Actor Vladimir Epifantsev, filmography. The best films with the participation of Vladimir Epifantsev

Epiphanians filmography
Most of us are familiar with actor Vladimir Epifantsev. His filmography has many vivid memorable roles. We are used to seeing him on the screen as a felon, then a law enforcement officer, or a bandit. And what is he like in life? What films did you star in? How did his film career develop? We will learn about all this from this article.

short biography

From childhood, Vladimir was familiar with the world of cinema. He was born in the family of actor Georgy Epifantsev, whom we well know for his participation in the film "The Sullen River" and other paintings. The elder brother of the future artist, Mikhail, also starred a lot. Volodya’s childhood passed in Moscow. Here he studied, brought up and grew up. In addition to studying, he was interested in sports. After leaving school, he decided to continue the acting dynasty and enter the Moscow Art Theater. But, contrary to expectations, they did not accept him there. The actor now explains this circumstance with the then conflict of his father with the leadership of the university. Soon, the actor entered GITIS on the course of Ivanov V.V. It is known that he successfully completed it. Vladimir had to feel the bitterness of loss early. In 1992, as a result of an accident under the wheels of a train, his father, Georgy Semenovich, was killed. And in 1998, under obscure circumstances, his elder brother Mikhail, who, although he was a successful actor, died of drugs due to family troubles. Volodya was the only earner in a large family. He helped his mother and younger sister, who became a single mother and raised her young children. Now the actor Epifantsev is married and happy in marriage. His wife Anastasia is 13 years younger than him. They have two wonderful sons with rare sonorous names - Gordey and Orpheus. Vladimir is a wonderful father and caring husband.

films with epifantsevym

Trash master

The first appearance on the screen of a young actor, we can say, was scandalous. It happened in the second half of the 90s. Here it’s worth recalling Volodya’s parody of a commercial of a well-known brand of washing powder. Epifantsev’s character appeared in front of the audience with a chainsaw in his hands with the words: “Are you still boiling? And we are already chopping! We’ll come to you soon! ” After that, severed heads and pools of blood appeared in the frame. Just awful! And what does the Sandman program with the artist’s participation cost, which was aired on TV-6 in 1997–98 and subsequently closed with the wording “for the promotion of sex and violence”? Further, Epifantsev personally staged unusual performances with speaking names, such as “The seduction of the shrew,” “Jesus cried,” “Blood stream,” and others. Here he showed himself as a director. Then followed the actor’s participation in the sensational film “Green Elephant”, where he played a major role. This film was shot in a "dirty" manner. It described the relations of officers in a closed military unit. Everything that was previously banned burst out in such an unsightly and even ugly form. Now Vladimir regrets that he took part in this film work. He says that he himself does not understand how he agreed to a role in such a film. Many viewers expressed their negative attitude to the picture. Some of them admitted that they could not force themselves to watch half of the film.

films featuring Epifantsev

The beginning of a film career

I wonder how Vladimir Epifantsev started in a big movie ? His filmography begins with the tiny role of a felon in the famous film Border. Taiga novel. " Then only minor episodes in the pictures followed. Here you can recall such films as “Five Bottles of Vodka”, “Turetsky March”, “Antikiller-2” and others, where Vladimir Epifantsev starred. The main roles were not given to him for a long time, and this circumstance very upset the young talented artist. This continued until 2004. And then the director Vadim Ostrovsky invited him to the role of the terrorist Alexander Solomin, nicknamed Filin in the picture “Attempt”. This film was a turning point in the fate of the artist. In the story, Epifantsev’s character is hired by political criminals in order to kill the prime minister. This was followed by the actor’s participation in the mystical thriller Full Moon, where he played the servant of the law, Anton Mikhaylishin, who investigated mysterious murders in a village near Moscow.

The film "Lucky" - the finest hour in the fate of the actor

2006 was a turning point in the film career of Epifantsev. Then came the action film by Vladimir Yakanin called "Fartovy", where the actor played a major role. His character Vadim Uporov was wrongfully convicted. He spends many years in the Stalinist camps. Viewers in this film can watch the brutal scenes in the Gulag, where a showdown between thieves and the escape of convicts is commonplace. After the release of this picture, the actor woke up famous. The audience loved him. This film once again proves that films with Epifantsev are always an unforgettable, holding in great tension spectacle.

The film "Two of the Casket" and the adoration of the audience

films with the participation of Vladimir Epifantsev

In the same year, the actor starred in another sensational film - "Two of the Casket." This is a detective adventure series. Here Vladimir played a harsh, but serious and thorough private detective nicknamed “The Wolf”, which revealed intricate crimes. The film has a somewhat humorous connotation. Paired with Epifantsev plays a wonderful actor Andrei Zibrov. His character is an ironic journalist who helps the protagonist with investigations. Their verbal skirmishes invariably cause smiles on viewers.

Creative crisis

We can review films with Vladimir Epifantsev several times. It seems that he was always lucky in the movies. However, he, like every creative person, sometimes has crises. One of them occurred in 2007-2009. Then the actor starred very little. During this time, we can only note his role in the film "Invincible", where he played the special agent of Russian intelligence Yegor Kremnev.

"Generation" P ""

The film “Invincible” aroused great interest from the audience, like many other films with Epifantsev. Perhaps it was this role that gave impetus to the actor in order to continue his film career. And already in 2011, he starred in the mystical tragicomedy "Generation" P "" Eugene Ginzburg. This picture is a film adaptation of Victor Pelevin’s novel, written about the generation of Russian people who grew up during the economic and political reforms of the 90s. This work was written immediately after the collapse of the USSR. For millions of people living in the post-Soviet space, it has become a revelation. Vladimir Epifantsev got the main role here. He played Vavilen of Tatar.

The complete filmography of Vladimir Epifantsev

films with Vladimir Epifantsev

Despite his young age, the actor has already managed to star in many films. Films with Epifantsev's participation are always an unforgettable sight. Here is a complete list of films starring the actor:

• "Green Elephant" (2000) - one of the officers;

• "Border. Taiga novel" - series (2000) - a fugitive felon;

• "Five bottles of vodka" (2001);

• "Turkish March" (season 3) - TV series (2002) - Kolya Panov;

• "Antikiller-2" (2003) - skinhead;

• "Secret sign-3. Formula of happiness" (2004) - Magny Ignatievich Zubarev, a former prisoner;

• "Attempt" (2004) - hitman Solomin, nicknamed "Eagle Owl";

• "Full Moon" (2005) - law enforcement officer Anton Mikhaylishin;

• "Oh, frost, frost!" (2005) - Scrap;

• "Mom, do not worry! -2" (2005) - Swara;

• "Alexander Garden" - series (2005) - Sergey Martynov;

• “I stay” (2006) - director of the funeral agency Anton;

• Fartovy (2006) - Vadim Uporov;

• "Russian translation" (2006) - translator Sergey Epifantsev;

• "Insatiable" (2006) - Rocky;

filmography of Vladimir Epifantsev

• "My General" (2006) - Pavel;

• "Alive" (2006) - Igor, a ghost;

• "Two of the casket" (2006) - Peter Volkov;

• "Marking" (2007) - a guy in a helmet;

• "The Yellow Dragon" (2007) - Fedor;

• "Waiting for a miracle" (2007) - a trainer in the gym;

• "Canned food" (2007);

• “Invincible” (2008) - special agent Yegor Kremnev;

• “The Best Grandmother” (2009) - single father Misha;

• "Marine Patrol-2" - the series (2009) - Mikhas;

• "Man from nowhere" (2010) - Sergey Mikhailovich Kutepov;

• "Mortal Kombat" (2010) - Captain Nikolai Belov;

• "Promotion" (2010) - episodic role;

• "The Last Minute" (2010);

• "In hot pursuit" (2010) - Stas;

• "Escape" (2010) - Cyril Panin;

• "Life-long Night" (2010) - captain of the MGB Mikhail Khodorov;

• "New Year's detective" (2010) - Alexander Sergeevich;

• "Compensation" (2010) - investigator;

• "The Krapivins Case" (2010) - Yegor Orshanin;

• "Gangs" (2010) - Lyokha Shvetsov;

• “Comrade Police” (2011) - “Vaidot” killer, Konstantin Yartsev;

• The Real (2011) - Vilen Larionov;

• “Love at the Two Poles”, Ukraine (2011) - Kirill Filin;

• "House" (2011) - Pashka Shamanov;

• “Generation“ P ”” (2011) - Vavilen Tatarsky;

• "Spy" (2012) - Kogan;

• "Dog Work" (2012);

• "Podstav" (2012);

• "Hot on the Trail-2" (2012);

• "Escape-2" (2012) - Cyril Panin;

• "Flint" (2012) - Andrey Shamanov;

• "For Marx" (2012);

• "Bro-3. Continuation" - the series (2012);

• "Bachelor", Ukraine (2013) - Zverev;

• "Fight" (2013);

• "It all started in Harbin" (2013) - Valentin Vitalievich Krakhmalnikov.

Epiphans main roles
Recent work of the actor

Vladimir Epifantsev starred in many paintings. His filmography is unusually wide, despite the still young age of the actor. I would like to note one of his last works - a role in the continuation of the sensational action movie "Escape". Vladimir is still playing the hitman Kirill Panin here. The film has a lot of fights, tricks and the like. And the latest pictures with the participation of the actor are the films “It all started in Harbin”, “The Bachelor”, “The Fight”.

Directors about the artist

Interestingly, what do movie masters say about the actor? Most often they associate with the roles of criminals and bandits Vladimir Epifantsev. His filmography is full of such films, where he appears before the audience sometimes in very unsightly images. The directors speak of him as one of the best actors of the new generation. Time dictates its morals. We have fresh memories of the criminal 90s, when power was everything. Vladimir Epifantsev became the embodiment of images of firm, decisive, and sometimes cynical, cruel men. The directors of modern films agree that this actor is never boring for the viewer.

The article describes films with the participation of Vladimir Epifantsev and his biography. He is a beautiful, talented and vibrant actor. Viewers love and respect him.

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