Before starting treatment for the disease, you should understand the question: "Heel spur - what is it?". Plantar fasciitis is a bone growth in the form of a spike. It usually forms in the calcaneus and is a change in the soft tissues. As a result of this, these spikes are formed. This bulge is of different sizes. At the same time, the intensity of pain sensations may not depend on the size of the growth. Many people suffer from such a problem as a heel spur. That this is a fairly common disease, we already know, now we should understand the causes of the ailment.
There are a number of reasons why fasciitis may appear. But in practice it is very difficult to determine.
Very often plantar spurs occur in the elderly. This is due to long loads on the foot. And low tissue regeneration contributes to the development of the disease.
The main cause of spikes is flat feet. In this type of disease, the load on the plane of the foot is not distributed correctly. As a result, even slight tension when walking or uneven soil can cause ligament injury. Inflammation in the damaged area also captures a layer of bone tissue, as a result of which a spur forms.
In people of middle and young age, this disease occurs with severe, regular physical exertion. As a rule, these are professional athletes.
Over the past few decades, the percentage of fat people on the planet has increased dramatically. Excess weight provides additional load on the feet. In overweight people, the risk of plantar spurs is increased.
Other diseases indirectly affect the occurrence of spurs. For example, diabetes, gout, rheumatoid arthritis.
Signs of heel spur formationThe most common sign of spikes is pain. It seems like a nail in the heel. The intensity of the pain depends on the proximity of the growth to the nerve endings, and not on the size of the spike.
When a heel spur occurs, the nature of the gait changes. This is due to the fact that the patient is trying to relieve the affected area.
But before you diagnose your heel spur, you need to contact an orthopedist or surgeon. Since some other diseases have similar symptoms, for example, ankylosing spondylitis.
How to treat heel spur
They begin treatment immediately after diagnosing the causes of the insidious heel spur disease . What are these methods and are they the same for everyone?
Firstly, it is worth getting rid of uncomfortable shoes, for women - stop wearing high-heeled shoes. If you have been diagnosed with a heel spur, insoles in shoes should be replaced with special ones. The doctor will advise you on the correct option.
If the bone formation is not very large, then it is necessary to regularly massage. Mineral baths also help well. A laser is often used to treat this disease. The heel spur does not disappear, the effect is on soft tissues. Therefore, after a course of laser therapy, preventive measures should be taken.
Do not run the heel spur disease very much. What kind of disease is this and how dangerous it is - one should know not only the elderly, but also athletes, as well as overweight people.