"Kamistad" (gel): instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

Surely every parent was faced with painful teething in babies. In some children, this process is fast and less noticeable. Others suffer more: pain, burning, discomfort, salivation, and temperature. Also during this period, appetite may change, digestive problems occur, and stool becomes more frequent.

Modern drug manufacturers are creating new safe medicines that can alleviate the condition of crumbs. One of these is Kamistad (gel). Instructions for use, price, reviews, the composition of the drug and its features will be presented to your attention in the article.

Kamistad gel instructions for use

Active substances and the principle of their work, form of drug release

Before using the drug "Kamistad" (gel), the instructions for use should be studied thoroughly. The medicine is produced by the German company "Stada". The manufacturer offers the choice of the buyer to purchase the usual drug "Kamistad" or "Kamistad baby." Gel instructions for use recommends keeping out of reach of children. After opening, the drug can be put in the refrigerator or left at room temperature no more than 30 degrees.

The active components of the drug “Kamistad” are lidocaine and extract from chamomile flowers. With the Kamistad Baby, the situation is different. The same chamomile is present here, but polydocanol acts as an anesthetic. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. To some extent, the extract of these flowers belongs to antiseptics. The second component (lidocaine or polydocanol) is an analgesic substance that instantly provides anesthetic, cooling, antipruritic and soothing effects. This component reduces the sensitivity and excitability of sensory receptors, blocks a pain impulse.

The cost of the drug: how to buy "Kamistad"?

A medicine is sold in over-the-counter pharmacies. You do not need an appointment from a doctor to purchase the composition. But still, before use, you need to consult a doctor. The medicine is relatively inexpensive. For 300 rubles you can buy a tube with a volume of 10 grams, on which the name is indicated: "Kamistad" (gel). Instructions for use are attached to each package. Do not ignore it, be sure to read it.

Buying Kamistad Baby is not so easy. Many consumers say that it is not in pharmacies. Indeed, this medicine is new. It has not yet received the trust of consumers, so it is in low demand. Nevertheless, you can also purchase it without a prescription, but at a higher price.

kamistad gel instructions for use for children

Scope of the drug

When does the Kamistad tool (gel) recommend use? The medication is intended for the treatment of the oral mucosa in order to anesthetize, reduce inflammation, eliminate discomfort and discomfort. The drug is prescribed by dentists, therapists, surgeons and pediatricians. The annotation indicates the indications for which it is necessary to apply the composition:

  • gingivitis and stomatitis;
  • irritation of the surface of the gums and oral mucosa due to wearing dentures or braces;
  • teething wisdom, accompanied by painful sensations;
  • the appearance of teeth in young children;
  • erythema of the lips, cheilitis;
  • after surgical and diagnostic interventions in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The annotation also spells out situations in which you should not use the drug “Kamistad”. Gel does not recommend application for use in the presence of high sensitivity to its components. Many people have lidocaine intolerance. If you are allergic to chamomile and excipients, you should also choose an alternative drug. The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. Kamistad is not prescribed for children under 12 years of age. The medicine "Kamistad baby" can be used from the age of three months. Before this period, the medication is contraindicated.

With proper use, the drug does not cause negative reactions. Despite this, there are clinical cases when the medication provoked an allergy. More often this happens with an overdose or ignoring contraindications. Such a side effect is manifested by itching and burning, redness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, edema and other symptoms. In this case, you must definitely cancel the medicine and consult a doctor for help.

Kamistad baby gel instructions for use

The method of using the gel "Kamistad"

How often does Kamistad (gel) be recommended for use? The price of the drug is already known to you. The annotation says that the medicine is applied in a thin layer on the mucous membranes of the mouth 3 times a day. One portion of the drug is equal to a strip in half a centimeter. Given that the drug costs 300 rubles, then depending on the disease and its severity per course, you may need from 300 to 900 rubles. Individual recommendations on this subject are given by the attending physician.

Do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly before applying the drug. Otherwise, new microbes will fall on the inflamed areas, which will lead to a worsening of the condition. Also, after applying the composition, wash your hands with soap. Avoid contact with eyes.

kamistad gel instructions for use price

"Kamistad" (gel): instructions for use for children

If your child is already 12 years old, then you can safely use the usual “Kamistad”. The method of application will be the same as for adults. As you know, it is unacceptable to apply Kamistad gel to infants. Instructions for use, a description of the drug and reviews of doctors - all speak of the dangers of such treatment. The fact is that lidocaine is able to inhibit the swallowing reflex. A small child can simply choke on his own saliva. Also, the active substance is dangerous allergic reaction. After all, you cannot be sure that it will not be.

Children's form of the drug contains a safer anesthetic. You can use such a medication as necessary, but no more than 3 times a day. It is advisable to massage the gums when applying the composition. This will facilitate rapid analgesia. Use the Kamistad medicine for children after meals and at bedtime so that nothing will bother your baby.

Kamistad gel instructions for use price reviews composition

Reviews about the gel "Kamistad"

What do consumers say about this drug? Those people who used the medication report its effectiveness and rapid action. You do not have to wait a long time until the active substance begins to work. The medicine has a tangible effect immediately after application.

Many patients used the gel before meals. More often it is necessary for stomatitis. Despite the manufacturer's instructions, this use helps to reduce pain during meals. As a result, the patient can fully eat without discomfort.

There are also reviews of parents who used the usual “Kamistad” for young children. These mothers and fathers simply did not know about the existence of a medication in a children's form. Consumers say that the drug did not cause any negative reactions in the baby. In fact, this is just luck. If the child is allergic to the active ingredient, then this practice can end very poorly. It is recommended to consult a doctor before using the Kamistad (gel). For children and adults, the instruction (analogues are presented below) makes no difference in this regard.

kamistad instructions for use description

Analogues of the drug

Replace the described medication with many compounds. They have the same or different components. The price of drugs is also different. The most popular products are Holisal, Kalgel, Dentagel, Stomatofit and others. The methods of their application are different, so you should always carefully study the annotation.

  • Cholisal is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic drug. Used in children after a year. It is applied 2-3 times a day with a strip of gel in 1 centimeter.
  • "Kalgel" - a combined local anesthetic drug, has antifungal and antibacterial effects. Used in children from 5 months to 6 times a day.
  • "Dentagel" is a drug with antimicrobial and bacteriostatic effects. Approved for use in adults and children from 6 years. It is applied 2 times a day.

Analogues of the drug may have other dosage forms: tablets, solutions, pastes, and so on.

Kamistad gel instructions for use price reviews


The article describes the effective Kamistad gel for you. Instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues are now known to you. Often this medicine is used without medical prescription. For the consumer, the product is in the public domain. In this case, the medication should be used strictly according to the instructions. Do not exceed the indicated doses, follow the instructions of the annotation. Do not use the medicine in children under 12 years of age. If the drugstore does not have the drug “Kamistad Baby”, then give preference to its substitute, appropriate to the age of your child. Feel good!

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