The main symptoms of fainting: description and first aid

Many people have fainted. Sometimes they themselves experienced this phenomenon, sometimes - someone from those around them. It is because of the prevalence and unexpectedness of this condition that it is important to know the main clinical signs of fainting. The ability to provide first aid in this situation can save a person's life. The article discusses the most common signs of fainting and methods of dealing with it.

signs of fainting

What is fainting?

This concept refers to short-term loss of consciousness. The duration of this condition is from a few seconds to ten minutes. Most often it is the first option.

Studies have shown that in this way the brain tries to protect itself from hypoxia. Due to oxygen starvation, the body's protective system accelerates blood circulation, and the victim loses consciousness. Usually, in this situation, a person falls, and because the body takes a horizontal position, it becomes easier for the heart to work (since the vessels are in a plane not pointing up). The amount of oxygen from such manipulations increases, and the symptoms of oxygen starvation disappear. It is after this that a person usually comes to himself.

signs of fainting in humans

And although the duration of such a phenomenon is relatively short, any complications are not excluded. Therefore, if a person begins to faint (symptoms), it is better to help him immediately.

The difference between fainting and loss of consciousness

These concepts are often used as synonyms, but there are still differences between them. The following formulations can identify signs of fainting and manifestations of loss of consciousness:

  1. With fainting, the overall muscle tone does not decrease. That is, a person does not go limp like a limp doll. Loss of consciousness completely relaxes all the muscles of the victim.
  2. Protective reflexes of the body do not fade with fainting. Being fainted, a person breathes, but loss of consciousness can deprive him of this opportunity. In addition, in the latter case, tongue retention is often observed , which, in turn, can lead to obstruction of the airways and even death.
  3. A convulsive condition can be a clear symptom of loss of consciousness. By this action, the brain signals a serious threat to the body. Again, it must be borne in mind that this option is also characteristic of epilepsy attacks. But this is not typical for fainting.

signs of fainting are

Causes of fainting

The following factors are usually referred to the phenomena that provoked the syncope:

  1. Emotional shock, as well as the appearance of extremely severe pain. This also includes shock and fear. In such situations, a sharp drop in pressure is observed, due to which the blood flow worsens. Signs of fainting literally appear immediately.
  2. Weakening of the body, loss of strength. If a person for a long time is malnourished, lack of sleep and is very nervous, then he is at risk. The situation scheme is the same: pressure drops, fainting is observed.
  3. A long stay in a room where there is smoke or just a little oxygen. If the air in the room is oversaturated with cigarette smoke, a person may faint due to severe oxygen starvation.
  4. Long stay in a standing position and without movements. It has been repeatedly noted that people in long lines often faint. Due to the absence or insufficiency of motor activity, blood stagnates in the region of the lower extremities, and this interferes with normal blood flow.

main clinical signs of fainting

Types of Fainting

Scientists have long since deduced an impressive number of types of short-term loss of consciousness. Among them:

  1. Orthostatic fainting. Usually it occurs with a sharp change in body position - if you suddenly get out of a prone position. There is dizziness and “cottoniness” in the legs. This state is dangerous by the risk of falling and injuring oneself.
  2. High Altitude Fainting. This happens to a person usually at an unusual height for him, for example, when climbing a mountain.
  3. Convulsive. The name itself explains the whole meaning - there are signs of fainting that are more characteristic of loss of consciousness: convulsions and a change in complexion.
  4. Vasodepressor. Possible due to severe overstrain, stress and fatigue. A drop in heart rate and pressure are the signs of fainting in this case. To quickly get a person out of this state, you just need to lay him on a completely horizontal surface.
  5. Anemic fainting. With a decrease in hemoglobin, a person is at risk. Especially susceptible to this phenomenon are the elderly.
  6. Fainting in violation of heart rhythms. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, this phenomenon is a frequent guest. Signs of cardiac fainting are the same as with normal, the only difference is that the frequency of heart beats either drops significantly (less than 40 beats per minute), or very increases (more than 180-200 beats per minute).

There are other types and subspecies of short-term loss of consciousness, but they are less common.

Symptoms of fainting

Symptoms are characterized by dizziness, severe weakness, nausea, icy sweat (usually felt in the back), tinnitus, blurred vision (until the so-called “white noise” appears before the eyes), severe pallor and gray skin.

Already in a swoon, a person usually falls, the pupils stop responding to light sources, the pulse worsens or disappears altogether, breathing becomes weak.

what are the signs of fainting

After a swoon, the victim is still very weak, and he is not advised to try to get up for some more time. This may cause another attack.

So, common signs of fainting are weakness and a fall. If one of those around you fell, and the symptom of this situation is exactly like a short-term loss of consciousness, you need not to get lost, but immediately start acting.

What should I do if a person faints?

Firstly, you can’t panic. First, it is necessary to free more space around the victim and ensure an influx of fresh air. Then the task is to ensure a horizontal position, so that the head is below the whole body, and the legs are even higher. This is necessary for an early flow of blood to the brain.

Next, you should turn the person on his side so that in case of vomiting he does not choke. After these manipulations, it is necessary to wipe the victim's face with a wet towel or let it smell cotton wool moistened with ammonia. At low body temperature, you need to cover a person with a warm blanket.

What can not be done with a person in a swooning state?

The rules for first aid for fainting recommend placing the victim in a horizontal position, but it is important to remember that the head should still be slightly below the general level. In no case should you try to put a person on his feet. The victim can only be seated if there is no way to lay him on the floor or simply on the ground. And even in this case, it is necessary to tilt the victim’s head below the knees.

signs of heart fainting

And of course, the main rule: if someone around you fainted, you can’t do nothing. The risk of concussion in case of short-term loss of consciousness is very high, and the lack of help in this case threatens the appearance of a variety of complications, in some cases it leads to death.

How to prevent fainting?

To avoid such a dangerous condition, you need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. It is the lack of control over food and sleep, systematic overwork and stress that lead to fainting. As a means to combat stress, you can drink a course of valerian or use any other sedative. Of course, before taking any medicine, you should visit a doctor.

fainting signs help

As little as possible you need to be in stuffy rooms, if possible, you should abandon bad habits. It is advisable to breathe fresh air more often, engage in feasible sports, or simply replace the trip by public transport with a walk. This is the only way to exclude yourself from the risk group.


The danger of short-term loss of consciousness is undeniable. At a minimum, you can injure yourself in the cranial box and even the brain, and in case of untimely assistance, other complications are likely. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your own health, as well as the health of your loved ones. Knowing what are the signs of fainting in a person, you can even save more than one life. For this reason, you need to be more attentive to others and be sure to provide all possible assistance to casual passers-by. If a person has signs of fainting, do not pass by!

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