In a broad sense, antipodes are entities that are opposed to each other. The term is borrowed from the ancient Greek language, where it denotes opposing things, phenomena and values. The concept is used in physics, philosophy, literature and other fields of science and art.
Where the antipodes live
Antipodes from the point of view of geography can, for example, be called the inhabitants of New Zealand and Spain, since these countries are located at exactly opposite points on the planet.
Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language among other meanings unanimously single out the following: antipodes are people of opposing views, beliefs, actions, etc. It is with this meaning that a literary device is also connected with which the author creates a picture of life and expresses his concept.
The antipode hero in a literary work is interesting not only from the point of view of plot conflicts. His presence creates a conflict and helps the reader take a closer look at the protagonist, see the hidden motives of his actions, and thoroughly understand the idea of the work.
Russian classics are rich in such literary couples that represent the antipodes. Moreover, these characters can be not only enemies, but also best friends, which does not prevent them from being antipodes. Onegin and Lensky, about whom Pushkin says that they are “like ice and fire”, Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, Pechorin and Grushnitsky, Grinev and Shvabrin, Oblomov and Stolz, Karamazov - Ivan and Alyosha - this is not a complete series of names.
Eternal duel
In the brilliant comedy of A. Griboedov “Woe from Wit”, the ardent and wit Chatsky also has antipodes. This is first of all the "modest" Molchalin. These people would not be put together at all - they are so far in the way of thoughts from each other, but only they are brought together by one object of love - Sofia Famusova. Both heroes are smart in their own way, but this mind is different. Molchalin, convinced that “one must depend on others,” won recognition for his servility, courtesy, pragmatic professionalism, and caution. In contrast, the sincere, talented, independent Chatsky, who “wants to preach liberty,” is recognized by the majority as crazy. The common sense of conformist Molchalin, it would seem, triumphs over the "crazy" daring rejection of vulgarity, hypocrisy and stupidity. However, sympathy is still on the side of Chatsky, a freeloader who leaves Moscow with a broken heart. The presence of the antipode hero in the play makes the conflict especially expressive and emphasizes how typical the fate of a loner who decided to contradict the majority.
Mystery of true love
In F. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”, the antipodes of the protagonist are not immediately recognized. At first glance, Svidrigailov and Luzhin are seen as completely opposite to Raskolnikov, from whom the hero wants to protect and save people. However, we gradually realize that Raskolnikov, absorbed in his idea, is rather their counterpart - in terms of the inhuman, cynical and criminal content of this idea. Nevertheless, Raskolnikov has antipodes - these are Sonya Marmeladova and Porfiry Petrovich. The latter was in his youth fascinated by such Raskolnikovsky views, but his conscience did not allow him to follow this path. And Sonya also “transgressed”, but not by taking life from others, but by sacrificing herself for others. Thanks to this contrast, the author helps us understand what the true essence of Christian mercy and love is.