Delicious cauliflower in tomato for the winter

Cauliflower is a unique vegetable crop. She is very elegant and beautiful in appearance, can become an adornment of any garden. In addition, this is perhaps the only instance of all types of cabbage that does not leave anyone indifferent who at least once tried it. There are several recipes for making such a vegetable. Some cook it with tomatoes. Someone pickles cabbage according to grandmother's recipe. There are people who close salads, adding a large number of different spices. Today weโ€™ll talk about how cauliflower in tomato is prepared for the winter. There are many options for creating a blank. We have chosen the most suitable, in our opinion. So, let's begin...

First recipe

First you need to dwell on the simplest version of such a workpiece. Of vegetables you will need: 1 kilogram of cauliflower and 1 kilogram of tomatoes, 5 pieces of bell pepper. For sharpness, add 5 cloves of garlic and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. All this is worth flavoring with 1 cup of vegetable oil, 200 grams of sugar and only 50 grams of salt.

cauliflower in tomato for the winter

Cooking workpiece

When preparing this type of cabbage, the main thing is to disassemble it into separate flowers. Now boil for 10 minutes in water with the addition of salt, drain all the liquid and cool. Next step: prepared peppers and tomatoes should be scrolled in a meat grinder, add spices and bring to a boil. When all residual ingredients intended for this harvesting with cabbage are brought to a state of semi-preparedness, introduce the queen of vegetables into the mixture and boil for 15 minutes. The fire should be weak so that the mass does not burn. The last should be vinegar, it is added at the very end of cooking. Now the resulting dish should be put in banks and rolled up.

The second option to create a blank at home

cauliflower recipe in tomato for the winter

Interested in harvesting more cabbage? Then the following recipe for cauliflower in tomato for the winter is for you. The main vegetable you need to take 5 kilograms. Another 2 kilograms of carrots will be needed, 1 kilogram of sweet pepper and onion. You can add 2 bitter peppers and 4 heads of garlic. For this dish, pouring is separately prepared. It is necessary to mix: 3 liters of tomato juice, a glass of vinegar and sugar, 2 cups of vegetable oil and 5 tablespoons of salt.

The next stage of preparation of the workpiece:

Next, you need to pour everything into a pan and put in a boil. Then pour spices: bay leaf, cloves, peppercorns. All the resulting mixture is cooked for five minutes. Then you should throw pepper, cabbage and onions here and boil for another 15 minutes. The next batch will consist of garlic and hot pepper, which is kept on fire for 5 minutes. Last you need to pour oil and vinegar. When all the contents boil again, then the time will come to put in jars everything that is cooked in the pan and roll it up.

lettuce for winter cauliflower in tomato

The third option to create blanks for the winter

How is canned cauliflower cooked in tomato? Each mistress has her own recipe, which she uses. The best option is chosen by searching, trial and error. Otherwise, one cannot say what is good and what is bad. Therefore, the more options will be offered, the easier it will be to decide what the family prefers: a spicy cauliflower salad in tomato or a gentle spicy preparation from a favorite set of vegetables. So, it's time to consider another way. This recipe is simple, unique and quick.

How to prepare cauliflower in tomato for the winter:

It is necessary to take 3 liters of tomato juice, a glass of vinegar, two glasses of vegetable oil and 5 tablespoons of salt. You can add any spices to taste: from bay leaves to cinnamon. First, boil tomato juice and put in it 1 kilogram of carrots. Once again, cook for 5 minutes. And again, as in the previous recipe, add everything in stages: pepper, cabbage and onions. Then boil another 15 minutes. Added garlic and bitter pepper - cook another 5 minutes. Oil and vinegar - until boiling. That's all, cauliflower in tomato is ready for the winter. Now it should be laid out in banks, after which you need to close them with lids.

harvesting for winter cauliflower in tomato

Cauliflower canning for the winter in tomato

The cooking process is not difficult and does not require special skills. You just need to follow the recipe step by step, then a tasty dish will be pleasantly served on the table, when not only close people who are ready to forgive the hostess for small mistakes will gather.

So, how is cauliflower cooked in tomato for the winter? For cooking, you need: two kilograms of cabbage, one and a half - tomatoes, 250 grams of sweet Bulgarian pepper, 200 ml of vegetable oil, 100 grams of sugar, 60 grams of salt, 120 ml of vinegar and more herbs.

conservation of cauliflower for the winter in tomato

The process of preparing a blank for the winter at home

Now you need to divide the cabbage into inflorescences so that in the jar it looks small and tender. After that, boil it for five minutes. All listed vegetables, except cabbage, should be washed and finely chopped. Then you need to mix everything with vinegar, sugar, salt, vegetable oil and mashed tomatoes. Boil for half an hour only over low heat. And only now you can add cabbage and hold on the stove for another 3 minutes. Then the resulting dish needs to be put in jars and sterilized for twenty minutes each. After you need to roll up and cool.

cauliflower in tomato for the winter reviews

Of course, there is no such mistress who would not try her hand and roll at least one salad for the winter. Cauliflower in tomato will be not only a gourmet innovation in the kitchen, but also during the setting of the festive table. Everyone will be pleasantly surprised by its refined and unique taste.

The last option for cooking cabbage

The hostess begins in August to make preparations for the winter. Cauliflower in tomato will now be a favorite dish. Another recipe is offered. For cooking, a little more than a kilogram of cauliflower and the same amount of red tomatoes are taken.

cauliflower recipe in tomato

Vegetable oil will need 200 ml, sugar - 700 grams, salt only 60 grams. After you need to add garlic, a little bell pepper, herbs and half a glass of vinegar. Then you need to prepare the cabbage. After it is necessary to salt and boil the water, for 4 minutes lower the inflorescences into the water. Cool by pre-filtering. Tomatoes need to be scrolled in a meat grinder, add to the resulting mass all the remaining products and boil. Now you need to put and cauliflower. Cook for fifteen minutes, after which it is necessary to lay out on the banks still hot. Then you need to close the lids. Next, you should wait until the banks cool, then you can put them in the pantry.

Some tips for novice housewives

cauliflower salad in tomato

The first rule. Cauliflower, which is intended for winter harvesting, should be carefully selected. Only clean heads of cabbage are good, without black dots and damage.

The second rule. Before proceeding with conservation, cauliflower should definitely be disassembled into individual inflorescences. This will simplify the cooking process. All hidden damaged areas will be visible and replaced in time or completely removed.

The third rule: you must hold the cabbage in boiling water for three to five minutes (no more). This achieves the effect of destroying all unnecessary microorganisms that are afraid of heat treatment. It will also help make the vegetable more tender and juicy.

Little conclusion

Truly, an unusual dish is cauliflower in tomato for the winter. Reviews about this dish are the most positive. After all, such dishes can be used as an addition to lunch or dinner. Vegetable preparations from cauliflower can be varied with additional components. Fans of spicy foods will not spoil the dish by adding a little hot pepper. And children will be happy with an unusual vegetable "flower" in their plate. Now you know the recipe for cauliflower in tomato for the winter. We wish you good luck in your culinary endeavors. We hope that you will be able to cook such a dish in your kitchen.

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