How to drink "Acyclovir" with herpes? This is a common question. Today, the vast majority of the world's population are carriers of the herpes virus. Most often, the presence of the virus in the human body does not affect his condition, but there are recurrent forms. Modern medicine is not capable of completely destroying the virus, but there are a number of drugs that can stop the syndromes and force the virus cells to enter the resting stage. To stop the symptoms of the disease, specialists prescribe special antiviral drugs for their patients, both for oral and local use. One of the most common remedies for controlling the manifestations of herpes is Acyclovir. How to drink this remedy for herpes? This is described in this article.
Virus description
The following conditions can become factors provoking the activation of the herpetic virus in the human body:
- Hypothermia.
- Colds.
- State of stress and depression.
- Autoimmune diseases.
Herpes simplex virus can occur in two ways:
- On the lips, tongue and mucous membranes of the mouth, as well as on other parts of the face. How to drink "Acyclovir" with herpes on the lip, many are interested.
- On the genitals and adjacent areas of the body.
Herpes on the lips can appear as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun. In addition, if a person is in an air-conditioned room for a long time, the likelihood of exacerbation of herpes on the lips also increases.
External manifestations of the virus give a person discomfort and discomfort. In addition, there are problems of aesthetic and psychological plan. The appearance of ulcers on the lips indicates a reduced immune quality of the body. Infection occurs by contact with a virus carrier. When it enters the body, the pathogenic virus infects healthy cells and spreads to all organs and systems with the bloodstream.
With relapse, a rash appears on both the lips and the mucous membranes. When the virus manifests itself externally, symptomatic treatment is carried out aimed at accelerating the healing process of ulcers and strengthening immunity.
The manufacturer indicates in the instructions how to drink "Acyclovir" with herpes.
Description of the drug
It is an effective antiviral agent that has an inhibitory effect on viral cells, stopping their reproduction and spread in the body. The drug is not able to completely eliminate the lesion.
The most effective "Acyclovir" demonstrates in the following cases:
- Infectious damage to the skin and mucous membranes against the background of activation of the herpes simplex virus of the first and second type.
- Prevention of exacerbations provoked by the first and second type of herpes in patients with autoimmune conditions.
- Prevention of both primary and subsequent manifestations of infectious herpes of the first two types against the background of immune deficiency.
- As part of complex therapy in the treatment of HIV, as well as after bone marrow transplantation.
- Herpes simplex keratitis.
- Treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity against the background of chickenpox and shingles, including in a relapsing form.
Release Forms
Acyclovir is produced in several pharmaceutical forms, including:
- Solution for injection.
- Tablets for oral administration. How many tablets of "Acyclovir" to drink with herpes are described below.
- Ointment for local use.
- Eye ointment.
The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components that make up the composition. When using “Acyclovir” at the first manifestations of herpes relapse, the drug reduces the likelihood of complications, prevents the progression of pathology and prevents the spread of infection to healthy tissues. Thanks to the use of the drug, crusts at the site of ulcers form faster, and soreness and itching also stop.
So, let's find out how to drink “Acyclovir” with herpes on the lip.
Taking a tablet form of the drug
The composition of the drug, in addition to the active component in the form of acyclovir, includes a number of excipients, including calcium compounds, potato starch, aerosil and lactose.
"Acyclovir" in tablets is prescribed for the treatment of complicated forms of herpetic infection. Therapy is carried out under medical supervision and according to an individual pill regimen.
How much to drink "Acyclovir" with herpes, it is important to find out in advance.
Before starting treatment, you need to inform your doctor about all the drugs taken at the time of starting therapy. This is due to the fact that the combination of certain drugs with acyclovir can lead to impaired renal function. In addition, the doctor needs to report all available diseases, especially chronic ones. The presence in the history of certain pathologies may require adjustment of the accepted dosage of acyclovir.
Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist and cannot be interrupted. Sometimes it is required to continue taking the pills even after eliminating the external manifestations of the infection.
So, how to drink "Acyclovir" with herpes? Tablets are taken either with meals or immediately after. The drug is washed down with clean water. Doctors recommend using the following standard dosage regimens:
- Adults are prescribed one tablet every four hours during the day and after 8 hours of night sleep. How much to drink "Acyclovir" with herpes? The treatment lasts five days. If the course of the disease is characterized as severe, the course of treatment is extended to ten days.
- Against the background of the immunodeficiency state, “Acyclovir” takes two tablets every four hours.
- Children under the age of two years are prescribed half the pill, in the future the full dosage is taken. How many times to drink "Acyclovir" in children with herpes? The drug is taken 5 times a day.
- A special place is occupied by elderly patients. The withdrawal of fluid from the body of an elderly patient is difficult. In order not to provoke an overdose and the subsequent adverse reactions, the dosage of the drug is reduced or a strict drinking regimen is prescribed.
Treatment must be started in a timely manner, at the first sign of an infectious lesion.
How many days to drink "Acyclovir" with herpes in each case is determined by the doctor.
Features of taking pills
Starting taking "Acyclovir" in tablets, a number of features should be considered:
- The drug increases the sensitivity of the skin to sun exposure. Experts advise to avoid being in direct sunlight or to use protective equipment.
- In some patients, the drug can provoke drowsiness and dizziness, as well as visual disturbance. Such reactions are especially likely in patients with kidney pathologies.
- If the patient has the side effects listed above, he is not recommended to drive or perform precision work.
- Herpes is a highly contagious disease. The infectious virus ceases to be at the stage of crust formation on erosion.
- Is “Acyclovir" to be used for cold sores in the presence of an allergic reaction? If you are allergic to acyclovir, you need to consult a doctor who will select another remedy for the treatment of herpes infection.
Can I take “Acyclovir” pills for herpes during pregnancy and lactation? The drug is not recommended to be taken during gestation and breastfeeding.
Ointment for external use
How to drink "Acyclovir" with herpes, you have clarified, then we will find out how to apply the ointment and injections.
For local use, "Acyclovir" is made in the form of a cream and ointment. These two forms differ in that the cream is less oily and gently affects the affected areas of the skin, and is also absorbed faster. The ointment creates a protective film that prevents infection of the herpetic rash with pathogenic microorganisms. The cream is often prescribed when the rash is localized in closed areas of the skin, for example under clothes. If the bubbles appear in an open place, on the face or lips, an ointment is prescribed.
If the first signs of a recurrence of herpes infection are detected, treatment should be started as soon as possible. If herpes does not appear for the first time, a person is able to recognize in time a characteristic burning sensation and itching in the area of the further appearance of the rash. Do not wait for the formation of a rash, it is better to apply a cream or ointment to inflamed and irritated areas of the skin.
Immediately after the cream has been absorbed, acyclovir begins to inhibit the bacteriophage. The active component of the drug cleans the affected areas of herpes and removes the virus’s vital products. Herpes cells are hypersensitive to acyclovir.
Negative results of the therapy are most often observed in patients with a history of immunodeficiency. Before applying "Acyclovir" on the affected areas, you should clean the skin with soap and water.
Family members of the sick person are not allowed to use their personal items while the virus is in the active phase of its development. The ban is removed after the end of therapy. The patient's towels need to be washed after the course of treatment is completed.
Use "Acyclovir" locally should be every three hours. The duration of treatment can reach five days. Women are not recommended to use decorative cosmetics during the treatment period. Lipstick should not be allowed to enter the affected area, the same applies to care products.
The initial period of the disease is characterized by a high degree of probability of infecting healthy areas of the skin. Therefore, it is very important during this period to follow the recommendations of specialists to prevent the spread of infection:
- Apply the cream using a fingertip or a disposable cotton swab.
- When touching the treated area with hands, an antiseptic treatment of the skin should be carried out.
- Avoid contact with eyes. If this happens, rinse your eyes with running water.
"Acyclovir" for topical use is not used to treat the oral mucosa. In small amounts, the drug will not cause harm, even if the cream is accidentally swallowed when applied to the lips.
The drug is considered safe for health. At the beginning of the course of therapy immediately after applying the cream, a slight burning sensation may be observed. This is a normal reaction and does not require discontinuation of the drug. In case of intense redness and swelling, accompanied by itching, you should consult a doctor.
"Acyclovir" for injection is prescribed in cases where herpes often recurs or extensive areas of the skin are affected. Such conditions arise as a result of the lack of correct therapy, as well as against the background of a decrease in the protective qualities of the body and various autoimmune diseases.
In the form of a solution for injection, “Acyclovir” is a potent drug. Before starting to receive such treatment, the patient undergoes a thorough examination. Only a doctor can carry out injection treatment with the drug, based on the patient's history.
A course of injection with acyclovir may delay the next relapse for up to five years, provided that the patient follows the recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition. To prolong the period of remission, you need to take the course of injections of "Acyclovir" once a year in agreement with the doctor.
Herpes treatment in childhood
In children, as in adult patients, herpes can occur at the most inopportune moment. In addition to the rash, the child may complain of general weakness, as well as a slight increase in body temperature.
The baby can get herpes through contact with a sick person, including peers in a kindergarten or school. In childhood, an ointment or cream is prescribed to eliminate a rash on the lips. In more severe cases, maintenance therapy with tablets may be prescribed, while the dosage is selected taking into account the age of the child. Local treatment is performed in the same way as in adulthood. The congenital form of herpes is treated only using the tablet form of the drug.
In infancy, a herpetic infection manifests itself in a complicated form. The consequences of infection with the virus can be damage to internal organs and systems, especially the nervous one. In addition to the rash, newborns experience fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, and fever. Affected skin may itch and itch. Since it is difficult to control the child from combing, wounds can heal for a long time.
If a small child develops a herpes infection, parents should carefully monitor his condition, monitor the temperature and main reflexes. If the baby worsens, seek medical attention immediately.
In addition to the antiviral treatment with Acyclovir, immunostimulants can be prescribed for the child, the purpose of which is to strengthen the protective qualities of the body. The speed of recovery directly depends on the timeliness of the start of therapy.
How to drink "Acyclovir" for the prevention of herpes?
Herpes Prevention
Prevention of any disease is much safer and simpler than its treatment. This rule also applies to herpetic damage to the body. Vaccination can be a reliable protection against relapses of herpes. The vaccine is administered once every three years.
In addition, an important stage of prevention is personal hygiene and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, aimed at strengthening the body's immune defenses.
You can take the drug as a prophylactic. This will help prevent a relapse of herpes. How much can I drink "Acyclovir" with herpes? In this case, the drug is taken four times a day, one tablet or two tablets in the morning and evening. Duration of admission is five days.