If there is chicken carcass in the house, then the food problem has been solved: you can make soup from it, make roast, roll meatballs and rolls. It will turn out a full dinner, and a diet and, most importantly, a healthy dinner. And you can cook chicken in a slow cooker - fry whole or some of its parts, and cook soup from giblets. Practice has proved that multi-cooked food is in no way inferior (and in many ways superior) to food prepared by the traditional method. Moreover, it is much more useful.
How to cook chicken in a slow cooker with potatoes?
Here is an example of a full meal for lunch or dinner. It is not long and simple to prepare.
Prescription Ingredients:
- 600 g of chicken, 600 g of potatoes, salt, spices, garlic, herbs - to taste.
Chop the chicken into equal pieces, make cubes from peeled potatoes. Salt the ingredients, add spices. Place the meat on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, and the potatoes in the steam bowl. You don’t need to process the oil with the bowl - just your own chicken fats, which will melt during cooking. Turn on the “Baking” mode for 1 hour. Half an hour before being ready, add hot water to the bowl: this will make the meat even more juicy and soft.
How to cook chicken in a slow cooker (without side dish)?
Ingredients required:
- chicken - 2 kg, salt, spices - to choose from and to taste.
In the same way you can cook
chicken fillets in a slow cooker. So, carve the chicken carcass by separating the wings and legs. Chop the main part into pieces of medium size. Salt, add spices (optional), put in a multicooker bowl in 2 "floors". Sprinkle each layer with spices, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 60 minutes. Cook without adding water: the resulting fat is enough to get juicy meat.
How to cook stuffed chicken in a slow cooker?
Chicken will be stuffed with buckwheat and walnuts. The dish is not everyday, but rather festive. It will take some dexterity and patience, but, according to the authors of the recipe, the result will “smite” the eaters with a “rainbow” of taste, various flavors and tender, melting meat.
main ingredients:
- 1 kg chicken broiler, 2 cups (multi) buckwheat, 1 cup (multi) peeled nuts.
Additional ingredients (spices, oils):
- oil drain. (100 g), soy sauce (30 g), flour (10 g), egg (1), honey (10 g), turmeric, onion (1) ordinary, salt, spices (to taste).
And how to cook a whole chicken: in a slow cooker stuffed with buckwheat?
The recipe is laborious and requires, it would seem, quite specific manipulations with the products. But, as they say, it’s not the gods who burn the pots: everyone succeeds, it will work for you. The main thing is not to give in, but to get down to business with a grip. Cooking “loves” energetic and energetic. What do you have to do? First, “free” the carcass from the skeleton (skeleton). Tip: watch videos with workshops on this topic. Secondly, the carcass will need to be "injected" with soy sauce, and for this you will need a regular medical syringe with 10 "cubes".
1. Rinse the carcass, clean, cut off the fat and set aside. Remove the skeleton, also set aside the bones. Prepare a mixture of salt, pepper, honey. Pour into a syringe of soy sauce, enter, then rub on the outside with a honey mixture. Put the carcass to cool.
2. On the bones to cook the broth, cook buckwheat in it.
3. Grind the fat, melt and fry the onion on it. Add to buckwheat.
4. Slightly fry the nuts in butter and attach to the porridge.
5. When the buckwheat has cooled, break a raw egg into it, add flour, sprinkle with salt, turmeric and spices. Stir well.
6. Stuff the carcass with buckwheat, having previously sewn up the neck opening. Then the abdomen should be sutured.
7. Chicken breast fillet with butter (melted).
8. Place the carcass in a slow cooker, turn on the "Frying" mode for half an hour. Then turn over and fry for 20-25 minutes. Cook on the remaining oil.
9. Cut the finished chicken across, serve with meat juice or under white sauce.