Corvalol with a hangover: is it possible, how to take, dosage, reviews

This remedy has long established itself, since Soviet times, as a safe and mild sedative. People use Corvalol with a hangover to achieve the following goals: sound sleep, reducing headache and anxiety, as well as removing tremors of limbs. However, after the studies it was found out that this drug is not at all as safe as it seemed. Corvalol with a hangover may not be a medicine, but, on the contrary, may aggravate the patient's condition.

The composition and form of the drug

There are two forms of drug release - tablets and alcohol tincture. It is more convenient to take tablets, since you do not need to measure the required number of drops. In both cases, you will need water to take - tablets should be washed down, and drops should be diluted in liquids. Pills have another advantage - they are much easier to dose, and therefore - an overdose is unlikely (unlike the liquid form of release of the drug).

The composition of the drug (regardless of the form of release) includes the following components:

  • peppermint leaf oil;
  • ethyl bromisovalerianate;
  • phenobarbital.

The composition of the liquid form of release also includes ethyl alcohol and purified water. Since ethanol is included, Corvalol should be taken with a hangover only if there is no alcohol dependence. Otherwise, there is a great risk that a person will be dependent on constant use, that is, the most ordinary binge will begin, the result of which is usually very deplorable (delirium or even death).

corvalol with hangover reviews

Indications for use

Indications for use of Corvalol:

  • psychogenic pains;
  • anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • stitching pains in the heart area, provoked by pressure drops;
  • coronary spasm;
  • symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The drug is available in the public domain, that is, to buy it, a prescription from a doctor is not needed. Alas, Corvalol still does not appear on the lists of potent substances, despite the fact that phenobarbital is included in the composition. This substance can provoke the appearance of psychological and drug dependence. This action develops due to the fact that phenobarbital, a strong barbiturate, is included in corvalol. Yes, there is not much phenobarbital in this drug. But with regular use of Corvalol, barbiturate slowly but inexorably undermines the patient’s nervous system and mental state.

Corvalol dependence

Harm from corvalol and its side effects

Possible side effects of the drug:

  • drowsiness;
  • excessive sedation;
  • loss of focus, defocused attention;
  • nausea;
  • angioedema;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • urticaria and other skin manifestations of an allergic reaction;
  • severity in the epigastric region;
  • constipation (with prolonged use at relatively high dosages).

The main potential harm to taking is addiction. With prolonged use and subsequent cancellation, a person loses sleep, becomes restless. He has a kind of drug withdrawal syndrome.

why corvalol is harmful

Contraindications for taking corvalol

Contraindications to taking any form of the drug:

  • the presence of psychiatric diagnoses;
  • hypersensitivity to bromine;
  • the presence of drug or alcohol addiction;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • impaired functioning of the central nervous system;
  • severe forms of heart failure.

The drug is undesirable to take during pregnancy and lactation. Phenobarbital may have an effect on the fetus. Application in the first three months can provoke abnormalities in the development of the fetus, and in the prenatal period can cause respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn.

Hangover Syndrome. Symptomatology

Why do people wonder if Corvalol can have a hangover? The fact is that since Soviet times, this drug was often used at home. Especially often in order to relieve the main symptoms of a hangover syndrome.

This is anxiety, a feeling of slight panic, an early awakening and the inability to fall asleep later. In some people, especially in old age, with a hangover syndrome, heart pain develops, blood pressure jumps. And such people are trying to drown out this unpleasant symptom by taking Corvalol. Often, these attempts flow into a banal binge, especially if a person uses drops of corvalol. Ethyl alcohol is included in their composition, and a person after taking it again feels a slight intoxication. As a result, he falls asleep, and upon awakening he again drinks either alcohol or drops of corvalol. It is better to take pills with a hangover (if there is no other drug at hand and you cannot fall asleep). It’s safer for the body.

alcoholism and corvalol

What is the difference between withdrawal symptoms and hangover?

It is necessary to distinguish between withdrawal symptoms and hangover. Medical amateurs often do not distinguish between these two concepts. Some narcologists even draw parallels between withdrawal symptoms and a hangover, but the etiology of these two conditions is very different.

  1. The hangover syndrome develops in people as a result of poisoning with alcohol, or rather, ethyl alcohol, which is part of them. This condition may be in a person who has not yet developed chronic alcoholism. Corvalol tablets with a hangover are acceptable - but only once. If you extinguish the symptoms with phenobarbital (namely, due to this barbiturate, the effect of the drug occurs), then this can become a habit very quickly.
  2. Withdrawal syndrome is a combination of symptoms characteristic of a patient having chronic alcoholism. Alcoholism is a disease that has three stages, but now we will not delve into this topic. Withdrawal syndrome is not just feeling sick and having a headache, it is also a series of psychiatric symptoms. Depression, desire to reduce one’s life, thoughts of personal worthlessness - if after a storm of drinking the patient notes such symptoms, he should consult a narcologist as soon as possible. Attempts to extinguish symptoms of withdrawal symptoms with corvalol alone may end poorly. From delirium (a condition that is popularly called a "squirrel"), to death.
alcohol and corvalol compatibility

Can I drink Corvalol with a hangover?

If the patient is sure that he is suffering from the studied syndrome, then you can remove the symptoms with tablets one-time. How to take Corvalol with a hangover?

One or two tablets should be taken, washed down with clean water. After taking the medicine, lie in a quiet, cool place and try to sleep. Do not drive or attempt to perform actions that require concentration. Most likely, after half an hour from the moment you take the pill, you will really want to sleep. This is good: after two or three hours, a person will wake up alert and rested. This is the best thing that can happen to a person with a hangover.

Reviews of Corvalol are various. Some people take this drug in moderation, only after a stormy celebration of the holidays. In this case, the drug really helps the patient get rid of the symptoms of a hangover syndrome. However, there are people who are trying to mitigate the effects of chronic alcoholism using Corvalol. Such people, as a rule, do not leave reviews: they feel too bad. And the question of whether Corvalol can be hangover or not, they do not care. They are ready in any way to alleviate their condition.

Corvalol hangover treatment

Psychological dependence on the use of corvalol

Constantly stopping a hangover syndrome with the help of drugs, a person closes himself in a circle of dependence more and more. The so-called psychological dependence develops: the patient thinks that without taking the medicine he will not be able to fall asleep. Psychosomatic pains in the heart area may appear.

Not taking a drop in time, the patient becomes lethargic and irritable, his performance is significantly reduced. Exceeding the recommended dose also has a side effect: a state of inhibition, pleasant relaxation is observed. This is due to its phenobarbital, a drug from the group of barbiturates that are equated with drugs. The main active constituents of Corvalol in a number of countries are considered drugs or substances that are subject to strict accounting.

Corvalol Pills With A Hangover

What is alcohol addiction?

If a person is accustomed to the constant use of alcohol, does not think of holidays without taking it, then we can talk about the beginning of the first stage of chronic alcoholism.

If the patient has a need to quench the symptoms of a hangover syndrome with drugs, then it is worth thinking about a complete rejection of alcohol. You can do it yourself, you can go to a narcologist for an appointment (now you can do this anonymously).

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