Pickled onions are believed to be a treat for true gourmets. It is used for cooking kebabs, poultry and meat dishes, and also added to various salads. Some lovers eat pickled onions as an independent dish - just with bread.
But this type of preserved vegetables not only tastes great. When marinating in onions, there are many vitamins and other useful substances necessary for health and normal functioning of the body.
The recipe for pickled onions is not one - there are many. Onion blanks are usually made during the harvest season. For pickling, you can use ordinary onions, after peeling it from the husks and chopping. You can cut large onions into pieces, but it is best to take onion sets, which are pickled with whole heads. It is believed that the smaller the onion, the tastier it turns out. The cleaned heads are thoroughly washed, sorted by size, after which they are placed in prepared jars and poured with marinade.
We offer the simplest recipe for pickled onions. The onions laid in prepared jars are poured three times with boiling marinade and held for five minutes. After the third filling, the cans should be immediately rolled up, turned over and kept covered until they cool down, and then put into storage.
The recipe for pickled onions depends on the variety. If a sharp or medium-sharp variety of onion is used, then the unpleasant bitterness can be removed by pouring it with boiling water or bringing to a boil in the marinade. Sweet onion does not need such a procedure, as it does not have bitterness.
Red pickled onions can be obtained by pickling it with beets. To prepare it, you need to take one beet per 1 kilogram of onion sets. Marinade is prepared in advance from wine vinegar and water, taken in a one to one ratio, add salt, pepper and put in the refrigerator for a day. The onions are peeled, scalded with boiling water and placed in small jars, preferably half liter or liter. Evenly distributed beets peeled and sliced ββinto slices are evenly distributed over the jar. The marinade is brought to a boil and the onion is poured in the same way as in the previous recipe. After the last pouring, the onions are twisted, cooled and cleaned in a cool place for storage. With this onion it is very convenient to decorate various dishes.
To give the onion a special piquancy, sugar, spices and spices are added to the marinade, and if you add a little red pepper, then the onion is sharp. It is this recipe for pickled onions that they love to make in Georgia.
To prepare the marinade, you will need water and nine percent vinegar, taken in a proportion of one to one. Of the spices you need cinnamon, cloves, allspice and bay leaf. For 1 liter of marinade, add 1-2 teaspoons of salt and sugar. Thrill lovers can add red pepper to taste. Before pickling, dip the onions in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, cool and briefly place in slightly salted water. After that, the onion is poured with boiling marinade and immediately corked.
Not everyone knows how to pickle onions for salads. Such an onion must immediately be cut into rings or half rings. Onions thus prepared are laid out in jars and for an hour and a half they are poured with marinade. Marinade for this onion is made with three percent vinegar and a teaspoon of vegetable oil is added to each jar. To add a spicy taste to the marinade add sugar, bay leaf and cloves. Such onions are also used as a spicy snack.
You can marinate onions by pasteurization. To do this, boiled floor liter or liter jars with chopped onions are poured with boiling marinade and pasteurized for 7-10 minutes, after which they are immediately rolled up.