Many housewives know how to cook plum jam. After all, such a dessert is very popular in our country. There are several ways to cook it. Someone makes this treat with stones, someone without them, and someone adds gelatin or cocoa to the fruits.
Whichever of the following methods of making jam you choose, you will definitely get a delicious and fragrant dessert, which all members of your family will certainly appreciate.
Fruit selection
Before you prepare plum jam for the winter, you must correctly select the main ingredient.
If you are an avid gardener, then this fruit can be easily grown in your own garden. If you have nothing to do with summer residents, then it is better to purchase this product on the market. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the plums are soft, without wormholes and damage to the peel. If the seller allows, the fruit can be tasted. It should be sweet and intolerant.
Plum jam for the winter: recipe with photo
The easiest way to make such a treat is to use whole fruits. In other words, plums do not need to be processed and bones removed from them. The absence of this procedure will allow you to make jam quickly and easily.
So how to cook plum jam for the winter? For this we need the following products:
- soft ripe plums - about 5 kg;
- drinking water - 1/3 cup;
- small beet sugar - about 5 kg.
We prepare fruits
Before you cook plum jam, you need to process fresh fruits. They are sorted out, removing wormy specimens, and then laid out in a colander and washed thoroughly with hot water.
After the fruits are processed, they are dried and laid out in a large basin. Next to the same dishes add fine granulated sugar. Shaking the ingredients thoroughly, they are covered with a newspaper and left in a warm room until the sweet spice partially dissolves.
If you are in a hurry, you can heat the food immediately after combining the fruit with sugar. In this case, you can add a little drinking water to them (about 1/3 cup). This component will prevent the burning of ingredients to the bottom of the dishes.
Heat treatment
How to cook plum jam for the winter? To do this, put dishes with fruits and sugar on a very low fire and slowly bring to a boil. As soon as the sugar begins to melt, the plum is well mixed.
After the syrup is formed, it is waiting for it to boil. It is from this moment that time is spotted.
Cook jam with fruit pits should be about half an hour. In this case, it is required to constantly interfere with a large spoon. During this procedure, the fruits should become soft.
Conservation process
The plum jam, the recipe of which we are considering, should turn out to be very thick. After it is subjected to heat treatment, it is laid out in previously sterilized jars and corked with lids.
Leaving the workpiece at room temperature for several days, it is cleaned in a cool room.
How to serve?
You can eat ready-made dessert from plums immediately after cooking. But if you stored it for too long and it is sugared, then it should be heated again on the stove and served to the table in a chilled form.
Plum jam: seedless recipe
Not all chefs like to cook plum jam with pits. In this regard, we offer to get rid of them and get a more appetizing dessert.
So how to cook pitted plum jam? To do this, prepare:
- sweet ripe plums - about 5 kg;
- small beet sugar - about 4.5 kg.
Fruit processing
Plums for such a jam can be purchased slightly elastic. They are thoroughly washed in hot water, and then dried and an incision is made in diameter. Turning the halves of the fruit in different directions, they are carefully separated and the bones are taken out.
As soon as all the plums are cleaned, they are laid out in a deep pan and covered with fine sugar. Having mixed the components, the fruits in sugar are covered and left to warm for 70-90 minutes. During this time, the halves of the fruit should empty their juice and, combined with sugar, form a thick syrup.
Cooking process
All housewives should know how to cook plum jam for the winter. Indeed, such fruits are very popular among all residents of our country.
As soon as the sugar melts and forms a thick syrup with the plum juice , the dishes are placed on the stove and, stirring regularly, slowly bring to a boil. After that, the contents of the pan are cooked exactly 10 minutes. During this time, fruit jam should visibly thicken, become darker and more saturated.
Dessert roll and serving
Now you have an idea of how to cook plum jam on a stove. After heat treatment, the dessert is distributed in sterilized jars and sealed with self-twisting or ordinary tin lids.
After cooling all the containers they are cleaned in a cool place. In winter, the finished dessert is presented to the table with a cup of hot tea and toasted toast.
Cook fruit jam in a slow cooker
Do you know how to cook plum jam in a slow cooker? If you have the mentioned device, but you do not use it, then it's time to do it. Cooking fruit jam in it is not so difficult. To do this, prepare:
- soft ripe plums - about 5 kg;
- drinking water - 1/2 cup;
- crystallized gelatin - 35 g;
- small beet sugar - about 5 kg.
Product Preparation
Winter plum jam with gelatin is prepared in stages. The main ingredient is processed first. The fruit is thoroughly washed, dried, halved and a stone is taken out. After that, they are laid out in a deep dish, covered with sugar and mixed well.
Covering the ingredients with a lid or newspaper, they are left in this condition for two hours. Meanwhile, they begin to prepare gelatin. It is poured into a small bowl and filled with plain water. After mixing the components with a spoon, they are left aside for 45 minutes. After this time, the gelatin crystals should swell well. To dissolve, they are slowly heated on a stove, but not boiled.
Dessert cooking process
How to cook plum jam with gelatin? First, fruits with sugar are heat treated. They are laid out in a slow cooker and gradually brought to a boil in the cooking mode. As soon as the contents of the device begin to boil, it is well mixed and boiled for about 7 minutes.
After time, a gelatin solution is added to the boiled sweet plum. In this composition, jam is cooked for another 3-5 minutes.
During the heat treatment, the fruit dessert should become darker, more fragrant and thicker.
Canning dessert
To plum jam is well preserved throughout the winter, it should be laid out only in sterilized jars. They are rolled up with boiled lids and allowed to cool completely.
After one or two days, the homemade treat is cleaned in the cold. Such processing will allow the jam to become even more thick and tasty (due to the content of gelatin in it).
We serve to the table
Present thick fruit jam to the table should be chilled. Together with him, guests need to serve a cup of unsweetened tea, as well as a bun, toast or some cookies. Also, this treat is ideal for cheesecakes, pancakes, pancakes, etc.
Cooking plum chocolate jam
Not everyone can plum jam with cocoa for the winter. Therefore, we decided to present his step-by-step recipe. Observing all the recommendations, you will get a very tasty and unusual dessert, which will certainly please both adults and children.
So, we need:
- sweet pitted plums - 1.5 kg;
- drinking water - ½ cup;
- beet sugar - 600 g;
- cocoa powder - 5 large spoons (with a slide).
Preparing the basis for jam
Despite the external complexity, preparing such a dessert is easy and simple. The fruit is processed first. They are thoroughly washed, dried, cut in half, removed the stone and spread in a deep pan.
Having added some drinking water to the plum, it is put on the stove and slowly boiled. Half the fruit is cooked for about half an hour. After they fall apart, they are removed from the heat and cool a little.
Having carried out the described actions, spread the warm plum mass into a colander or large sieve, and then grind it using a crush. As a result of this, you should get a thick and aromatic mashed potatoes and a small amount of oilcake. The latter can be thrown away.
Cook jam with cocoa on the stove
After the base for the plum dessert is ready, proceed to the preparation of cocoa. It is poured into a bowl with 300 g of sugar and put in a water bath. Slowly warming up the components, achieve their complete dissolution.
While the icing cools, the rest of the granulated sugar is poured to the plum puree, which is pre-installed on the stove.
As soon as the fruit gruel boils, the fire is reduced. In this form, jam is boiled for 5 minutes. After this time, warm glaze is added to it and well mixed.
Seaming process
Having received a dark and uniform mixture of fruit puree and cocoa, proceed to its distribution in sterilized banks. As a rule, 0.5 containers are used for these purposes.
Having corked with lids, the chocolate jam is left at room temperature until completely cooled. Further it is cleaned in the basement or underground (can be kept in the refrigerator).
When and how to serve?
Serve a chocolate treat with plums, preferably after two weeks. Jam is laid out in a beautiful bowl and presented to guests with a glass of tea and crispy toast.
It should also be noted that often such a dessert is used to prepare delicious pastry (for example, pies, rolls, pies and other things). By the way, homemade brioches are very tasty from this delicacy.
To summarize
In this article, we looked at the most popular and easiest ways to make plum jam. Using the options described, you will surely delight guests and household with a delicious and fragrant treat.
It should be noted that the presented methods are far from the only options for how to cook fruit jam at home. If desired, other components can be added to such a delicacy, which will significantly improve its taste and appearance.