Bedbugs: how to get rid of adversity

Bedbugs from time immemorial annoy man. Even the ancient Romans and Greeks suffered from the attack of these small pests, and even then they tried to come up with effective methods of destroying bugs.

These harmful insects have incredible survivability and adapt to almost any habitat. Bedbugs propagate at lightning speed, they are able to make living in a house or apartment unbearable for a person.

About 50 thousand species of bugs are known in the world , and a person is most often bothered by a bed bug, the bites of which cause a lot of trouble.
Bedbug bites are almost impossible to distinguish from mosquito bites and other insects. As a result of an attack on the skin, a slight cherry redness is formed. Bedbugs of a person are usually at night during sleep. Most prefer delicate baby skin, or less coarse than that of men, women's. After drinking blood, bugs climb back into their shelters, in which they are not easy to find. The bloodsuckers arrange their nests in furniture upholstery, in mattresses, linen closets, in places where it is warm and dry. Insects do not have wings and cannot fly, but due to their light weight they can easily move around the room with the help of air flows.

Often, people who get bedbug bites do not immediately understand where the redness came from during the night. Often such marks appear on the face and under the linen seams. Taking skin redness for an allergy or an incomprehensible disease, people turn to a dermatologist, and already there they learn about the real reasons. It should be noted that bedbug bites are painless, as their saliva contains special anesthetics. And after some time, the affected areas begin to itch, and a blister forms there.

Unpleasant bug bites can cause allergic reactions, provoke the appearance of skin rashes. To relieve itching and treat bite sites, experts recommend lubricating them with cosmetic cream that contains hydrocortisone, or using antihistamines.

In theory, bedbugs can act as carriers of infectious diseases, including such as plague, smallpox, leprosy and tuberculosis, but such cases are very rare. Nevertheless, if it is suspected that a kissing bug has appeared in the house, any measures should be taken to get rid of this scourge. To combat insects, folk remedies are used, but the disinfection procedure carried out by specialists will give a greater effect.

You can destroy bugs by changing the temperature in the room. At minus twenty they live no more than a day, and at plus 50 they die instantly. Our ancestors used such methods when there was no means of chemical control of insects. In winter, bed linen was taken out in the cold, the hut was ventilated, opening all the doors open for several days. In addition, linen was placed on a hot stove, on which it was calcined. At the same time, it was necessary to ensure that clothes did not catch fire from high temperature.

Today, as a chemical means for removing bugs , the powdered preparations Neopin, Adsorbicide, Riapan are used; liquid preparations are Actellik, Lacterin, Insecta Dibrofin, and aerosols are Karbozol, Udar, and Viraz plus, "Perfos."

When using chemicals, respiratory and hand protection should be provided. After treatment, it is necessary to thoroughly wash open areas of the body and leave the room for the duration of the drug. In addition, after chemical cleaning, wash and ventilate the room well, boil bedding.

To prevent bug bites and destroy them at a time, it is best to contact the sanitary service, which will conduct a complete disinfection.

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