They note that it has a very effective effect on excess weight in type II diabetes mellitus drug "Victoza", reviews. Weight loss occurs due to the effect on the body of the active substance liraglutide, which normalizes the function of the pancreas, lowers blood sugar, slows down the process of digestion of food, which gives the human body a feeling of satiety. The drug is serious and should be used only as directed by a doctor.
Composition and form of release
They warn that far not everyone can use the medicine “Victoza”, reviews. Losing weight here is indicated only for people with grade II diabetes, all other people should use it with extreme caution, since a strong decrease in blood sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
The drug is manufactured in Denmark by Novo Nordisk A / C in the form of a solution. 1 ml contains about 6 ml of liraglutide. The substance is colorless and odorless. Auxiliary components in the composition of the medication are sodium hydroxide, propylene glycol, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, phenol, distilled water.
The Victoza solution is placed in a glass cartridge, which, in turn, is sealed in a syringe pen for multiple injections. It is packed in a cardboard box, where in addition to the instructions, there can be from 1 to 3 syringe pens. Each such syringe is designed for thirty doses of 0.6 mg, for fifteen injections of 1.2 mg and for ten subcutaneous injections of 1.8 mg.
The expiration date of the hermetically sealed preparation is 30 months. Do not use the drug after the date indicated on the package. The solution should be stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 ° C. It must not be frozen. The shelf life of the pen used is one month.
Is the drug effective for losing weight?
They say that it helps to lose extra pounds using the drug "Victoza", reviews. Weight loss is due to the normalization of blood sugar and a decrease in appetite.
The effect of the drug was investigated by European scientists on overweight people. 564 people took part in the experiment. The subjects were divided into three groups, and all of them were under the control of specialists. Patients had to adhere to proper nutrition, reduce the calorie content of their diet and devote time to physical activity. At the same time, the first group of opponents took a placebo, the second - "Xenical", and people from the third category - "Victoza".
The results of the experiment showed that of those taking a placebo, they were able to reduce their weight only 30%. In the Xenical group, about 44% of patients who lost weight were observed. The effectiveness of the third group was 75%.
This indicator characterizes a good result of weight loss in people who used the drug "Victoza." Instructions for use (reviews of some patients note headaches and nausea during periods of treatment with this drug) recommends it to patients with diabetes mellitus II degree. The medicine reduces appetite, improves the general well-being of such patients, stabilizes sugar levels. Patients managed to keep the weight lost as a result of using this product for a sufficiently long period even after the cancellation of Victoza.
People who used this remedy noted a weight loss of 7 to 10 kg in one month. But despite this, Victoza is a very serious drug that can cause the most unexpected consequences, so before using it you need to consult a specialist and a full examination of the body.
If the thought of losing weight with Victoza is haunting, then in addition to the solution, an additional set of measures should be applied for successful weight loss.
Additional measures to help you lose weight with Victoza
It should be borne in mind that when using the Victoza remedy (reviews of some ladies note a stable weight loss of up to 5 kg per month, but they didn’t always feel good), additional measures will be necessary to lose weight to enhance the effect.
First of all, you should observe the drinking regime and drink at least 1.5 liters of pure still water daily. Unsweetened green tea, chicory, mineral water and ginger tea are allowed as drinks.
During the use of the drug, one should not forget about physical activity, which should be devoted daily from 30 minutes to an hour. This can be exercises, exercises on simulators, hoop, jump rope, cycling and skiing, swimming, fitness. Even the most ordinary walking will speed up the process of losing weight.
When losing weight with "Viktoza" you should adhere to proper nutrition. The menu should be balanced and low-calorie. High-fat foods, as well as salted, smoked, and fried foods, should be excluded. It is necessary to abandon the sweet, starchy and spicy. Such a diet allows you to gradually reduce weight and prevent the appearance of extra pounds in the future.
All of the above activities in the most beneficial way affect the state of health, improve well-being and accelerate the process of losing weight.
pharmachologic effect
The drug “Victoza” has a hypoglycemic property. Reviews (weight loss in diabetics with the use of this drug occurs gradually, without jumps) note tangible results with weight loss (up to 15 kg per month) and an improvement in overall well-being.
The active substance of the drug is 97% similar to the human glucagon-like peptide - GLP-1. It is obtained in a biotechnological way. This component binds to GLP-1 receptors, which are the target for incretin produced in the human body.
It is incretin that increases insulin production in response to an increase in blood glucose. Also, the effect of liraglutide in the composition of the drug inhibits the production of glucagon. Despite this, in the presence of hypoglycemia, the active substance lowers the production of insulin and does not affect the production of glucagon in any way.
The effective impact on the patients with type II diabetes mellitus of the drug "Victoza" is noted by doctors. Weight loss occurs due to the normalization of the functions of the pancreas, a decrease in blood sugar and a decrease in appetite. The drug increases the production of beta cells. Another effect of this drug slows the development of diabetes. The effect after administration of the drug into the body is observed throughout the day.
The absorption of the drug occurs in slow motion, only after 8-12 hours the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is observed.
The bioavailability of the drug is 55%. 98% of it binds to blood proteins. Throughout the day, liraglutide remains in the body unchanged. The half-life of the drug is 13 hours.
Indication and contraindications
The medicine “Victoza” (instructions and reviews draw attention to the need to consult a doctor before using this drug) is prescribed for type II diabetes mellitus. In this case, the solution can be used both with monotherapy and with complex treatment with oral hypoglycemic agents, such as Dibetolong, Glibenclamide and Metformin. Another “Victoza” can be used in complex treatment with insulin, if the use of previous combinations of medicines has not yielded results.
In all of the above cases, therapy should be accompanied by a therapeutic diet and exercise.
The drug is prohibited for use in type I diabetes mellitus, as well as if there is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. You can not use the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Contraindications to use are ketoacidosis, colitis, heart failure and paresis of the gastric organ. It is not recommended to appoint "Vicose" to persons under 18 years of age.
The drug "Victoza": instructions for use
The drug is administered once a day, subcutaneously, in the abdomen, shoulder or thigh, regardless of the meal. It is recommended to inject the drug “Victoza” (instructions for use describe in detail the method of use of this medication) at the same time. The medicine can not be used for intramuscular administration and especially for intravenous administration.
The initial daily dosage of this agent should not exceed 0.6 mg. Gradually, over a week, it is increased to 1.2 mg. If necessary, then over the next seven days, gradually increase the dose to 1.8 mg. A daily dose of 1.8 mg is the maximum allowable.
Doctors advise Victoza solution to supplement metformin treatment. It is recommended to use it together with metformin and thiazolidinedione. The dose of the latest drugs can not be changed.
The drug is used in the treatment of sulfonylureas and in the treatment of metformin with sulfonylureas. In the latter case, the content of sulfonylurea derivatives is reduced to prevent the occurrence of unwanted hypoglycemia.
Here, dose selection is not required depending on the age of the patient. With caution, Victoza should be used by persons of the age group of 75 years.
It is acceptable to use the drug without dose adjustment in patients with renal insufficiency of mild to moderate severity. In severe pathologies of kidney function, this remedy is contraindicated. Also, you can not enter the drug in people with kidney disease of varying severity.
Side effects
The drug "Victoza" (reviews say that the drug is quite expensive, but it works efficiently and the result is worth the money) when used, it can provoke nausea, vomiting reflex, diarrhea and pain in the intestine. During the administration of the drug, loss of appetite and anorexia are observed from time to time. Improper use of the drug can cause a hypoglycemic state, headache.
There is a chance of some discomfort at the injection site. In some cases, the drug provokes infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
With caution, you should use the medicine for pancreatitis, since its exacerbation is possible. In some cases, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland occurs. The tool can provoke the occurrence of goiter and other neoplasms.
If the above symptoms occur, the use of Victoza should be discontinued.
The medicine "Victoza": reviews of patients and doctors
All doctors, without exception, consider this drug to be serious and recommend using it strictly according to the indications, that is, in the presence of type II diabetes mellitus. Only in this case, treatment with this agent will give a good result, because overweight plays a decisive role here.
The remedy used for its intended purpose prevents the development of diabetes and its complications. Effectively lowers glucose levels and restores the natural production of insulin. Victosa pacifies appetite and dulls hunger. Some patients managed to lose up to 8 kg per month. Doctors warn that the medicine should not be prescribed on your own and lose weight spontaneously with it. It can cause thyroid cancer and provoke the appearance of acute pancreatitis. Uncontrolled use of Victoza.
Reviews of those who have lost weight are very different. Negative say a slight weight loss, 1-3 kg per month. Deteriorating health, metabolic disorders, headaches and indigestion are noted. They don’t see the need to buy it anymore, because you still need to follow a diet and pay attention to fitness. As a rule, these persons used the drug without a doctor’s prescription and without direct evidence.
Positive impact of the drug "Victoza" reviews of patients with type II diabetes. These people indicate a large weight loss, 8-15 kg per month. It was possible to achieve such results not only by the effect of the medicine on the body, but also by proper nutrition and physical activity. Patients indicate lightness throughout the body, improved functioning of the cardiovascular system, decreased appetite and loss of unwanted pounds. These people were satisfied with the effectiveness of the Victoza solution.
It is recommended that the drug “Viktoza” be used strictly as prescribed by the doctor. And analogues, and this medicine can not be prescribed for yourself, without examination, since the consequences can be very sad. If the drug “Victoza” did not fit and caused side effects, then it can be replaced by similar drugs, such as “Saksenda” and “Baeta”. The first is similar to “Viktoza” in terms of active substance and properties. It costs about 27,000 rubles. The second has another active component, but is similar in its effect on the body and indications. Its price is around 4,500 rubles.
Cost of medicine
The drug “Victoza” belongs to expensive drugs (reviews of doctors note the need for a complete examination of the body before using this tool). Its cost in a 3 ml syringe pen No. 2 varies in the region of 7-10 thousand rubles. The drug is sold in ordinary pharmacies and dispensed only by prescription.
Victoza solution is indispensable for people with type II diabetes, but all other people should use it strictly as prescribed.