Diabetes mellitus is characterized by an increase in glucose levels and has recently become a real disaster, as this dangerous disease is increasingly being diagnosed. If you experience a feeling of intense thirst, dryness in the oral cavity, you should immediately consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination and subsequent treatment, if necessary.
However, if the disease has not been diagnosed, and sugar is still rising, then certain measures must be taken to lower it. At the same time, it is worth remembering that absolutely a qualified doctor must prescribe absolutely any drugs, therefore, the independent administration of drugs is strictly prohibited.
How can you effectively reduce sugar
If blood sugar has increased, how to lower it is necessary to know for sure, since such a condition can threaten serious complications. The following signs indicate an increase in glucose indicators:
- severe dry mouth;
- feeling tired
- increased appetite;
- visual impairment;
- frequent urination.
If you know how to lower blood sugar, you can easily control your well-being. The main goal of this is to prevent the development of diabetes. This disease occurs with pathologies of the pancreas, which cannot fully produce insulin, and the whole organism begins to suffer from this.
After eating food, sugar rises after 10-15 minutes. After an hour, you can fix the maximum level, and only after 2 hours the indicators return to normal. To not increase sugar too much, you need to limit the consumption of sweets and carbonated sugary drinks. You need to replace simple carbohydrates with dried fruits, fruits and low-calorie desserts.
It is best to add honey to tea, as it is much more beneficial and breaks down much faster. In addition, a wide variety of sweeteners can be consumed. In your usual diet you need to include a lot of fiber and vegetables, consume poultry, legumes and fish. It is important to have a glucose monitor at any time.
Sugar reduction at home
How to reduce blood sugar with drugs - only the doctor can determine, however, there are home methods that help control glucose readings. Be sure to follow these recommendations:
- normalize metabolic processes;
- organize fractional nutrition;
- consume a lot of fiber;
- increase the daily amount of protein.
Be sure to minimize the amount of salt in the usual diet, as it leads to fluid retention. In addition, there are various traditional medicine and physical exercises that help normalize glucose values.
Use of drugs
In some cases, it is very important to know how to quickly reduce blood sugar, as its increase can have negative consequences and can affect health. Normalize glucose levels only with hypoglycemic drugs. However, it is worth remembering that medicines that lower blood sugar do not act sharply and instantly. Basically, stabilization of the indicators occurs approximately 1.5-2 hours after taking the medicine.
Hypoglycemic agents can be taken by children and adults. During pregnancy, medications are prescribed quite rarely. To normalize glucose indicators in type 2 diabetes, drugs such as:
- biguanides - Siofor, Metformin;
- receptor agonists - Victoza, Bayeta;
- inhibitors - “Glucobai”, “Galvus”, “Januvia”;
- Metglinids - Starlix, Novonorm.
Metglinides are considered the most dangerous drugs, since their consumption leads to the depletion of pancreatic cells. Many doctors say that taking medications regularly causes type 2 diabetes to go into type 1.
The most safe are biguanides. They have a mild effect on the body, and also very rarely provoke the occurrence of side effects. How to quickly lower blood sugar - worries many patients, as in some cases immediate action is required. Inhibitors and agonists are considered the best agents. They have a very mild effect on the diabetic. The only drawback of such drugs is their high cost.
In addition, insulin therapy can be prescribed, however, only the attending doctor makes this decision. This is required if it is not possible to stabilize the indicators by following a diet, taking hypoglycemic drugs, as well as physical activity.
Folk techniques
How to reduce blood sugar effectively and efficiently - only the attending doctor will be able to tell, since if the therapy is carried out incorrectly, it can provoke a deterioration in well-being. Doctors are quite negative about the methods of traditional medicine. This does not always bring the desired result, and the use of some infusions and decoctions can provoke an allergic reaction and a deterioration in well-being.
Answering the question: “Does lemon lower blood sugar”, we can say with confidence that this is a good tool that helps normalize glucose values. The infusion prepared on the basis of lemon, garlic and parsley roots helps a lot. To do this, you need 100 g of lemon peel, grind 300 g of peeled garlic and parsley roots in a meat grinder until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Transfer the resulting product into a glass jar, close the lid and leave in a cool place for 2 weeks, so that it is well infused. Then take 1 tsp. before meals. A good result is shown by herbs that lower blood sugar. For a decoction, you need to mix the corn stigmas, horsetail, bean pods and lingonberry leaves in equal proportions. Then 1 tbsp. l the resulting collection pour 300 ml of hot water and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours. You need to drink it throughout the day.
A good result can be obtained by applying a decoction of walnut leaves. They need to be collected from a tree, dried and carefully chopped. Then 1 tbsp. l Pour 0.5 l of water into the finished raw material and boil for 15 minutes. Leave the broth for 40 minutes and strain. Take the received remedy you need to 0.5 Art. at any convenient time 3 times a day.
You can also take a decoction prepared on the basis of bay leaves. Some blood sugar-lowering herbs also help fight the mild stages of diabetes. These plants include:
- burdock;
- chicory;
- oats;
- the radiola is pink.
Chicory roots are capable of producing a substance similar to insulin. Take the cooked broth several times a day. Since the broth has a rather sharp taste, a slice of lemon can be added to it.
Helps stabilize linden decoction glucose levels. For its preparation you need 2 tbsp. pour lime 3 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave the finished product to cool completely, strain. Take a healing decoction of 0.5 tbsp. anytime instead of tea. The duration of the course of therapy is until the decoction is over. Then you need to take a break for 20 days and repeat the treatment again.
Every morning you need to drink 1 tbsp. kefir, in which buckwheat chopped on a coffee grinder was soaked previously in the evening. For 200 ml of kefir, you need to take 1 tbsp. l buckwheat groats. After about 4-5 days, you will notice positive results, as the glucose indicator will return to normal. In addition, such a tool will help cleanse the intestines, get rid of excess weight and normalize the liver.
Burdock is considered a good tool, for brewing which the leaves and roots of this plant are well suited. It helps to remove excess water from the body. In addition, it has a diaphoretic, choleretic and diuretic effect. As a result, glucose readings quickly normalize. Knowing how to reduce blood sugar with folk remedies, you can achieve a good result and fix it for a long time.
Recipes for diabetics that lower blood sugar are selected by a nutritionist or go endocrinologist. To normalize glucose levels, doctors recommend a healthy diet and basic dietary guidelines for diabetics. It is necessary to adhere to fractional nutrition, that is, to consume food 5-6 times a day. It is advisable to limit the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and eat as many foods as possible with a lot of fiber and protein.
There are foods that lower blood sugar that you can consume without fear. Naturally, you should not immediately radically change your diet, you need to gradually switch to diet food. Among the main products that reduce blood sugar, you need to highlight:
- greens;
- vegetables;
- some fruits;
- green tea.
Blueberries have a good effect. It is recommended to consume fresh or take decoctions made from leaves. The insulin-like component is contained in cucumbers, which is why it is recommended to arrange periodically unloading days. In addition, this vegetable well blocks hunger.
A unique vegetable is a radish, as it has a lot of useful qualities, namely:
- normalizes digestive functions;
- relieves constipation;
- normalizes glucose indicators;
- removes excess cholesterol.
Radish can be eaten in pure form or drink juice. Among the fruits that lower blood sugar, there are such:
These fruits can be eaten without restrictions. Of vegetables, it is best to eat cucumbers and tomatoes, since they practically do not contain carbohydrates, and cabbage contains a complex of substances that help reduce sugar. Doctors recommend juices that lower blood sugar, which include potato, beetroot, carrot, cabbage.
Those who cannot refuse sugar are recommended to use special sweeteners. However, it is worth remembering that they have certain disadvantages, since they have a high calorie content, which can lead to obesity. Out of seasoning, cinnamon lowers blood sugar, so it can be added when cooking, or just consume a kefir drink with this spice.
What to do to reduce blood sugar efficiently and for a long time - this issue worries many patients suffering from diabetes. Doctors are convinced that regular exercise and slight uniform loads can positively affect glucose readings. To achieve a good result, you need:
- perform morning exercises;
- engage in a feasible sport for yourself;
- attend the fitness center.
A sporting lifestyle also requires compliance with strict rules, namely, you need to consume a lot of fluid for every 30 minutes during exercise. It is forbidden to play sports in the presence of trophic ulcers or other dangerous complications.
Sport helps to increase insulin levels, as well as normalize the sensitivity of cells to this hormone. In the presence of obesity, the sport creates a large calorie deficit and the patient is much easier to lose weight. For diabetics, yoga, walking, swimming, running and cycling will be very beneficial. Excessive loads should be discarded, especially in the case of the use of hypoglycemic drugs or insulin.
Vitamin Complexes
The intake of certain vitamins and minerals allows you to effectively lower glucose and normalize its concentration. To do this, you need to constantly regulate the consumption of substances such as:
Choosing recipes for diabetics that reduce blood sugar, it is necessary that they contain these trace elements, as well as useful vitamins. Chromium helps to quickly lower glucose readings. The higher the sugar level, the more a person feels the need for such products as meat, liver, legumes, cheese, beer.
Manganese is a part of such products as berries and fruits, carrots, nuts, legumes, green tea. Zinc is found in oysters, meat, nuts, seeds.
Healing teas
To regulate glucose, you can purchase special teas, which include medicinal herbs. They contribute to the production of insulin in sufficient quantities and help to control glucose readings. Doctors say that green tea lowers blood sugar, which is why the drink is recommended for those suffering from diabetes. In addition, doctors recommend consuming teas such as:
- berry;
- red;
- mulberry;
- from cinnamon.
The berry drink is infused with dried and fresh fruit. It can be consumed hot or cold. The fruits and leaves of blueberries and black currants have a particularly good effect.
Sugar reduction for a child
Today's children are often overweight. They consume more calories than they should and abuse sweets. These are the main reasons that lead to the development of diabetes in childhood. Every parent must know how to lower their blood sugar. If you are predisposed to diabetes, you must:
- adjust the number of meals;
- supplement the diet with vegetables;
- include whole grains in food;
- limit the intake of fatty and salty foods.
The child needs to be taught to eat at least 0.5 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits per day. It is best to drink tea with lemon, compotes, berry infusions. It is necessary to teach a child to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
In addition, it is very important to regularly monitor glucose levels so that appropriate measures can be taken in a timely manner.
Pregnancy Sugar Reduction
During the bearing of a child, a serious load is placed on the body, which affects the functioning of absolutely all internal organs and systems. Often, the pancreas is simply not able to cope with the sufficient production of hormones, including insulin. That is why doctors often diagnose diabetes. In order to prevent complications, it is imperative to know how to lower blood sugar during pregnancy, since an increase in glucose can badly affect a woman’s well-being and lead to the development of various disorders in the fetus.
First of all, you need to fully adjust your diet and reduce the amount of sweets consumed, replacing them with fruits and dried fruits, as well as honey. Carbohydrates must be present in the daily diet in moderation. It is very difficult to follow a diet during pregnancy, but this is an essential condition for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You need to consume as many nutritious and healthy foods as possible so that the fetus receives the required vitamins and minerals.
Only the attending doctor can correct the correct diet. It is strictly forbidden to choose diet food for yourself. The doctor, focusing on the results of the examination, will be able to properly organize meals. It is advisable for a pregnant woman to have a glucometer with her, which will help to accurately measure the amount of glucose, on the basis of which the diet is adjusted. You can use some folk remedies to normalize indicators.
Of special importance is special gymnastics for pregnant women, which helps to normalize muscle tone in order to exclude possible weight gain. In addition, exercise helps to normalize well-being. It is advisable to take long walks in the fresh air. A good result gives swimming, water exercises. It is important to exclude loads exerted on the abdomen. Doctors recommend giving up riding, cycling and ice skating, as well as other sports that can cause injury.
If, by adjusting nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is not possible to achieve the required results, then the doctor may prescribe insulin therapy. The dosage of drugs is selected exclusively by the doctor. In severe cases, in-patient observation may be required.
It is worth remembering that any load should be carried out only if you feel good. If there is pain in the back or abdomen, then you need to stop classes and consult with your doctor.
Knowing how to lower blood sugar during pregnancy, you can easily achieve good enough results and prevent the development of complications.
What is forbidden to do
If a person has high sugar, then he is strictly forbidden to consume foods that are quickly absorbed and lead to an increase in glucose.It is necessary to take into account the glycemic index of all food consumed in order to determine the most useful food for oneself. It is also advisable to learn how to count bread units.
There are many different ways in which you can timely reduce glucose levels to prevent the development of complications. All methods and preparations must be selected only by a qualified endocrinologist.