If someone believes that washing your nose with salt water at home is possible only with a runny nose, acute respiratory viral infections, rhinitis (allergic or vasomotor) or flu, then he is very mistaken. This rather simple procedure helps to increase the protective properties of the nasal mucosa (that is, the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections) and normalize the activity of the human respiratory system. Also, such manipulations are very useful in terms of nasal hygiene.
True, many are afraid to carry out such manipulations, since they have little information on how to rinse the nose with salt water. Therefore, let's understand. In our article, we will try to tell in more detail about all the advantages of such a procedure, the technology of its implementation and safety measures.
Can I rinse my nose with salt water
Despite all the advantages of such a procedure, there may be certain restrictions on the use of this method for cleaning the nasal cavity of pathogenic contents for each specific person (adult or child). Therefore, before rinsing the nasal cavity with saline, it is better to consult a specialist (especially this advice applies to cases where the procedure is performed for children).
Purpose of washing the nasal cavity with a salt-based solution
Why rinse your nose with a cold in salt water? What is the point? A similar procedure allows you to:
- Make the mucus less dense.
- Relieve swelling.
- Reduce the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa.
- Clean the nasal passages before using medicinal drops or ointments.
We prepare a solution using salt
How to rinse your nose with salt water, and where to start? And it’s worth starting with the preparation of the correct saline solution (to avoid a negative result from washing), which can be prepared in two ways:
- based on sea salt;
- using ordinary table (food) salt.
On a note! If there is no desire to prepare the mixture yourself, you can buy in the pharmacy network ready-made based on salt of marine origin or physiological saline.
Douching the nasal cavity with a mixture of sea salt
For the solution we use real sea salt, which is unlikely to contain any impurities and additives. You can buy it at absolutely any pharmacy and at a relatively low price.
On a note! We recommend that you buy sea salt in advance and always have it handy in your home medicine cabinet.
Here are some time-tested options for preparing a salt mixture:
- Stir in warm boiled water (2 liters) sea salt (4 teaspoons). The mixture is excellent for rinsing the throat (if necessary), cleansing the nasal cavity in any inflammatory process (for example, with sinusitis).
- Mix boiled water (4 cups) and sea salt (2 teaspoons). Mix everything thoroughly. If the mixture contains a precipitate, then it should be filtered.
- We are preparing a concentrated solution, which is recommended for use by those who have to work in conditions conducive to excessive drying of the nasal mucosa. Bred in 2 cups of water (always boiled) 4 teaspoons of salt of marine origin.
Important! Remember: to prepare the mixture, which will be used to wash the baby’s nose, without fail, we significantly reduce the proportions, namely, for 2 cups of boiled water, add only ½ teaspoon of sea salt. This dosage will be quite optimal.
Flushing the nasal cavity with a solution based on sodium chloride
It’s okay if you didn’t have salt of marine origin in your household. You can use the usual cookbook, which is also suitable for the procedure. The main thing is to observe the correct proportion so as not to harm. The best option - per liter of boiled water, add only 2 teaspoons (incomplete) of sodium chloride.
On a note! You can prepare a mixed solution based on soda and salt (2 teaspoons of each component) and warm boiled (preferably filtered) water (4 cups). This mixture has enhanced antibacterial properties. We recommend using it not only for medicinal purposes, but also for prophylactic ones.
What water to use
A very important role in the preparation of saline is given to the quality of the water used. If it is not clean enough, then there is a risk that the infection will get inside and exacerbate the situation.
Regarding the temperature of the mixture: it should be slightly warm. Remember: very hot can cause a burn, and too cold can cause a serious complication.
Flushing Frequency
How many days can you wash your nose with salt water and how often should it be done throughout the day? In order to prevent the procedure, it is quite enough to carry out several times a week. In the course of one session, it is recommended to use about ¼-½ cup of solution.
In the event of an inflammatory process, the number of necessary procedures increases. They must be carried out daily for a week (two times a day is enough).
Important! How much can you wash your nose with salt water to patients suffering from chronic diseases such as rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and the like; or working in conditions conducive to excessive drying of the nasal mucosa? Our answer: this must be done practically constantly. Before that, you should only consult a doctor.
Salt-Based Water Treatment Technology
How to rinse your nose with salt water? What is the technology for this procedure? Today, there are several time-tested options for washing the nasal cavity with:
- watering cans;
- pipettes or syringes;
- syringe.
There is also another option without the use of any devices. So choose the one that suits you best (in terms of affordability and effectiveness) or your child.
The process of washing with a watering can
How to rinse your nose with salt water using a watering can, which is a small volume teapot with a rather narrow nose? The procedure is as follows:
- To make the procedure effective, we first make sure that the nasal cavity is not blocked, that is, both nostrils “breathe”. Otherwise, the therapy will be completely useless.
- We bend over the surface of the sink, turn our head slightly to the side and open our mouth.
- Using a watering can, we pour the salt mixture into the nostril, which is currently higher (relative to the other).
Important! During the procedure, be sure to hold your breath to avoid the ingress of fluid into the bronchi or lungs. It is also very undesirable to get the mixture into the ear cavity, namely, into the Eustachian tube. This can lead to aggravation of an existing inflammatory process.
- Next, we change the position of the head and do the whole procedure only from another nostril.
You can rinse with a watering can using another method: slightly throw your head back, stick out a little tongue, hold your breath and pour a small amount of solution at first into one nostril, and then, after waiting a bit, into the other, spitting out the liquid through the oral cavity each time . In this case, the nasopharynx is cleansed.
Important! In order for the procedure to benefit, it is necessary to stay indoors for an hour after it. This is very important, since the liquid remaining in the sinuses when entering the cold can cause hypothermia and provoke a subsequent runny nose or worse.
The process of washing with a syringe or syringe
Yes, you can use a syringe (only, naturally, without a needle) or a syringe. The sequence of actions is the same as when using a watering can. It is not scary if part of the solution gets into the mouth (although it is unpleasant). Remember: when using a syringe, all actions must be careful so that a strong stream does not get into the ear cavity, bronchi or lungs.
Important! When the procedure is completed, it is worth blowing your nose well.
Pipette flushing process
How to rinse your nose with salt water using a pipette and in which cases to use it? Flushing the nasal cavity for children, especially very small ones, is very problematic. It is in these cases that we recommend using a pipette. You must act as follows:
- We lay the baby on the bed in the back.
- In each nostril we introduce a mixture of salt (3-4 volumes of pipette into each nostril).
- After 20-30 seconds, the baby can get up, and the entire solution from the nasopharynx moves into the oral cavity. In this case, the child will have to swallow all the contents.
- You can, of course, remove fluid and mucus from the nasal cavity with a cotton flagellum. Only this must be done very carefully.
You can use another way:
- throw the child’s head back and tilt it slightly to the side;
- drop 2-3 whole pipettes of the salt mixture into the nostril that is currently higher;
- wait 25-30 seconds;
- return the child to an upright position;
- he is blowing his nose;
- then do the same with the other nostril.
Important! We do not call for self-medication. The use of any means of healing should be agreed with the doctor. Only a medical professional can give absolutely accurate recommendations regarding the treatment of a disease.
Nasal lavage without any devices
This is the easiest, affordable and gentle way to rinse the nasal cavity. Gather the solution in the palm of your hand, tilt your head and draw in the mixture with your nostrils. Release fluid either through the nose or through the mouth. Everything is very simple.
Now you know how many times to wash your nose with salt water, how to properly prepare the salt mixture for the procedure and with what it can be done. We hope that washing no longer causes you concern, and you can do it yourself, after consulting with a specialist. Moreover, the procedure is harmless (if performed according to our recommendations), unlike many medications of an antiseptic and vasoconstrictive nature, the use of which is associated with many side effects and which have a number of unpleasant contraindications.