For the treatment of depression, drugs from the group of antidepressants are actively used. These drugs must be taken for a sufficiently long time to normalize the psycho-emotional state. Among the antidepressants of domestic production, which are not inferior in the effectiveness of more expensive imported products, it is worth noting the drug "Azafen." Drug analogs have a similar mechanism of therapeutic effect, but are not always well tolerated by patients. Consider in more detail the original tool and its popular substitutes.
Causes of Depression
A mental disorder such as depression is a significant deterioration in mood, an underestimation of self-esteem, inhibition of thinking, and indifference to one's own life. Against the background of a depressed state, a person can begin to abuse alcohol or drugs, which only worsens his situation. The disease can develop in women or men, regardless of age. The following factors lead to a pathological condition:
- loss of a loved one;
- frequent conflicts in the family circle or in the work team;
- sexual abuse
- genetic predisposition;
- abuse of alcohol or strong sedative drugs;
- the presence in the history of somatic ailments;
- social or personal problems.
With a constant feeling of anxiety, despair, irritability, fatigue, both physical and mental, difficulties with concentration, you should seek qualified medical help. Patients with similar symptoms, to stabilize the state of the nervous system, are prescribed antidepressants. The representatives of this group of medicines is "Azafen", analogues of which can be prescribed by a specialist in case of intolerance to the active substance. It is strictly forbidden to take such medications without first consulting a doctor.
"Azafen": indications for prescribing the drug
Pipofesin is the active substance of the Azafen drug, which is available in the form of tablets for oral use. The drug belongs to triceclic antidepressants and has a pronounced sedative effect. The active ingredient is designed to stop the symptoms of various types of depression.
Indications for the appointment of an antidepressant are:
- depressive anxiety syndrome ;
- senile depression;
- somatogenic depression;
- depressed state after the loss of a loved one;
- manic-depressive psychosis (mild, moderate);
- depressed state while taking antipsychotics;
- increased sense of anxiety ;
- alcoholic depression.
How does the drug work?
Asafen medicine, like other representatives of tricyclic antidepressants, increase the content of noripinephrine and serotonin in the brain. Drugs in this group act much faster than antidepressants of other categories. You can observe a positive trend within a few days after the start of the intake. "Azafen", the analogues of which do not always have anticholinergic properties, does not have a cardiotoxic effect. The drug effectively eliminates the signs of depression, soothes, improves the general condition, increases vitality.
How to take the drug?
According to the instructions, an antidepressant should be taken 1-2 tablets at the beginning of treatment (25-50 mg). The first intake should occur in the morning, the second - at lunchtime. Tablets are consumed after meals. In the absence of side effects, the dosage rises to 7-8 tablets. If the patient worsens, the daily dose rises to 400 mg of the drug.
With positive dynamics, the use of a maintenance dose is indicated - 1-3 tablets. The duration of treatment with Asafen, like other antidepressants, should be at least 2 months. In certain situations, experts recommend taking the medicine for 12 months.
Side effects while taking an antidepressant most often develop on the part of the central nervous system: dizziness, migraine, drowsiness, impaired concentration.
"Azafen" is forbidden to prescribe to patients who have had a stroke or myocardial infarction, who have a history of heart or liver failure, diabetes. Before using the medicine, you should first obtain the advice of a doctor who will select the optimal therapy.
"Asafen" analogues
A direct substitute for the original medicine is the antidepressant Pipofesin. The following drugs are also analogues of the drug:
- Neuroplant.
- "Behol."
- Coaxil.
- "Normazidol."
- Prozac.
Only a specialist can choose an analogue of the Azafen drug that is suitable for a particular patient. The price of the original product ranges from 180-230 rubles. The cost of analogues depends on the country of manufacture and the composition of the drug.