Dental diseases cause a number of serious concomitant problems. One of the serious pathologies of the oral cavity is adentia. This is a complete or partial absence of teeth. Such a disease causes not only aesthetic discomfort in the patient, but also leads to the development of pathologies in the field of facial bones, and other deviations. What is this disease, its treatment methods will be discussed later.
general characteristics
The pathology of adentia according to ICD-10 received the code K 00.0. This serious disease belongs to the category of dental ailments. This term means that a person does not have part or all of the teeth in the oral cavity. This happens due to their loss or improper development.
Adentia is not only a cosmetic defect. If violations of tooth row continuity or their complete absence are detected in the mouth, a person has problems with chewing and speech function. In severe cases, this disease is characterized by deformation of the skeleton of the face. If you do not take the right treatment, diseases of the temporomandibular joint appear.
When there is a fact of adentia, in which some teeth are still in the oral cavity, without the right treatment, an immediate deterioration of the situation can be expected. The remaining teeth will have an increased mechanical effect. They will quickly collapse and fall out.
Over time, there are violations in the digestive tract, diction, jaw gestures. This leads to psychological complexes. A person does not feel confident in communication. This is reflected in his relationship with others.
It is important to conduct timely diagnosis and treatment of this pathology. You need to see a dentist. He will palpate, do an x-ray and orthopantomography. Based on the information received, it will be possible to make the right decision on further treatment.
There are several varieties of adentia. ICD 10 distinguishes the following:
- partial primary;
- partial secondary;
- complete primary;
- full secondary.
The listed varieties differ in causes and time of occurrence. Adentia of temporary and permanent teeth is also distinguished.
If a person does not have the rudiments of the teeth, this adentia is true or congenital. If their growth is delayed or the merging of neighboring crowns is determined, such a disease is called false.
Partial is called adentia, in which several teeth are missing. If they do not exist at all, it is called complete. By congenital partial adentia is meant the absence of up to 10 teeth. Usually, second premolars, upper incisors and third molars are not enough. If more than 10 teeth are missing in the oral cavity, this is multiple adentia.
With a secondary type of pathology, 1-15 teeth may be missing on one jaw. In orthopedic dentistry, there is a special classification (according to Kennedy) of varieties of secondary pathology of a partial type. According to her, 4 groups of similar defects are distinguished:
- I class - bilateral end defect.
- Class II - one-sided end defect.
- Class III - one-sided defect included.
- IV class - frontal defect included.
Each of these classes is divided into subclasses. In dental orthopedics, the concepts of symmetric and asymmetric adentia are also used in the classification of pathology.
The causes of the disease
Adentia in children and adults can be caused by various reasons. If the disease manifests itself at an early age, this is in most cases associated with the death or absence of tooth rudiments. Pathology in this case is caused by genetic disorders. Also, the absence of tooth rudiments can form under the influence of harmful factors that acted on the fetus during pregnancy. The laying of temporary teeth occurs at 7-10 weeks of fetal development. Permanent teeth form at the 17th week of pregnancy. If at that time a woman was exposed to negative external factors (radiation, alcohol, poisons, etc.), the child may have similar problems.
It is worth noting that complete congenital adentia is a very rare occurrence. The reason for it is in most cases ectodermal hereditary dysplasia. In this case, not only the teeth are underdeveloped in the child, but also the skin, hair, nerves and lenses of the eyes.
In addition, the primary form of the disease, in which the teeth are completely absent, can form under the influence of endocrine disruptions, infectious pathologies. Sometimes this is due to a lack of mineral components in the body.
Secondary adentia is formed under the influence of the loss of human teeth during life. This usually happens due to diseases of enamel, pulp. Also, tooth loss can be a consequence of periodontitis, periodontitis. In some cases, this disease is caused by trauma. Often teeth are removed with advanced stages of pulp disease, when the structure of bone tissue is destroyed. Other diseases that cause a secondary type of pathology are:
- periostitis;
- odontogenic osteomyelitis;
- pericoronitis;
- phlegmon;
- abscess;
- other things.
Improper jaw surgery or therapy can cause tooth loss in adulthood.
Complete primary and acquired pathology
Primary complete adentia of the jaw is a congenital form of the presented disease. In this case, the patient has no teeth in both the upper and lower rows. They are not present in both the milk and the permanent bite. In this case, pathologies in the development of the shape of the face are expressed.
Since the jaw is less stressed due to the lack of teeth, it decreases below. The supramental fold becomes pronounced, and the sky is flat. Sometimes such changes are supplemented by a complete lack of hair (eyebrows, eyelashes). The mucous membranes become pale, dry. Skin ages early.
If a person is diagnosed with this form of the disease, he cannot bite or chew. He consumes only liquid food. This form of the disease affects not only the jaw, but also the respiratory tract. A child cannot learn to speak correctly. Articulatory defects inhibit its development in this direction. The child does not pronounce a large number of sounds.
The acquired full adentia of the upper and lower jaw has some differences from the previous form. In the process of life, a person has formed complete teeth. They carried out the functions assigned to them in full. However, for various reasons, a person lost all his molars over time.
Such a pathology is characterized by a strong shift of the lower jaw. The soft tissues of the face and lips subside due to a similar pathology. New specific wrinkles appear. The jaw of a person is reduced. In this case, large mechanical loads act on the alveolar process. The hard tissues that are present in the mouth atrophy. A person completely loses the ability to chew solid food. Because of this, nutrition and gastrointestinal tract disorders occur. Desna is also deformed. Lugs appear on it.
Partial primary and acquired pathology
Primary partial adentia can be seen by parents. There are certain standards that characterize the process of teething in children. At a certain age, there should be a fixed amount. At the age of two, the presence of an adentia of the presented type is indicated by the absence of about 20 teeth. Also, they may be few, they stop growing.
Similar symptoms indicate that the child develops a primary partial type of pathology. The shortage of teeth becomes noticeable. Between the grown teeth because of this, gaps appear.
Due to the partial absence of teeth, underdevelopment of the jaw can be observed. They can grow heaped. In other areas, gaps are observed. Due to improper development of the jaw and teeth, various chronic diseases appear.
Partial secondary adentia is manifested by the loss of some teeth. Chewing function is reduced gradually. The remaining teeth under the influence of the load can move away from each other. Sometimes there is no bite function. After a while, the more teeth are lost, the more difficult it will be for a person to chew. The bone will gradually atrophy. She's getting thinner.
The remaining teeth suffer due to double loading. They withstand mechanical stresses for themselves and their neighbor. This leads to a quick erasure of the enamel. A person feels cold, hot. Tooth sensitivity leads to a deterioration in the quality of life. It is becoming difficult to eat a number of foods.
There are cases when in the process of chewing due to the lack of a large number of teeth on one side there was a subluxation of the TMJ. This leads to a change in the shape of the face over time. With a violation of the process of biting and chewing food, the digestive system suffers. A person may suffer from gastritis, colitis, and also, over time, a stomach ulcer.
Diagnosis in children
Secondary and primary adentia requires proper diagnosis. This is required to select the right treatment method. This is especially important with a congenital type of pathology, otherwise you can make mistakes in the conclusions and make a serious mistake. If the diagnosis is made incorrectly, and the baby’s tooth growth is simply late (they may grow later), and artificial teeth have already been established, this will lead to the development of serious complications.
Therefore, conducting a comprehensive diagnosis is very responsible. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will be able to make a reliable forecast, make the right decisions about further actions during treatment.
In children with the development of adentia, a number of negative consequences are manifested. It is difficult for them to chew food that is supposed to be consumed at a certain age. Therefore, diagnostics must be carried out quickly. Sometimes prosthetics cannot be dispensed with. In this case, parallel diagnostics are carried out. Only on the basis of this information is a decision made whether prostheses can be placed on the child.
The doctor conducts a clinical examination. He collects medical history data, compiles a complete protocol. Next, the bite is determined. This allows you to identify factors that prevent the establishment of artificial teeth or other mechanisms. It is important to make an x-ray of the oral cavity, this is an informative type of examination that allows you to make the correct prognosis. The picture shows whether the child has tooth rudiments.
Diagnosis in adults
Secondary adentia (partial or complete) also requires proper diagnosis. The dentist collects a series of data on the basis of which adequate treatment can be prescribed in a particular case. For this, computed tomography (CT) or radiography is done. Such measures are necessary in order to establish whether a person has uncracked teeth. This is possible even in adulthood.
Tomography is a more informative method. For children, this effect is not applied, since the dose of exposure to x-rays for them is quite large. In this case, children can not sit still even 5 minutes.
Tomography allows you to create a three-dimensional image of the jaw. The x-ray image provides only a two-dimensional image. Therefore, CT is much more informative. The result of this examination allows you to determine the number of tooth canals, their length. Thanks to this picture, the doctor will be able to choose the optimal type of prosthesis for a person. CT is also prescribed before dental implants.
A picture taken with a tomograph reveals accurate information about the movement of teeth. It clearly shows the state of the roots that are in the gum.
Complete tooth loss treatment
Adentia treatment is required in any case, regardless of the type of disease. It is worth considering that the methods used by orthopedic dentists may differ slightly with partial and complete loss of teeth. There are also certain features in the treatment of pathology in children and adults.
With complete loss of teeth, the only way out is prosthetics. The doctor may prescribe removable or stationary varieties of artificial teeth. In any case, you need to install them as soon as possible. Otherwise, the bones of the face, temporomandibular joints are deformed. Degenerative changes are irreversible. Therefore, timely treatment is urgently needed.
Living with adentia is not easy at any age. Therefore, the doctor prescribes prosthetics immediately after a comprehensive diagnosis. An exception is the age of three or even four years. Prosthetics are not performed for young children. Only when the child is 3 years old, parents should worry about the issue of installing dentures for their baby.
For adults, treatment is prescribed immediately. Immediately after diagnosis, the correct prosthesis is made. It must be installed immediately.
The cost of prosthetics is different. The price depends on the method of treatment. If a person needs a removable prosthesis, its cost is about 15 thousand rubles. If implantation is carried out, the cost of one tooth is about 35 thousand rubles.
Types of prosthetics for complete tooth loss
With full adentia of the upper and lower jaw, the doctor will advise you to install prostheses. They may be different. The choice depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, as well as the financial capabilities of the person.
One of the most expensive methods of treating the presented disease is dental implantation. To install both rows completely, not everyone will decide. This procedure is very expensive. Therefore, only a few teeth are implanted. Other prostheses will be fixed on them.
You can install fixed prostheses. First, two implants are implanted. Artificial teeth are fixed on them, which make up a series of bridge-like structures adjacent to each other. Only a specialist can remove them if necessary.
One of the cheapest types of prosthetics is the use of removable structures. This technique has been used by mankind for quite some time. These are plate or clasp constructions. They are mounted on the jaw. In this case, there are no supporting teeth in the tissues. The patient can independently remove these prostheses as necessary.
Partial tooth loss treatment
Partial adentia is eliminated using similar techniques. But there is a certain difference between them. Often with this form of the disease, implantation of supporting teeth is not required. An orthopedic design is created, which is fixed to the remaining teeth.
The presented designs can be removable or stationary. The choice depends on a number of factors. The doctor takes into account the wishes of the patient, as well as the level of his income. When choosing a prosthesis, an orthopedist necessarily pays attention to the anatomical features of the oral cavity, jaws. The degree of the disease also affects the choice of prosthesis.
Having examined the features of the presented ailment, we can say that adentia is a serious dental disease, which, without proper treatment, leads to the development of a mass of negative consequences. It can appear at any age. Adentia requires proper diagnosis and timely treatment.