"Sonapax": instructions for use, indications, composition, analog, reviews

The drug "Sonapax" instructions for use describes as a very effective antipsychotic agent that can have a positive effect on the peripheral and central nervous system. Also, the drug has antiemetic, antidepressant and antipsychotic effects. In this article you will learn the main features of the use of this pharmacological agent, as well as get acquainted with its contraindications, indications, reviews about it, composition and analogues. Carefully read this information in order to arm yourself and protect yourself as much as possible.

A few words about the composition and form of release

The preparation “Sonapax” describes the instructions for use as a medication produced in the form of tablets intended for oral use. The pills are round in shape and are painted pale yellow or pale pink. The tablets are packaged in blisters, each of which contains twenty or thirty pills. And the blisters themselves are placed in cardboard packaging. Usually each pack contains two or three blisters, as well as instructions for the use of the drug.

drug "Sonapax"

Instructions for use with "Sonapaks" reports that thioridazine is the active active ingredient of this drug. One tablet may contain ten or twenty-five milligrams of a given substance. It is very important to consider this when choosing the most optimal dosage correctly.

The composition of the medicine also includes a large number of auxiliary components. They help the product to be better absorbed by the body, and also give the tablet a certain shape. So, such auxiliary substances as lactose, potato starch, silicon dioxide, talc, gelatin, sucrose, and other components can be attributed to auxiliary substances.


Sonapax tablets are described in the instructions for use as a very effective antidepressant and antipsychotic medicine. Once in the body, the active components begin to work very quickly, so the first therapeutic effect can be noticed within a couple of hours after applying the pill. In this case, the drug is almost completely absorbed by the systemic circulation. The medicine is excreted from the body using the kidneys. Please note that a good therapeutic effect can be seen only after one to two weeks of regular use of the medication.

In what cases can I apply

In fact, Sonapax tablets have a very wide range of applications and help to cope with various diseases of the nervous system. Most often, neuropathologists prescribe this medication to their patients in such cases:

  • in the presence of serious depressive states, as well as various psychotic disorders;
  • the tool helps to cope with withdrawal symptoms in patients suffering from substance abuse and alcoholism;
  • the drug is also used in the complex treatment of schizophrenia, as well as neurosis, accompanied by fear, severe irritability and obsessive states;
  • this medicine helps to cope with Huntington's disease;
  • sometimes doctors prescribe Sonapax tablets for children with severe aggressiveness and hyperactivity, as well as in violation of concentration.

Also, the tool can be used for other disorders of the nervous system. However, only a doctor can determine the need to use such a strong drug. Therefore, in no case do not self-medicate.

Are there any contraindications

The indications of “Sonapax” we reviewed above. It is also important to study contraindications. This must be done in order not to harm your health. This tool is a fairly serious drug, therefore, it must be used with extreme caution, only on the recommendation of an experienced specialist.

There are a number of diseases in which the use of “Sonapax”, the composition of which is described in this article, is strictly prohibited.

visit doctor

So, we consider the main contraindications:

  • various diseases of the heart and blood vessels, brain and spinal cord, also the drug can not be used for serious blood pathologies;
  • in no case take the medicine if you have serious liver problems;
  • Also, the product is prohibited for use in the presence of serious head injuries.
  • the drug is capable of causing allergic reactions, therefore, people suffering from hypersensitivity to any components that make up the drug, it is strictly prohibited to use the drug.

Lax contraindications

With extreme caution, after passing certain tests, doctors may allow Sonapax tablets to be used by patients suffering from epilepsy, cancer, digestive system ulcers, renal failure, and glaucoma. However, in this case, strict monitoring of the patient’s health will be necessary. Such patients may have to undergo treatment in a hospital setting.

Action "Sonapaksa"

As mentioned above, the active ingredient of this pharmaceutical agent is thioridazine. When choosing the right dosage, this synthetic component is able to have a good antidepressant and antipsychotic effect. Depending on the dosage used, this drug can be used as an antidepressant or antipsychotic.

The use of the drug in minimal dosages allows the patient to cope with an oppressed state, activating his central nervous system. But if you use the drug in high dosages, it will have a sedative effect on the human body.

different pills

Moreover, it is very important that even with a significant increase in dosage, a person will not feel depressed and listless, since the relaxing effect will not be present to a large extent. Note that the dosage that is suitable for one patient may not be suitable for another. Therefore, what kind of dose is right for you, your doctor will determine.

Application features

The drug “Sonapax”, reviews of which are more positive, is usually taken two to four times a day, depending on the type of disease, the severity of the condition, as well as the individual characteristics of the body. Also, the doctor should take into account the patient's age and the presence of concomitant diseases.

The medicine in large doses is usually used to treat schizophrenia, depression, serious psychosis, as well as manic and depressive conditions. In this case, the dosage should increase gradually, starting with fifty milligrams of active substance per day. The maximum is considered the daily dosage of two hundred and three hundred milligrams. Usually, the course of treatment lasts several weeks, but upon its completion, doctors still recommend the use of supportive therapy so that there is no likelihood of relapse.

Small doses are usually used to treat a depressed emotional state, as well as mild mental disorders. In the same way as in the previous case, the dose should be increased gradually. It is best to start with ten to twenty milligrams per day, and gradually come to a hundred or two hundred milligrams of the active substance. If the patient suffers from psychosomatic abnormalities, then doctors recommend the use of this tool in very small dosages.

depression treatment

Reviews about the “Sonapax” of doctors and parents confirm that this drug can also be used for children. However, this must be done very carefully under the strict supervision of a physician. The tool can be used by the children's category of the population for the treatment of exactly the same diseases as in adults. However, the dosage should be significantly reduced. Usually, children are not prescribed doses in excess of twenty to thirty grams of the active substance. The maximum dosage of “Sonapax” for persons under the age of majority should be fifty milligrams per day.

Is an overdose possible

According to the opinions of doctors and patients, the inept use of the drug "Sonapaks" can lead to a condition such as an overdose. Usually it is accompanied by excessive fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, vomiting, nausea, as well as problems with the digestive system.

A significant overdose can lead to serious malfunctions in the cardiovascular system, as well as pulmonary edema. In some cases, even a coma may occur.

If an overdose occurs, it is very important to do a timely gastric lavage, and also begin symptomatic treatment. Specialists recommend the use of special drugs that can quickly remove the drug from the body, as well as suspend its absorption. It is also worth to take a few tablets of activated carbon, based on your weight.

depressed state

It is very important in case of an overdose to contact a medical institution, otherwise the consequences can be very deplorable.

Is it possible to develop negative consequences

Please note that the active substance “Sonapax” can have a negative effect on your body. Therefore, it is very important to get acquainted with all the features of its use in order to protect yourself as much as possible. Quite often, this drug leads to negative reactions from the digestive system. Patients complain of the development of effects such as nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Also, the use of the drug can lead to various diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous system. The tool can also lead to malfunctions of the genitourinary system. Some patients complained of urinary retention, as well as a decrease in sexual desire while using this drug.

In the presence of hypersensitivity to any components that make up this drug, allergic reactions may occur.

Important notes

An overdose of “Sonapax” can lead to extremely deplorable consequences. Therefore, in no case do not self-medicate. Do not increase the dosage yourself. Act clearly guided by all the recommendations of your doctor.

In no case should you take the drug for pregnant and lactating women, since scientists have not conducted studies confirming the safety of the drug for this category of the population. Only in rare cases, doctors can prescribe the drug to women during pregnancy, if they are confident that its benefits to the mother will significantly exceed the harm to the baby.

If a woman is forced to take the drug during lactation, then it is best to transfer the child to artificial feeding. Note that thioridazine is able to pass into breast milk.

Depression state

In no case should you combine “Sonapax” and alcohol, as this can cause extremely serious consequences. Do not forget that alcohol alone has a devastating effect on liver and brain cells. And in conjunction with this medication, this effect will be even more destructive.

Also note that during the course of treatment with “Sonapax” it is not recommended to drive a car or work with serious mechanisms, since this tool can inhibit psychomotor reactions and cause drowsiness. Therefore, doctors strongly do not recommend engaging in activities that are associated with increased concentration of attention.

You can take Sonapax tablets for elderly patients. However, in this case, the dosage of the active substance should be minimal. Before you start using the medicine, it is very important to pass a series of tests confirming the fact that you can use the Sonapax drug.

Very often, patients are wondering about how to cancel Sonapax. In order for the tool to have the most mild effect on the nervous system, it must be canceled, gradually lowering the dosage. Please note that there is simply a huge probability of a relapse in a patient suffering from diseases of the central nervous system. Therefore, doctors recommend the use of maintenance therapy, which reduces the risk of relapse.

A few words about interacting with other medicines

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of how much Sonapax acts, since the duration of its exposure may depend on many factors. It is also worth considering that the tool will not have an instant effect. It will begin to exert an active effect on the human body only one to two weeks after the start of use. You should not combine this drug with alcohol-containing drinks, as well as sleeping pills and narcotic drugs, since combining Sonapax with such substances can significantly enhance the effect of the latter.

The use of anticonvulsants may inhibit the effect of Sonapax. Also, this medicine can significantly reduce the effect of drugs against diabetes.

Whatever drug you take, be sure to notify your healthcare provider about this. Only he can confirm the possibility of combining several medicinal drugs.

Are there any analogues

Today, there are a large number of Sonapaks analogues. However, buying them is not so simple. All of them are quite serious medicines, so you can not do without a doctor’s prescription to purchase them.

Usually, Sonapax analogues are prescribed in cases where it is not possible to use this medication. Analogs are means that have a similar composition or have a similar effect on the body.

Consider the most basic substitutes for "Sonapaks", most often prescribed by doctors:

  • Thioril
  • "Melleril";
  • Tyson and many others.

All of them are very effective, but they must be used with extreme caution. Only a doctor can decide on the selection of an analogue, as well as on what dosages to take it. All of these drugs are very effective, but have a large number of contraindications.

Storage Features

It is very important to know under what conditions to store the drug so that its effectiveness does not decrease. The preparation “Sonapax” should be kept in a dark, cool place, away from sunlight and children's hands. In this case, the maximum storage temperature should be twenty-five degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the drug is four years from the date of issue. However, note that improper storage conditions can significantly reduce this period. Therefore, approach with all responsibility the storage conditions of the medication. So you will not only extend the life of his life, but you certainly will not harm your health.

Medication price

Depending on the content of the active substance, you will have to pay from three hundred to six hundred rubles for packing tablets. Of course, the price of this drug is high, but it is justified by its effectiveness. The drug is sold in almost all pharmacies, but without a doctor’s prescription you can’t buy it.

What do doctors and patients think

Very often, doctors prescribe the Sonapax antipsychotic to their patients, as they are confident in its high effectiveness. However, you should not expect quick and short-term results, the drug really does its job well, but only with the right and long-term use.

Of course, patients notice that against the background of the use of this drug, the state of health is significantly improved, but there are also many side effects. For example, most people undergoing treatment with Sonapax notice that, against the background of its use, the body's fatigue increases significantly, and there is also increased drowsiness. Also considered frequent are such phenomena as memory lapses, inhibition of psychomotor reactions and a lowered concentration of attention.

As for the sedative effect, almost all patients confirm that the drug really does very well with its purpose. The medicine can have an amazing sedative effect, and also helps to cope with a state of aggression, nervousness and increased irritability.

Sonapax tablets

In some cases, doctors recommend that their patients use Sonapax tablets in conjunction with a drug such as Glycine. It helps reduce the risk of side effects.

Properly selected dosages of the medicine help in a short time to cope with psychoses, neurosises and anxiety. However, a positive effect can be seen only if you are clearly guided by the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Quite often, the representatives of the stronger sex against the background of the use of the drug complain of a decrease in erection or even its complete absence. However, after cessation of treatment, sexual function is restored.

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«» , . , . However, in no case do not self-medicate. , , . Take care of your health today.Having established your life, you will immediately solve many problems. Therefore, start eating right, do physical exercises, and relax a bit more. And then you will not need drugs against depression. Love yourself and take care of yourself.

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