Coronary disease, myocarditis, heart attack, angina pectoris, pleurisy, gastric ulcer ... These different diseases are united by one circumstance. Patients complain of pressure in the chest, burning sensation and pain. To establish the nature of the disease, the specialist will certainly clarify when pain occurs and then disappear, whether there are difficulties when swallowing. The first examination, which the doctor prescribes to the patient with complaints that he "bakes in the chest," is an ECG.
One of the diseases that can cause an attack of chest pain is angina pectoris. In this case, a person suddenly feels pressure in the chest, pain covers the left half of the sternum, sometimes gives under the shoulder blade, to the kidneys and lower jaw, reaching the fingers. An attack of angina pectoris is accompanied by a state of anxiety, depression and occurs most often in a state of physical, mental or emotional stress. Nausea, pallor of the skin, increased sweating may also occur.
It is not difficult to distinguish a classic attack of a gastrointestinal disease from angina pectoris, but their atypical manifestations are very similar. The patient complains that he presses in the chest, burns behind the sternum. Symptoms are similar to complaints of patients with angina pectoris, but diaphragmatic hernia, ulcer or cholecystitis can manifest itself in this way.
It is especially difficult to distinguish an attack of chronic cholecystitis from angina pectoris. Burning chest pain is characteristic of both diseases, but in the first case, the sensation of pain is more pronounced than the burning sensation. Pain with diaphragmatic hernia most often occurs in the morning, when a person is in bed, in a horizontal position. With pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, pain often occurs after eating, but never against the background of physical exertion.
If the patient complains that he is burning in the chest, and pain is intensified by inhalation, the doctor can diagnose pericarditis. In this case, pain is felt when swallowing and gives to the neck.
Today, a heart attack is much younger. Among patients of cardiological clinics, twenty-year-olds are also found. That is why most of us, if presses in the chest, immediately recall this dangerous disease.
Myocardial infarction is the death of the tissues of the heart muscle caused by a violation of its blood supply. During the attack, dull pain occurs, accompanied by increased sweating, dizziness and tinnitus, nausea and vomiting. The pain is in no way associated with breathing and is independent of body position. In individual cases, a person does not feel pain, only severe weakness.
A burning sensation in the chest when breathing or coughing is one of the signs of tracheitis. This disease is often accompanied by fever, dryness in the larynx, and wheezing. It develops, as a rule, against the background of flu, colds, acute rhinitis and sinusitis. Unpleasant symptoms will help relieve inhalations based on essential oils, warming compresses.
Presses in the chest, burns, bakes behind the sternum, hurts in the chest on the left ... You can list these symptoms for a very long time. Of course, the cause of the pain should only be determined by a specialist with a thorough individual examination. But what about the person who first encountered chest pain? I must say that actions to alleviate the condition of the patient at home are very limited.
If the pain is accompanied by the disturbing symptoms inherent in myocardial infarction, you should go to the doctor immediately, without delaying even for tomorrow. In other cases, diagnosis should not be delayed either. An ulcer and acute cholecystitis are far from harmless diseases. People suffering from heart disease should always carry medications that the doctor has prescribed to relieve the attack. It is better to keep them in an easily accessible place, for example, in your pocket, so as not to waste valuable time if necessary.