"Drotaverin": overdose and proper use of the drug

The use of any drug implies compliance with the dose and the correct regimen. Even the safest products - dietary supplements and vitamins - must be taken as prescribed by the doctor. If you use the drug โ€œDrotaverinโ€ correctly, you will not be overdosed. However, with a violation of the regime and established volumes, an excess of the active component may appear in the body. This leads not only to unpleasant, but even to dangerous consequences.

drotaverine overdose

Characteristics and form of release

"Drotaverine" refers to natural and safe medicines. Available in the form of tablets and solutions for intramuscular (intravenous) administration. The drug has an antispasmodic, relaxing and dilating vascular lumen effect. They use it in many areas: surgery, gynecology, pediatrics and therapy.

The medicine "Drotaverin" is sold without a prescription. You can buy it in every pharmacy chain. The drug should not be used with hypersensitivity to the active substance, renal and liver failure, some heart diseases and low blood pressure. Contraindications to the use of the drug will be glaucoma, atherosclerosis, prostate disease (hyperplasia), lactation and the first trimester of pregnancy.

proper use of drotaverine

Prescribing medication

So that an overdose of "Drotaverin" does not occur, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions before using the product. Pay attention to the indications for which the drug is prescribed. Proper use of it will prevent the occurrence of an overdose. What does the medicine help from and in what cases does a person need it?

  • With spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract (biliary, renal or intestinal colic).
  • Cholecystitis, pyelitis, impaired biliary tract.
  • Spastic colitis and constipation, pylorospasm and proctitis.
  • An ulcer of the stomach or parts of the duodenum in the acute stage (used in complex therapy).
  • Spasms of the coronary, peripheral and cerebral arteries and vessels; endarteritis.
  • Algodismenorea, premenstrual syndrome.
  • Prolonged childbirth, threatening abortion, uterine spasm during childbirth, postpartum contractions.
  • Before instrumental studies in order to relax muscles and dilate blood vessels.
  • In the complex therapy of treatment of febrile conditions (as part of the lytic mixture).

All these cases should be examined by a doctor. The doctor also makes the appointment of the drug after the examination.

drotaverine overdose consequences

Use of tablets

How to use Drotaverin tablets? An overdose will not occur if you follow the doctor's prescription or instructions. The annotation states that children over 12 years old and adult patients are prescribed 40-90 mg three times a day. One tablet contains 40 mg of drotaverine. This means that a single serving for an adult is 1 to 2 tablets. The daily dose should not exceed 210 mg of the drug (5.5 tablets).

Children under 12 years old can take 20 mg of the active substance at a time, which corresponds to half the tablet. The maximum daily portion for them will be 200 mg of the drug (5 tablets).

For children under the age of 6, a medication is prescribed in accordance with body weight. But the instruction says that a single serving should not exceed 10-20 mg of the drug (1 / 4-1 / 2 tablets). The daily norm in babies will be 120 mg of drotaverine (3 tablets).

The frequency of use of the drug in children is determined by the doctor in accordance with the indications. The instructions describe that you should not use the drug more than 1-2 times a day.

drotaverine tablets overdose


In order not to cause an overdose of Drotaverinum, the consequences of which are very unpleasant, it is necessary to inject only a person with a medical background. You should not prescribe injections yourself. This may result in improper use.

The medicine "Drotaverinum" is administered intravenously, subcutaneously and intramuscularly. In the first case, the use of droppers is recommended. The drug is supplied slowly, in a single dose of 40-80 milligrams. In this case, you must comply with all conditions of asepsis.

Intramuscular injection involves the use of syringes. The preferred injection site is gluteus maximus. A single dose of the drug for an adult remains the same - up to 80 mg of the active substance (4 ml of the drug).

Repeat injections as needed, but no more than three times a day.

drotaverine overdose how many tablets

Using a lytic mixture

Overdose may occur with Drotaverin if the wrong amount of components is selected in the lytic mixture . A medicine is used to reduce the temperature, which is accompanied by vasospasm. In such a situation, the usual antipyretic drugs are powerless. The components of the lytic mixture are the following: antihistamine, antispasmodic and antipyretic.

For children, the dose is determined by age. A one-year-old baby needs the introduction of 0.1 mg of each component. If the child is 2 years old, then he should be 0.2 mg, and so on. For adults, the lytic mixture is injected in 2 ml (40 mg of drotaverine) with the remaining components.

drotaverine overdose death

Drotaverinum: overdose

If you take the medicine in large quantities, then this can lead to unpleasant symptoms. What are the signs that you are using the Drotaverin medication incorrectly? An overdose has the following symptoms:

  • a feeling of nausea, overflow of the iliac region, vomiting;
  • stool disorder: abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, constipation;
  • the appearance of weakness: pallor of the skin, dizziness, fainting;
  • artioverticular block: malfunction of the heart, tachycardia, circulatory disorders;
  • respiratory center paralysis and cardiac arrest.

If you find yourself have the appropriate symptoms, then you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Call an ambulance.


You already know how overdose manifests itself with Drotaverin. Death is considered the most negative consequence of improper use of the medicine. Clinical cases show that for a fatal outcome, it is enough to take from 40 to 60 tablets of the drug. However, the lethal dose is the amount of the active substance 4000 mg (100 tablets).

Often an overdose occurs due to inattention. Now the manufacturer offers the consumer to buy tablets in a double dose. They are convenient for use by adult patients, since instead of two capsules you need to use only one. The dose of this drug is 80 mg of drotaverine per tablet.

drotaverine overdose


To prevent Drotaverin overdose, how many tablets to take, ask your doctor. When purchasing a medicine, be sure to specify the dosage of medicine prescribed for you. The use of pills in the above quantity (with a large volume of active substance) always leads to an overdose.

To eliminate this situation, you must immediately take sorbents and rinse your stomach. There is no separate antidote. During the correction period, it is necessary to be under the close supervision of medical personnel. Health to you!

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