"Cinnarizine" for children - instructions for use, features and reviews

When is Cinnarizine prescribed? Children are given an individual dosage of the drug depending on the disease. The medicine relieves headaches and other pain symptoms well, successfully treats vascular disorders. It is prescribed not only to school-age children, but even to infants. In the latter case, an experienced doctor should diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.


Unfortunately, these days many newborns are diagnosed with high intracranial pressure. What should parents do in this case? The main thing is not to despair, because there is an effective remedy for this ailment. Children "Cinnarizine" is prescribed in the minimum dosage, but if there are no improvements, then it is increased gradually. Increased intracranial pressure over time can lead to dementia, so parents should strictly follow the recommendations of their doctor.

cinnarizine for children

The medicine is released in white round biconvex tablets. Fifty pieces in a pack. "Cinnarizine" is recommended for children under one year old if there are problems with the central nervous system. It affects the smooth muscles of blood vessels, reduces the response to nutrients. The medicine dilates the vessels of the brain, but has virtually no effect on blood pressure. Cinnarizine is also advised to those children who have a high excitability of the vestibular apparatus. In addition, this medicine acts as a sedative, it improves blood circulation to the brain.


After the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes Cinnarizine tablets to children. You can not drink this medicine on your own, as it contains an active substance that can cause a number of serious side effects. What is included in the tablets? This is the main component of cinnarizine and additional substances. Among them:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • silicon dioxide colloidal;
  • lactose;
  • wheat starch;
  • povidone K25.
cinnarizine children reviews

Instruction manual

"Cinnarizine" is indicated for children if symptoms of neurological disorders are observed. Breasts can be given tablets in doses prescribed by a neurologist. In what cases are they prescribed? If the newborn’s head grows disproportionately to the body, the child refuses to drink, he gets strabismus quickly, frequent vomiting, and restless sleep are observed. These babies also have increased irritability.

Newborns "Cinnarizine" is prescribed if the benefit exceeds the possible harm. The advantage of the medicine is that in the first months of the baby’s life, he is able to stop the irreversible processes that occur in the central nervous system. Adverse reactions in children are minimal, since the dosage is usually small. The composition of the drug improves blood supply to the brain, nourishes cells, relieves excitability, and soothes. It is recommended to take water procedures and therapeutic exercises while taking the pills. All this in a complex normalizes the condition of the baby.

The dosage of the drug is set by the doctor, taking into account age and disease, its severity. Some experts argue that treating Cinnarizine in children under 12 years of age is strictly prohibited. However, in practice, it is often prescribed, but only in combination and with a minimum dosage.

cinnarizine for children instruction

Many mothers are afraid to give "Cinnarizine", even if it is prescribed by the attending physician. Is it safe for children? The instructions for use do not have complete information on whether or not to give this drug to newborns. But for children after twelve years, to relieve dizziness, it is recommended, but under the supervision of a neurologist. If unbalanced, one tablet is drunk after meals two or three times a day. Half an hour before traveling by car (weak vestibular apparatus), you should drink one tablet of Cinnarizine. In these cases, small children cannot be given medicine without medical indications. The course of treatment for imbalance is two to three weeks.

If you take the drug on your own (without a prescription), there is a risk of drowsiness, migraine, stomach pain, thirst and dry mouth, allergies, jaundice. Young children may experience cramps.


Children "Cinnarizine" is prescribed for the treatment of increased intracranial pressure and the consequences resulting from this. In what cases does a neurologist recommend taking this remedy?

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Noise and ringing in the ears.
  3. Headache caused by vascular disorders.
  4. Increased irritability.
  5. Bad memory.
  6. Broken attention.
  7. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  8. Acrocyanosis.
  9. The initial degree of lameness.
  10. Cramping in the legs.
  11. Trophic disorders.
  12. Varicose ulcers on the body.
  13. Anemia.
  14. Torticollis in newborns.
  15. Imbalance.
  16. Nausea, vomiting.

Prescribe a medicine for the prevention of migraine attacks. It also has a beneficial effect on the vestibular apparatus.

for use for children

Contraindications and side effects

"Cinnarizine" is prescribed to children in the minimum dosage, taking into account age and diagnosis. This drug refers to drugs that have a long list of contraindications and adverse reactions from the internal organs. Among them is standard:

  • allergy;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug.

If "Cinnarizine" is prescribed in conjunction with other drugs, then they can enhance or weaken the effect of the first. So, the sedation doubles while taking sedatives.

cinnarizine tablets

Tablets can cause irritation of the walls of the stomach if taken for a long time. Therefore, the medicine should be drunk after eating. Infants crush the tablet. From the very beginning, Cinnarizine causes the child to feel drowsy, tired and weak. Over time, the symptoms go away. If there are diseases of the liver and kidneys, then the dosage is set individually. Therapy with this medicine is strictly prohibited for children with glucose intolerance and lactose deficiency.


How much is Cinnarizine? This is an inexpensive drug that is sold in pharmacies. Its price is from 15 to 20 rubles.

cinnarizine drug


Does Cinnarizine really help children of different ages or not? Judging by the numerous reviews about this drug, it improves blood supply to the brain, but does not increase pressure. Moms of children with neurological diseases emphasize the effectiveness of tablets, they improve memory, help with minor cramps, are cheap. They heal only in combination, you should not take them yourself.

Children "Cinnarizine" is prescribed only by a neurologist after a thorough diagnosis. The medicine copes well with headaches. The disadvantages include side effects (drowsiness, apathy), the presence of contraindications, prolonged use, the drug negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for use. For children, the medicine is unsafe if the dosage is chosen incorrectly.

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