded into pancake dough, which significantly changes the taste of the finished product. Most often, apples, mashed berries, and spinach are used for these purposes. It is also important that the addition of such components to the dough will change its color, which will brighten up any finished dish with a variety of colors.

If you are going to cook a dish with some sweet filling or sweet sauce, add sugar to the prepared pancake dough. After that, it is thoroughly kneaded until a strictly homogeneous mass.

The next step is baking. This process is very important. The quality of the finished dish depends on the amount of dough and cooking time. To bake batter, the pan must be well preheated. Before baking, add a little oil to the preheated pan, distributing it over the entire surface with a piece of lard or half a raw potato.

Pancake dough in milk

If you are going to just cook a dessert and serve it with sauce, then the pancakes should be thin and soft. Thin and elastic cakes will allow you to wrap any filling in them. But fried crispy pancakes are not suitable for filling with filling. They just crack at the first attempt to wrap something in them.

Serve slaky or salty foods with any sauces that are easily cooked at home or purchased in a store. Ghee, honey, sour cream, or fruit or berry jam are perfectly combined with a favorite dish. These sauces do not require any special ingredients, they consist of products that are always at hand in every home.

How to make pancake dough
Thus, the reason for the huge popularity of this dish becomes absolutely clear - a variety of taste, as well as excellent pancake dough, which easily turns into crunchy, thin or lush culinary products that will immediately smash any gourmet.

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