Vodka "Russian currency": reviews, tasting characteristics

Reviews on Russian Currency vodka indicate that this drink is of the highest quality and inspires confidence among customers. It is supplied by one of the largest wine and vodka companies. The product is manufactured in accordance with all standards using proven equipment and technologies. The manufacturer guarantees the quality of the raw materials used. The article presents the tasting characteristics of the drink, reviews about it, price and other important points.


Today, the company offers customers a drink of the highest class, made from grain alcohol of the luxury category. For production, the method of multi-stage filtration and repeated distillation is used. Reviews on Russian Currency vodka available on the Web reflect a positive trend. Consumers say that the product has a pleasant mild taste and amazing transparency.

vodka russian currency reviews

A classic recipe with a long tradition

This type of alcohol is produced in accordance with centuries-old traditions with the participation of the most modern equipment. Vodka can be purchased at almost any supermarket. Alcohol is affordable, which further fuels the interest of buyers in this brand. The composition includes pure water, as well as an infusion based on excellent malt.

Tasting Characteristics

In almost all reviews of Russian Currency vodka, it is noted that the drink has crystal transparency. Its aroma is fresh and delicate, with a slight malt tint. Consumers do not find any extraneous odors.

According to reviews, this is a classic strong alcoholic beverage, but soft and pleasant. On the palate you can feel the subtle notes of malt and grain. The strength of the drink is 40 degrees.

The Russian Currency vodka is bottled in branded containers. The volumes are different: 0.1, 0.5, 0.7, 1 liter.

vodka russian currency reviews

The drink is considered a great addition to meat, vegetable or fish snacks, as well as other dishes of Russian national cuisine and not only. It can be put on the table next to marinades and pickles, barbecue and grilled meat, served with smoked meats or barbecue fish.

Judging by the reviews, the Russian Currency vodka, with its malt grain flavor, only slightly sets off the taste of the main dishes, without interrupting or eclipsing it. She is advised to take with her for fishing, where a delicious aromatic, delicious ear is prepared, or for hunting, where fatty and juicy game is roasted at the stake.

Russian currency vodka photo

How to distinguish from a fake

Often fake alcohol comes across in the market. To distinguish high-quality Russian Currency vodka, the photo of which is presented above, from fakes, we advise you to pay attention to the following points.

Firstly, the beverage container is made of transparent glass and has a slightly flattened shape. In the center of the bottle is squeezed out (and not just printed on the label) information about the technical characteristics of the alcoholic beverage.

If you compare the label on a fake and on the original bottle, then you will immediately see the high quality of printing, which distinguishes the original. Under the main image there is still a small label that tells how nineteenth-century merchants were able to appreciate Russian vodka and use it as a means of payment. On the cover there is an abbreviation of the manufacturer. On the neck there is a company label and description of the brand.

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