What to do with Quincke's edema: first aid, treatment methods, reviews

Some consider allergies to be a harmless affliction. But a lot of immunopathological reactions can cause significant harm, even death. Perhaps everyone should know how to help with the occurrence of these types of allergies. From this publication you can find out what to do with Quincke's edema.

What is this allergy?

Quincke's edema (or giant urticaria) is an acute allergic reaction in which there is extensive inflammation and swelling of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, fascia and mucous membranes. The disease affects both adults and children of any gender. Its main feature is a sudden appearance, rapid spread and a sharp disappearance with the right treatment.

How to recognize edema?

This ailment can be diagnosed by the following signs:

  • Swelling of individual sections. It can be observed on the eyelids, cheeks, lips, mucous membranes of the mouth (palate, tongue, tonsils). Sometimes swelling of the genitourinary system is manifested. It can be recognized by difficulty urinating, pain in the lower abdomen and constant urge to the toilet.
  • Swelling of the respiratory system. Mostly the larynx suffers: hoarseness, a sharp cough, and shortness of breath occur.
  • Change in skin tone in the affected area. First, the area becomes cyanotic, and then pallor appears.
  • Seizures may indicate cerebral edema.
  • Due to the affected digestive tract, dyspeptic disorders, peritonitis, acute pain syndrome occur.
  • In rare cases, there is a loss of consciousness.

Severe swelling causes a panic in the patient, which only exacerbates the situation. Even if there is one symptom, vigilance should be shown, because it can be a severe form of allergy - Quincke's edema. What to do in this case, you just need to know. If no action is taken, asphyxiation may begin. In turn, when inaction, it turns into a fatal outcome.

What injection is done for Quincke's edema

How fast is the disease developing?

With Quincke's edema, help should be provided in the first minutes, in some cases within a few hours. Typically, a giant urticaria begins suddenly and develops rapidly. If this is a reaction to some kind of allergen, then the symptoms are noticeable after 5-30 minutes. With proper treatment, they may disappear in a few hours or days. With pathology of a non-allergic nature, swelling becomes noticeable after 2-3 hours. Symptoms are relieved after two to three days.

Assistance Algorithm

What to do if Quincke's edema begins? Measures should be taken immediately by following these steps:

  1. Of course, you need to call an ambulance. Edema can take hold of the airways, leading to suffocation. If there is a lesion of the larynx or pharynx, you should definitely tell the dispatcher about this. Then the team of doctors will come first of all to such a victim, because every second is precious. Intensive care or even resuscitation may be required.
  2. Calm yourself and reassure the victim. Emotional stress only exacerbates the development of negative processes.
  3. If an allergen is known, then you need to stop contact with it. For example, stop eating food, a drug, remove an insect sting, and so on.
  4. To facilitate breathing, place the patient in a sitting or semi-sitting position. Remove tie, loosen belt or belt, unfasten buttons on shirt and so on. It is also necessary to open the windows to ensure a good flow of air into the room. This will help relieve the symptoms of Quincke's edema.
  5. What to do before the arrival of the team of doctors? Try to reduce puffiness on your own. If an allergy occurs due to an insect bite, an injection in an arm or leg, then a tourniquet should be applied above the swollen place. If other parts of the body are affected or there were other reasons, then a cold object is required to be applied to the affected area. But it is important not to overdo it, otherwise in addition you can cause frostbite.
  6. Give the victim an antihistamine. Most often, in a home medicine cabinet there are such funds as Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadin, Claritin, Diazolin, Fenkarol and Ketotifen. You can use more powerful medicines. These include Zirtek, Zodak, Cetirinax, Cetrin, Cetirizine, Friedes, Erius, Desloratadine, Telfast, and Fexofenadine. If only the sinuses are swollen, then the use of vasoconstrictive drops is acceptable, which have a local effect, for example, "Naphthyzine".

It is worth noting that the tablets are acceptable for mild allergies. With a strongly pronounced immunopathological reaction, intramuscular and intravenous drugs will be much more effective.

If the above funds were not at home, then in an extreme case a sorbent is suitable. This is better than nothing. The patient can be given activated charcoal (tablet per 10 kilograms of weight).

Also, with giant urticaria, you need to drink a lot. It is better to offer the victim “Borjomi” or prepared alkaline solution (take 1 gram of soda per liter of boiling water).

Allergy, Quincke's edema: what to do

All this must be done with Quincke's edema before the ambulance arrives. What does not have time is not scary. Doctors themselves will do whatever it takes.

Features of helping a child

It is important that adults do not show their fear. A demonstration of confidence in the normal outcome will help the baby cope with his emotions. Even with mild edema, an "ambulance" should be called immediately. After all, a giant urticaria is a serious ailment, and first aid should be immediately provided.

What to do with Quincke's edema? In principle, the algorithm is the same as indicated above. But there are some nuances:

  • If trouble happened with a baby who still does not know how to sit, then he should be laid in a horizontal position. It is recommended to put a pillow under your feet. This will help improve blood circulation.
  • If the sting acted as an allergen, then it should be carefully removed. If the cause is pollen, wipe the face, hands and body with a damp towel. In other cases, apply a cold compress.
What to do with Quincke's edema in a child
  • Give the child one of the sorbents. Enterosgel (in 2-3 years - 2 teaspoons, for infants - a teaspoon). Smecta (up to a year - 1 sachet, at an older age - one sachet in the morning and in the evening). Activated carbon (up to three years - 3 tablets, then a tablet per 10 kilograms of weight).
  • Give an antihistamine according to the age dosage. For example, Fenistil, Fenkarol, Claritin.
  • Provide a plentiful alkaline drink if the baby does not have a metabolic disorder.

What else to do with Quincke's edema in a child? It is advisable to collect his things, because often children are hospitalized. If doctors suggest this, do not refuse, especially if the disease arose for the first time. The hospital will monitor the patient's condition and conduct the necessary examinations.

Features of assisting pregnant

For women nursing or bearing a baby, almost all medications are prohibited. However, possible complications from drugs are much less dangerous than Quincke's edema during pregnancy. What to do in this case? The answer depends on the presence of contraindications to a specific group of drugs. Only the attending physician can recommend a medicine. If you have to act urgently, then it is advisable to use medications that eliminate the symptoms of allergies. Usually, with a giant urticaria, doctors allow pregnant women such means as Zirtek, Claritin, L-Cet. To reduce vascular permeability, calcium gluconate can be taken.

What will the ambulance do?

Upon arrival, a team of doctors, as a rule, examines the patient and administers the drug intramuscularly or intravenously, if an early effect is required. What injection is done for Quincke's edema? Most often, this is Prednisone or Dexamethasone. Dosage is selected individually depending on body weight. Hydrocortisone may be given to prevent airway inflammation.

If anaphylactic shock is observed, then the patient is laid on the bed so that his legs are below the head. After this, “Epinephrine” is administered to increase the greatly dropped pressure. Doctors monitor breathing and pulse. With asphyxiation, a tracheostomy (dissection of the trachea) is required, followed by hospitalization.

What to do if Quincke's edema begins

Also, doctors can prescribe antihistamines - Suprastin, Diprazin, Diphenhydramine, diuretics for faster elimination of the allergen with urine - Lasix, Mannitol. Detoxification methods (enterosorption, hemosorption) are sometimes recommended.

Ambulance doctors will tell you what to do with Quincke's edema. First aid should be provided in a timely manner - this is the main condition for recovery, which can occur within a few hours.

How is giant urticaria treated?

Therapy of this disease is aimed at eliminating acute edema and restoring vital functions. For this, the following medications are prescribed:

  1. "Adrenaline" - with low blood pressure.
  2. "Dexamethasone", "Prednisolone" - to relieve the main manifestations of edema.
  3. "Suprastin", "Diphenhydramine" injection - to eliminate the allergic reaction.
  4. “Glucose”, “Reopoliglyukin”, “Hemodez” - to remove toxins and get out of a shock state.
  5. "Mannitol", "Furosemide" - to eliminate the allergen and the outflow of excess fluid at elevated and normal pressure.
  6. "Dexamethasone" in conjunction with "Eufillin" - to relieve bronchial spasm and other things.

And what to do with Quincke's edema, if it has a non-allergic nature? In this case, the treatment usually consists of a blood plasma transfusion and taking drugs such as Contrical, Z-aminocaproic acid. If the disease is outside the acute stage, then therapy may include the following measures:

  • Exclusion of certain irritants.
  • Taking antihistamines (Suprastin, Loratadin, Tsetirizin).
  • A short course of hormonal medicines (Dexazone, Prednisolone).
  • The use of drugs that reduce vascular permeability and strengthen the nervous system ("Calcium", "Ascorutin", various vitamin complexes).
What to do after Quincke's edema


We found out what to do with Quincke's edema. First aid is the exclusion of a possible allergen, which often becomes a certain product. But even after the attack, it is necessary to monitor the diet so that the therapy is successful. Patients are advised to follow a special diet, which is drawn up individually.

First of all, products that cause direct or cross allergies should be excluded. The first category includes the following food:

  1. Chicken meat, milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, cocoa. They often provoke "true" allergic reactions.
  2. Spinach, tomatoes, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, bananas and citrus fruits should be excluded from plant foods.
  3. It is necessary to refuse products that contain nitrogen-containing extractive substances. These are fried, stewed fish and meat dishes, broths, bean fruits (peas, beans, lentils), coffee, cocoa, black tea, chocolate, spices.
  4. Do not eat foods that contain synthetic additives. These include flavor stabilizers, flavorings (glutamates, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla, menthol), dyes (erythrosine, azorubine, tartrazine, amaranth and others), preservatives (nitrites, sulfites, benzoic acid and so on).
  5. Wine is also banned.
  6. With caution, you need to include foods rich in histamine and biogenic amine in the menu. These are mollusks, some fish (tuna, herring, cod), cheese, rhubarb and sauerkraut.

Cross allergies occur due to the simultaneous intake of certain foods and substances. This often provokes the development of Quincke edema. What to do to avoid this? The following combinations must be excluded:

  • Apples + pears, quinces, cherries or cherries.
  • Cow's milk + beef, veal or goat's milk.
  • Nuts during the flowering period of hazel.
  • Seafood + fish. That is, the last product can not be eaten with shellfish, shrimp, crab and so on.
  • Bread and cereals during the flowering of oats, wheat, rye or wheatgrass.
  • Kefir + mold varieties of cheese or mushrooms, penicillin antibiotics.
  • "Acetylsalicylic acid" + raspberries, strawberries, grapes, apricots, plums or peaches.
  • Chicken egg + "Lysozyme", "Interferon".

It is necessary to carefully approach the preparation of the patient's diet. Possible allergens, a combination of products and medicines should be excluded from the list. This will help minimize the risk of an immunopathological reaction.

Quincke's edema

Folk remedies

In the treatment of diseases, some resort to traditional medicine. Such remedies can help relieve Quincke's edema. What to do at home? Here are some recipes:

  • Salt compress. Add a teaspoon of salt to a liter of water, mix thoroughly. In a cold solution, moisten the tissue and attach to the affected area. The procedure is repeated several times a day.
  • Nettle infusion. Grind 2 tablespoons of nettle root and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist under a closed lid for 2 hours. After straining, take 2 tablespoons several times a day.
  • Milk drink. Heat a glass of milk. In it, dissolve the soda on the tip of the knife. Drink the whole drink at once. Take several times a day.


As the reviews of patients and their loved ones show, no one is safe from Quincke's edema. What to do at home, everyone should know. After all, the disease develops rapidly and can occur even in the absence of any allergy. Many who have had this disease believe that even with a small swelling it is worth calling a doctor or an ambulance. After it is advisable to take tests for allergens. This will help determine the causes and find the right treatment.

People who have undergone giant urticaria also note that one cannot rely only on folk recipes. Such carelessness can be fatal. In addition, it is necessary to remember about a possible relapse. Therefore, you should always carry with you a drug recommended by your doctor that will help stop the attack, and observe preventive measures.

Some have long been taught what to do at home from Quincke's edema. During seizures, they inject Prednisolone. But before committing such an action, you need to get the appropriate skills and find out the appropriate dosage.


We talked about what to do with Quincke's edema, first aid and treatment methods. This knowledge is very useful. But it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of the disease, observing preventive measures. They are also necessary after the occurrence and removal of Quincke's edema. What is prevention?

What to do with Quincke's edema, first aid

Here are some suggestions:

  • Following a strict diet. It is necessary to remove from the diet all products that cause an immunopathological reaction.
  • Avoid contact with surrounding allergens. It can be animals, plants, and so on. During flowering, an antihistamine should be taken.
  • If there is a high sensitivity to an insect bite, you should not go outside in bright things, without shoes and a headdress. In addition, the purse should always have a remedy for allergies.
  • Maintain cleanliness in the home. This is what to do after Quincke's edema is simply necessary, because the disorder provokes the development of allergies. You need to often wipe the dust, mop the floor, ventilate the room, monitor the level of temperature and humidity in the home.
  • Clothing is best chosen only from natural materials. A minimum of synthetics should be in the house. For example, you can remove too cheap or old soft toys, replace blankets and pillows with hypoallergenic ones.
  • Exclude direct contact with household chemicals, but for babies it should not be available at all.
  • Always consult a doctor before taking medication. If the giant urticaria has already been transferred, then it is necessary to report this.

Given the above, we can summarize. Knowing what to do with Quincke's edema is very helpful. This can happen to any of your loved ones or passers-by. It is important to promptly call the "ambulance" team and provide first aid to prevent death.

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