Recently, benign formations in the organs of hearing are often diagnosed, such as the polyp in the ear. It develops in the mucous tissue during the inflammatory process or after it. It occurs in patients of different age groups, there are several types on which therapy often depends. This disease is accompanied by appropriate symptoms, which helps with the diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed on the basis of the examination, is carried out comprehensively. With a polyp, you should not engage in self-treatment, as this can lead to serious consequences and complications, up to a fatal outcome.
Clinical picture
This benign formation can be of various shapes and sizes. If timely treatment is not provided, then this leads to a worsening of the situation and well-being. Polyps in the ear are invisible, as well as those that, when growing, begin to close the ear canal. Diagnosed both inside and out. Deliver considerable discomfort to the patient, thereby worsening the quality of life.
Formations are with a thin vascular pedicle or "sit" on a wide base. If the patient was diagnosed with the second type of polyps, then there is a chance of degeneration into a malignant tumor. They are clearly visible and have a normal color, like the skin of the ear.
This benign formation often has a pale pink or red color. The shape ranges from round to conical. If a polyp of the middle ear is diagnosed, then his doctor is not always able to examine it and as a result, it grows. The growth is soft, has a smooth or tuberous surface. With a light touch, slight bleeding occurs. These initial signs help a specialist in making a diagnosis.
As for histology, it will be different and it all depends on the type of polyps. If the process is already old, then there is a possibility of its transition to fibroma. As a result, the patient begins to complain of hearing problems.
Causes of Polyps in the Ear
In the organ of hearing, polyps occur for various reasons. The most common is the inflammatory process and untimely therapy. The main provoking factor in education is otitis media of the chronic type, as well as a predisposition to benign formations or damage to the ear.
The cause of the formation of polyps is the excessive division of cell tissue. In this situation, the body tries to overcome the stimulus. This process can not always eliminate inflammation, therefore, the transformation of the mucous membrane into connective tissue is diagnosed. As a result, polyps occur in the ear in different parts of this organ.
Also, a provoking factor can be such violations as:
- Injury of the temporal lobe.
- Damage to the bone tissue of the head.
- Damage and untimely treatment of the facial nerve.
Polyps can be attributed to secondary pathologies, since they are often diagnosed with other concomitant diseases developing in the human body.
As mentioned earlier, the polyp in the ear can be of various shapes and colors. Specialists distinguish the following types of deviations:
- in the form of education - on a small leg, with a wide base and spherical;
- for granulation - ordinary, angiofibromas, myxomas, fibromas;
- by color - white, burgundy, red, pink-red;
- depending on the surface - smooth, the presence of tubercles;
- by consistency - soft, slightly dense;
- depending on the location - outside, in the middle ear.
Only a specialist can determine the type of education after a thorough examination of the auditory organ.
As soon as the patient has a polyp, then after a short time the corresponding signs appear, after the appearance of which it is recommended to immediately seek qualified help. What is worth paying attention to?
- Slight itching, noise and pain in the auditory organ.
- There is pressure.
- The patient complains of a foreign body in the ear cavity.
- Hearing problems - getting worse or disappearing.
- Frequent cephalgia.
- Isolation of pus, often bloody.
Also, polyps in the ears of a person are often accompanied by a pulsation, which causes considerable discomfort and worsens the quality of life.
Education in the ear of a child
There are cases when a polyp is diagnosed in young children. To identify this benign formation, it is worth paying attention to the symptoms present, which is not very different from an adult, and undergo a thorough examination. Increased irritability and temperature are often noted as additional signs of the disease.
The polyp in the child’s ear is eliminated by various methods, including operational, if the situation is severely neglected. With growth, you should not waste time and start treatment immediately, as soon as changes in the baby’s well-being have been noticed. If you start the situation, then this will lead to the spread of polyps and deafness. Specialists often recommend not only medicines, but also folk remedies, which are quite effective.
How is the disease diagnosed?
To establish the exact education you need to contact the otolaryngologist (ENT doctor). First of all, a specialist examines the eardrum and the external auditory canal. For this, special devices are used. As a result of the inspection, pus, changes in the eardrum, significant growths can be revealed. Attention is also paid to differential diagnosis. This is necessary for the appointment of quality treatment.
Also, the patient may be advised to undergo other examinations:
- take a blood and urine test;
- bacteriological examination of the tympanic cavity;
- examination of the ear cavity with a microscope;
- computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (performed only if the disease has progressed and the prevalence of polyps is diagnosed);
- biopsy to exclude oncology;
- a study is being conducted to identify an allergic reaction;
- electrocardiogram;
- blood coagulation test.
Based on the results obtained, therapy is prescribed, which may include not only conservative methods, but also surgical intervention.
Complications and consequences
When the situation is neglected, it is recommended to remove the polyp in the ear. If this is not done, fidelity of complications and negative consequences is great. Often, this benign formation is provoked by infectious processes, and as a result, leads to the chronic stage of otitis media and the further development of the infectious process.
With untimely therapy, the growth of the polyp is diagnosed, then there is a blockage of the ear canal, deafness. There is also a risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor, the first signs of which include:
- intense pain, having a paroxysmal character;
- malaise, dizziness, rapid weight loss;
- secretion of blood and mucus;
- appetite problems.
If you do not start treatment, then complications can lead to death. Do not forget that infection in the auditory canal provokes paralysis of the facial nerve, the death of brain cells, meningitis.
After a diagnosis is made, patients often wonder how to remove polyps in the ear. You can get rid of such a benign education by two methods - medication or surgical. Alternative therapy is prescribed and alternative therapy.
With the help of drugs, it is possible to stop the inflammatory process. In this situation, experts prescribe steroids and disinfectants. If the pathology is complicated by a fungal infection, then you need to use antimycotic drugs. In advanced cases, surgery is performed.
During surgery, the polyp in the ear is cut off from the normal mucosal surface using a tool with a lower loop. Polyp removal is done with tweezers. Be sure to use local anesthesia.
After the intervention, the surface is disinfected and treated with drugs. The process ends with washing with saline.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that after the operation, new polyps can be diagnosed. In such a situation, it is recommended to exclude the inflammatory process and regularly be under the supervision of a specialist.
Alternative treatment
Alternative therapy should in no case be carried out without auxiliary treatment. In most cases, after the completed course, positive results are observed, old processes disappear and new ones do not arise.
A composition of honey and butter is considered a good remedy for these benign formations. Components are used in equal proportions (1: 1). To prepare the consistency, the ingredients are placed in a pan and boiled for 180 minutes. Cool and place in a cold place. You need to use the drug daily on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning, 12 g.
Alternative treatment helps to get rid only of the provoking factor, but not from the growths themselves.
Preventive actions
To avoid this serious disease, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis, after consulting with a specialist. Such measures include:
- Timely treatment of ENT diseases.
- Use of nasal drops.
- In the cold season, you need to wear hats.
- Exclude hypothermia and infection of the auditory organ.
- Personal hygiene.
Polyps are a serious problem that must be dealt with immediately at the first sign of manifestation.