Fungus on the legs, or mycosis, is one of the most common diseases around the world. Absolutely all people are exposed to it, regardless of their general state of health. According to average estimates, on Earth most of humanity at least once, but suffered this disease. This fact is due to the fact that the causative agents of the fungus on the legs - spores Trichophyton or Candida are able to penetrate into the dermis or even human blood in a short period of time.
After contact with the pathogen, the disease spreads rapidly throughout the body. It is absolutely impossible to procrastinate with the treatment of this disease. You should immediately seek help from a specialist who will help determine how to cure the fungus on your legs quickly and effectively. It is worth noting that in the early stages the disease is better treatable than those cases when the spores of the fungus have already penetrated into the deeper layers of the skin.
This article will help to understand what are the causes of the appearance of a fungus on the legs, which doctor to seek advice from, and the most popular and effective drugs prescribed for the fight against the disease will be considered.
Causes, favorable factors and ways of infection
Before you learn how to cure a fungus on your legs, it is very important to understand the causes of its appearance and methods of infection. Doctors distinguish the following factors affecting the susceptibility of a person to a fungus:
- Age. Children are most susceptible to fungal infection. This is due to the fact that they have softer and thinner skin.
- The state of immunity. If the human immune system for some reason has weakened or malfunctions, then the likelihood of a fungus increases significantly, since the body does not have the ability to deal with pathogens.
- Poor endocrine system. This factor is the cause of a decrease in the protective function of the body, which leads to a weakening of immunity.
- Chronic diseases The presence of chronic diseases in humans is a factor contributing to the weakening of the body, which makes it susceptible to various fungi.
- Increased sweating feet. Such a feature can be either congenital or acquired. Wearing, for example, tight shoes or the presence of certain diseases cause sweat glands to produce more fluid.
- The composition of the sweat. With any violations in the secretion of sweat glands, a favorable environment is formed for the propagation of pathogenic fungi.
It is worth noting that the fungus can be acquired in two ways:
- direct route - when exposed to soil, flooring, as well as in contact with an infected person or animal;
- indirectly - through an object with which an infected person or animal was in contact.
From the information described above it is clear that it is extremely simple to get infected with a foot fungus, even if a person provides himself with sufficient quality hygiene. Therefore, in the event of a collision with a disease, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist as soon as possible, who will tell you the most suitable methods of treatment.
Types of fungus on the legs and their manifestation
It is important to remember that there are various types of mycosis. This is due to the fact that fungi of various species can affect a person, the treatment of which has its own characteristics. It is not enough just to know the best remedies for the fungus on the legs, you need to understand which ones are suitable in a particular situation. Therefore, for starters, you need the correct diagnosis of the disease, and only a qualified specialist can help with this. But self-medication is fraught with the fact that you can start the disease.
It is worth considering separately the types of fungus on the legs. The following varieties of mycosis are distinguished:
- rubrofitiya;
- squamous โ hyperkeratotic form;
- worn out form;
- onychomycosis;
- candidiasis;
- intertriginous form;
- dehydrated form.
Rubrophytia, or rubromycosis, is characterized by excessive dryness of the skin and its peeling, as well as the fullness of blood vessels with large amounts of blood. The causative agent is the spores of the fungus Tr. mentagrophytesvar. It is rather difficult to notice this fungus on the legs at the initial stage, since symptoms in the form of itching or burning appear only when the disease has penetrated deep into the dermis. With rubromycosis, plaques, blisters and pustules appear on the legs, which gradually cover the entire sole, which eventually makes a person feel pain when walking.
After the specialist receives the overall clinical picture and the findings of microscopy, he determines a number of drugs for treatment, which should consist of exfoliating antifungal agents. Launched forms involve treatment with tablets against foot fungus.
With a squamous-hyperkeratotic form, a person has a thick keratinized layer of the skin, which becomes very rough. During this form, the itching is so intense that a person often cannot tolerate it calmly. Another clear sign of this form of fungus is that over time the toenails become very thin and begin to crumble.
Treatment of squamous-hyperkeratotic form involves first of all removal of keratinized skin. Without this, treatment is not recommended, since its effectiveness will be almost imperceptible. Soda baths, medicinal ointment wraps and salicylic compresses do a good job of this. In advanced cases, it is possible to remove the coarse layer with a manicure cutter. Further, the specialist already has the opportunity to prescribe the correct treatment.
The erased form proceeds almost imperceptibly. With it, barely noticeable cracks appear between the fingers, flour-like peeling, as well as a tolerable itching. It is worth remembering that ignoring this form increases the likelihood of its transition to onychomycosis, which will be discussed a little later. The erased form is treated with the help of special ointments and creams.
Onychomycosis is a pathology in which damage to the nail plate occurs. You can get this fungus in public places with high humidity (saunas, pools, etc.). At the beginning of the disease, the skin is affected, a person experiences severe itching. Later, spores of the fungus penetrate the nail.
This type of fungus is divided into three types:
- normotrophic;
- hypertrophic;
- onycholytic.
With this disease, even the best remedies for local topical foot fungus will not help, since it is necessary to remove affected nails before starting treatment. Do this with special plasters, keratolytic drugs or by mechanical removal with sterile scissors or nail files.
Candidiasis is a mycosis caused by spores of Candida fungus. It is worth noting that despite the fact that this fungus is present in the body of every person, it is pathogenic. In a small amount, it is harmless, but under stress, overwork or low immunity, it tends to multiply and deliver a lot of unpleasant sensations. Foot candidiasis is treated with individually selected local medications prescribed by your doctor.
Intertriginous form is one of the most common fungi. Cracks or sores appear on the toes and between them, surrounded by diaper rash or flaky skin. Most often, the disease affects a person in the warm season. Sometimes pus can accumulate in the affected areas. At the beginning of the disease, local preparations help well, but a neglected fungus on the legs of this form requires the inclusion of systemic drugs. Otherwise, the probability of relapse is high.
Dyshidratic form - a rare type of fungus on the legs, the main symptom of which are numerous vesicles (vesicles containing fluid or pus). After the fluid exits on the legs, ulcers appear, turning into highly visible scars. This type of fungus is accompanied by allergic reactions, which complicates the treatment. In this case, a whole complex of procedures is included in the treatment process. The day of the beginning, the doctor must get rid of the fluid in the vesicles by piercing them, then treat the ulcers with special means. Next, the patient is prescribed a number of necessary drugs.
Depending on what type of pathology was detected during the diagnosis, the doctor determines how to cure the fungus on the legs will be easiest. He selects the appropriate medications and necessary procedures to speed up the treatment process. Speaking of drugs, there are:
- Local products (Lamisil, Clotrimazole, Terbizil, zinc ointment and others). This group of medicines includes various creams and ointments. Their advantage is that they are able to act on the foot affected by the fungus locally. They quickly soothe the skin, relieve itching. The disadvantages include the fact that they do not have a cumulative effect, and the course of treatment can take quite a long time.
- Systemic drugs ("Fluconazole", "Irunin", "Terbinafine" and others). Most often these are capsules and tablets. The advantage of such tools is the ability to influence the problem from the inside. However, most antifungal tablets have a number of contraindications.
In addition to medical treatment, do not forget about traditional medicine. Various baths with the addition of disinfecting essential oils, soda or a decoction of herbs have a good effect on the course of treatment. In combination with medicines, folk remedies and an attentive attitude to personal hygiene, you can quickly cure the fungus on the toes, feet and nails.
Some popular antifungal drugs and folk remedies should be considered. However, it is important to note that you should not prescribe this or that drug on your own, since only a qualified specialist can determine their need for treatment based on the results of the analysis.
"Terbizil" - ointment and tablets
The drug is available in two forms - tablets and ointment. Among the indications for the use of the drug are:
- candidiasis;
- nail fungus;
- dermatomycosis;
- mycosis of the head, etc.
The form of the drug is determined by the doctor, based on the disease. In some cases, the use of the drug occurs under the supervision of specialists. Such cases include tumors, metabolic disorders, circulatory problems, kidney pathology, etc. Terbizil ointment and tablets are used according to the instructions.
The drug has various forms of release - suspension, ointment, tablets. It is worth noting that with candidiasis this remedy is ineffective, but with onychomycosis and dermatomycosis, it helps quite well.
The fungistatic property of "Griseofulvin" allows the drug to gradually kill spores of strokes. The most important thing in its application is regularity. It is also worth noting that the dosage of the drug for oral administration is calculated based on the weight of the patient, and it is taken according to the scheme indicated in the instructions. Contraindications include problems with the kidneys and liver, systemic blood diseases, pregnancy, lactation, and tumors. It is important to note that many experts consider "Griseofulvin" one of the best ointments for fungus on the legs.
"Exoderyl" - cream and solution
According to the instructions for use, the ointment from the fungus "Exoderil" is prescribed as a drug and prophylactic. This is one of the safest drugs against mycosis, since it does not affect the liver, unlike many other similar drugs. After one local application, Exoderil is able to stay in the upper layers of the skin for 10 days, which makes it an effective remedy for foot fungus.
The best part about Exoderil is that its clinical effect is very fast and helps to get rid of discomfort, burning and itching. Prescribe a remedy for many types of fungi. Therefore, it can be considered a universal remedy for the appearance of such diseases.
However, it is important to remember some contraindications. It is forbidden to apply Exoderil on damaged areas of the dermis and the drug must not be allowed to get into the eyes. You should be careful when treating children with this remedy - if any allergic reactions occur, the use of Exoderil must be stopped.
The drug "Fluconazole" contains the same active substance. It has a lot of inexpensive analogues that can be easily purchased in any pharmacy chain. This remedy helps well with mycosis of the legs, which appeared as a result of the multiplication of spores of fungi of the genus Candida.
Fucanazole can be purchased in any convenient form:
- tablets;
- solution;
- capsules;
- syrup.
According to the instructions for the drug, it is forbidden to take it for children under 4 years old, pregnant girls, as well as for problems with the kidneys and liver.
Overview of folk remedies recommended in the treatment of fungus
Often, in the treatment of many diseases, potassium permanganate comes to the rescue, and foot fungus is no exception. This tool will help in the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, but it is worth remembering all precautions, the solution should turn out to be pale pink in color, which after preparation must be filtered through gauze. This is done so that insoluble crystals do not burn the skin. First you need to steam your feet in warm water, and then wrap it with gauze soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. You need to fix the gauze well and leave it on its feet all night.
Another effective remedy is a solution of ordinary salt and baking soda. These improvised products must be mixed in a 1: 1 ratio, add a little water to make a thick slurry. The product must be applied to the feet and left for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water and sprinkle with talcum powder.
Strong natural coffee can help with fungus on the legs. You should do foot baths in warm coffee solution overnight. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 30 minutes. The main thing is that the liquid remains warm.
Celandine from a fungus on the legs is one of the most popular and ancient folk remedies. To prepare the solution, pour 4 tablespoons of dried grass with 1 liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Next, the solution is filtered, cooled a little and make foot baths. The course of procedures should be at least 3 weeks. Immerse your feet in the solution for 30 minutes.
It is applicable in the treatment of flexible feet and a plant such as calendula. To prepare the solution, you need to fill in 500 grams of flowers with two glasses of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Next, you need to wet your feet with the prepared solution. You do not need to rub the product, it must be absorbed completely independently. The course of treatment with a solution of calendula is 5 weeks.
Fungus prophylaxis
It is always worth considering the health of the legs, since it is extremely difficult to quickly cure the fungus on the legs. Keep in mind the following important rules to help avoid this unpleasant disease:
- After swimming, you need to wipe your feet dry, starting from the spaces between the fingers, ending with the heel. Especially this rule must be adhered to if, after bathing, slippers are worn on the feet.
- Keep your feet cool and dry.
- When visiting pedicure masters, it is important to ensure that all instruments are sanitized.
- Feet should be washed daily when using soap, preferably antibacterial.
- If there is such a problem as sweating your feet, it is important to use powders or talcum powder.
- In places such as saunas, baths, sports clubs and swimming pools, you should always walk only in your own shoes and not get barefoot on the floor.
- Do not wear someone elseโs shoes, even slippers belonging to other family members.
- Shoes should be sized. It is best to wear shoes made from natural materials.
- Shoes should be washed and ventilated regularly. Once a week, you should wipe it with vinegar or use special aerosols against the fungus.
- Do not wear hosiery more than once.
- Disinfect the bath and the shower tray as often as possible.
And also it is worth remembering that if one of the households has a fungus on their legs, you should reduce contact with his things until he is fully recovered. Regular observance of these rules will help to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the appearance of the fungus.
You should always remember that it is very simple to get infected with a fungus, but getting rid of it is a task that will require a lot of time and effort. At the first manifestations of the disease, you should immediately consult a dermatologist, who will probably determine the type of fungus and tell you how to cure the fungus on the legs.
It is also important to note that you should not abandon the methods of traditional medicine, as they often have a positive effect on the treatment process and can significantly accelerate it. However, all home manipulations should be agreed in advance with the attending physician.