Crystalluria belongs to the category of diseases associated with an increased salt content in the urine. Pathology can occur against the background of the presence in the body of a viral or bacterial infection. If a person is healthy, then his immune system will be able to cope with excessive accumulation of salts and remove them with urine. But in the presence of the disease, this process slows down, as a result, the salts settle, forming crystals.
Why does crystallization occur?
What is crystalluria? This is an increase in the concentration of salts in the urine.
The composition of urine has various salts, and this is considered normal. But in a healthy body, obstacles are created for crystals to precipitate, even at a time when the concentration of salts in the urine is increased. When an increase in salts occurs, their crystallization occurs, and this entails stone formation in the future.
And all because of the penetration of an increased amount of proteins into the body.
Causes of the disease
External or internal factors can affect salt metabolism in the body.
External causes of salt buildup in the body include:
- Living in an unfavorable region with an arid climate.
- The systematic use of hard water.
- Eating protein-rich foods.
- An excess of vitamins in the body.
- Frequent drinking.
- Taking some medications: cytostatics, diuretics, sulfonamides.
A person cannot influence and change them on external causes.
Internal reasons:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Congenital pathology of the urinary system.
- The presence of infection in the body.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Long stay of a person in an immobilized position.
This set of reasons can be corrected by a person. And it should be carried out with the intervention of a specialist.
What are the sediments in the kidneys?
Crystalluria of the kidneys and bladder can occur as a result of sediment of various types of salts. In this case, the patient has:
- Oxalate-calcium formations. They often develop even in childhood, for the first time when passing tests in a schoolchild or teenager, oxalates are detected. They are formed due to the intake of appropriate food products. And if there is still inflammation in the digestive system, salts are quickly absorbed into their mucous membranes.
- Phosphaturia. It is formed against a background of infection in the human urogenital system. Due to the breakdown of urine by harmful microorganisms, it becomes alkaline. This leads to the formation of crystals of calcium phosphate salts.
- Uricorosia. Uric acid is formed due to the breakdown of purines, after which crystallization of the excess precipitate occurs in it. Foods with a high content of purines contribute to the development of the disease, such as alcohol, asparagus, nuts, beans, cauliflower and broccoli.
- Cystinuria This condition is extremely rare and is formed due to a congenital anomaly in the structure of the kidneys. Cystine is an amino acid that is difficult to dissolve, and since it is also poorly absorbed by the renal tubules, crystalline formations appear.
Main symptoms
Regardless of the form and structure of salt formation, the signs of pathology are mostly similar. At the initial stages of crystalluria formation, the disease practically does not manifest itself. As the pathology develops, the following symptoms occur:
- The need for fluid is reduced, urine leaves in small quantities.
- Frequent headaches of incomprehensible etiology appear.
- There is pain or discomfort in the lower back and abdomen.
- There is a violation of urination, a person may experience false or frequent urges.
- There is discomfort during the discharge of urine.
You should immediately consult a doctor if blood impurities appeared in the urine or urine acquired a cloudy tint with an unpleasant odor. All of these symptoms are characteristic of most diseases of the urethra.
Symptoms in the late stage of crystalluria
As the disease progresses, signs of inflammation may join existing symptoms:
- body temperature rises;
- swelling will appear;
- pain in the lower back, groin and umbilical region will become sharp and prolonged;
- urine will become cloudy with a pungent odor and impurities of blood.
What is urine crystalluria, it is already clear, now it is worthwhile to analyze the issues of its diagnosis and treatment.
Initially, the patient gives urine for analysis on crystalluria. If an acidic environment is detected, oxalates or urates may be present in the kidneys. If an alkaline environment is detected, this indicates the presence of phosphates, which can threaten the development of urolithiasis.
It is worth remembering that an excess of acidic foods in the diet leads to oxalate formations. It can be too sour apples, sorrel, oranges, etc.
Therefore, the doctor after the results should find out what the patient ate before the analysis, since acidic food will provoke an indicator of increased acidity, which can last for 4-5 days.
If there is a deviation in the urine, an additional examination is performed. It includes:
- X-ray of the urinary tract.
- Cystoscopy
- Ultrasound examination of the bladder.
Only after all diagnostic measures, the doctor will prescribe treatment for crystalluria.
Therapeutic measures
Crystalluria in children and adults with its timely detection is quite easy to treat. Treatment should be selected by the doctor based on the data of the analyzes and the physiological state of the patient.
The basis of therapeutic measures include:
- dieting;
- taking medication;
- compliance with the drinking regimen.
Up to 2.5 liters of fluid should be drunk per day, and half of the norm should be drunk shortly before bedtime. This contributes to the rapid elimination of salts from the body.
Dietary nutrition involves an increase in potassium-rich foods and a reduction in foods containing oxalates.
Drug treatment involves the intake of vitamins from groups A, B and E, as well as with a magnesium content.
Many are interested in crystalluria - what is it in women and does the treatment of patients of different sexes differ?
In general, the treatment of the disease itself is not dependent on gender. But accompanying pathologies, including female gynecological disorders, can provoke the disease. In this case, therapy will be directed to this disease. It is advisable to take medications that improve the intestinal microflora while taking medications. This is Linex or Bifidumbacterin.
Folk therapy
From oxalates, carrot tea helps well . It is better to take wild carrots. More specifically, her umbrella, along with the seeds. They are washed under running water and placed in a glass, boiling water is poured there. After insisting, you can take a drink. The glass is divided into 4 doses throughout the day.
Another recipe involves the use of lingonberry infusion. In one third of a glass placed lingonberry. The rest is filled with boiled water. The remedy is infused 24 hours.
Buckwheat and rice with crystalluria
To remove salts from the body, cereals - buckwheat and rice - are good at helping. Before going to bed, such a composition is prepared: 2 tablespoons of buckwheat should be washed and filled with a glass of kefir. The next morning they eat the porridge, and so 5 days. During this period, the metabolism will improve and the body will cleanse.
It will take more time to prepare the rice medicine, and its taste will be less pleasant. But such porridge will serve as an excellent sorbent for removing salts. For cooking, you need three tablespoons of rice cereal and 1 liter of water, which is used to fill the rice itself. Leave the infusion until the morning, the next morning the liquid is drained and new water is poured, after which the product is put on fire and boiled for 5 minutes. Then the water is again drained, a new one is poured, boiling is repeated. And so 4 times. For the fifth time, rice can be eaten, after which no other food can be consumed for 3 hours.
In general, crystalluria is treated according to the same standard scheme as other urinary tract diseases. But, despite this, one can not do without medical help, as well as without diagnosis. After the examination, the doctor will be able to select the medicines so that they help as much as possible with the disease. Now you know what it is - crystalluria, which means that you are already armed against this disease.