Mango (fruit): description and photo. Where does mango grow? The benefits and harms of mangoes

Today we will tell you about such an unusual and exotic fruit as mango, whose homeland is, oddly enough, India. If we translate its name from Sanskrit, we get the designation "Great fruit." Indeed, this is so, but we will explain why, a little later. There is a legend about its origin. Shiva grew a mangifer tree, the fruit of which is mango, for his beloved and gave her a wonderful taste of fruit. Very romantic. Today it has become the divine tree and emblem of the nation of India. The second name of the fruit is โ€œAsian appleโ€, as it is called in Southeast Asia. Each year, 20,000,000 tons of fruit are exported only from the South Asian region.

mango fruit description

Mango in botany

Mango is a fruit. Its description is as follows: an evergreen tree, reaching up to forty meters in height. There are also dwarf varieties. Young leaves have a pleasant reddish, and mature dark green hue. The flowers are small, yellow collected in small panicles. The fruits have a yellow-orange flesh with a smooth skin. Some varieties of this plant can be pollinated independently. If the temperature at night is below 13 degrees or there will be a high level of humidity, the fruits simply will not set. Fruit seeds can also be eaten fried or boiled. The tree is very fond of light and air, which is why it is planted in the open.

mango fruit description

The benefits of sun fruit

As we already know, the mango fruit is a fruit. The description of its useful properties is limitless. It contains many vitamins and substances that help the body cleanse itself of toxins, toxins, maintain skin condition, etc. The fruit contains a huge amount of vitamin C, up to 175 ml. per 100 g. But only in certain varieties. Xylose, sucrose, fructose, glucose, sedoheptulose, mannoheptulose, maltose (natural sugars) also contain fruit. Asian apples contain a lot of minerals. This is phosphorus, iron, calcium.

mango fruit plant description

Mango. Description of the fruit from a medical point of view

Miracle fruit - the so-called mango doctors in Thailand. The leaves of this beautiful tree are used as the strongest tranquilizer in medicine, and the fruits are a storehouse of tannin. Healing properties are not only leaflets. Decoctions are made from different parts of the tree and treated for several cancers, for example, the genitourinary and reproductive systems.

It is also used to strengthen immunity, improve skin cells, slow down the aging process. It is believed that the fetus prevents and relieves stress, tension and improves mood. As we said, mango fruit. We will not give a description of the increase in sexual activity of partners when eating it, the only thing we will say is an excellent aphrodisiac.

Dyspepsia, dysentery, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, constipation perfectly cure the pulp of unripe mango. For cooking, you should mix it with salt (1 teaspoon) and honey (2 tablespoons). Stagnation of bile will also help remove this mixture, only with the replacement of salt with pepper.

mango description

Ripe mango improves vision and helps prevent various diseases.
Europe uses this fruit to heal and strengthen the heart. For this purpose, the patient is given a portion of mango (several pieces), and he holds it in his mouth for as long as possible or is given a drink of broth from this fruit.

China has gone a little further. There, an Asian apple is used to treat plague and cholera. Decoctions are used for laxative and diuretic effect. In addition, they give for the treatment of asthma, acute dermatitis, stopping internal bleeding.

What else is fruit used for?
1) Mango (the description of the plant was given above) is used to remove toxins and restore the skin. The pulp of this fruit is very fibrous. It contains a lot of fluid, as well as minerals. It stimulates the intestines and kidneys, it is their activity.

If you decide to arrange a fasting day, then mango will help you remove excess and improve metabolism. Mangifers fruits contain a huge amount of beta-carotene. It is a natural antioxidant that protects our skin from negative factors. There are many mango based face masks. It also nourishes hair perfectly, gives it shine.

2) From high pressure - mango. Fruit Description
Mango, on average, weighs about 650 grams, but there are more fruits. A fruit of this weight gives a third of the daily norm of a person's potassium requirements. It perfectly lowers blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Mango juice is used in the diet when atherosclerosis is treated or prevented.

3) Sleep disturbed, stomach ache? Eat mango - everything will pass.
Exotic mango is a fruit. We described the plants above. Now we will talk about its effect on the nervous system and treatment of the stomach. In order to get rid of insomnia, doctors recommend using a soothing mixture of banana, mango and yogurt. A simple mango juice in small doses at bedtime also helps.

This fruit has a lot of vitamin A. It protects the stomach lining. With gastritis - this is an excellent tool, but do not abuse mangoes, it can weaken the body. If you suffer from constipation, eat 2 fruits and everything will be all right. Remember, everything is useful in moderation. Fruit acid improves digestion, which also has a good effect on the stomach.

mango plant description

Harm the mango. Description

Mangoes have not so many harmful properties, but we decided to tell about them all the same. The peel of the fruit can cause allergies, as well as their strengthening, while the flesh remains safe. If there are unripe fruits, this can lead to irritation of the gastric mucosa, respiratory tract and colic.


Mango is in great demand in Thai cuisine . The description of the taste of the fruit varies from very sweet, sweet and sour to coniferous. Yes Yes. It is coniferous. The peel of a mango smells, how to say it ... with a Christmas tree. This is all because the fruit grows on a coniferous tree. Thai food uses any kind of mango fruit. We will not give a description of the dishes, we will only say that it is found not only in desserts, but also in vegetable, meat salads, sauces, and gravy. It can be fried, boiled, stewed, and Thais love to do this with meat, fish, rice. Pies and mango pies are another popular dish .

mango flavor description

We make the right choice and keep it for a long time.

Unripe fruits are not uncommon on the shelves of our supermarkets. Therefore, in order not to eat green fruit, it must be allowed to lie down for a couple of days at room temperature, but in no case in the refrigerator. Even when it is ripe, this is not recommended, as low temperature damages the pulp. When the fruit is ripened, its peel is smooth, it is pressed a little when pressed. Mango should smell good peach. The fruit is not stored for long, only five days.

For children

Mango juice is considered very useful for kids . The description for infants and older children is this: fresh juice can be given to infants to supplement the fluid. It is just as useful to them as mashed carrots. Older children can be given a slice of mango per day, this will fill the body with vitamins and minerals.

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