Knowledge of first aid to the victim is necessary for every person. Especially to parents, because our "kids" at any age can get into difficult situations that threaten life and health. Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to quickly call an ambulance, but you need to save the child.
One of these situations is poisoning. What to do with poisoning to improve the condition of the victim? It is necessary to help remove poisons from the body, restore the functions of digestion, respiration, blood circulation, neutralize toxic substances.
What to do with food poisoning, which during an abnormal heat can occur completely unexpectedly. In addition, students risk buying expired yogurt or a meat pie in the store nearest to the school .
Symptoms of food poisoning are familiar to many: abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, cold sweat, loose stools, weakness, dizziness.
The first thing to do with food poisoning is to induce vomiting, irritating the root of the tongue with your fingers or drinking plenty of water. Vomiting will help toxic substances get out of the body. In drinking, you can add several crystals of manganese (the water should be a little pink!). It is recommended to drink such a solution in several doses.
Then the poisoned need to give something of the enterosorbents: smectum, enterosgel, activated carbon. To speed up the process of cleansing the body, a saline laxative will help: half a liter of water 20 g of sodium sulfate. Liquid stool, as well as vomiting, is necessary for the removal of poisons.
In addition, it must be remembered that poisoning causes dehydration of the body, accompanied by a loss of essential salts. Therefore, heavy drinking should be combined with drinking drugs that restore the water-salt balance in the child's body, for example, rehydron.
The affected child needs to be wrapped up, warm and put to bed. In case of relief, continue to give plenty of drink and refrain from heavy foods. In the beginning, only tea with breadcrumbs, then rice liquid porridge boiled in water. On such a therapeutic diet will have to "sit" for at least two days.
If the patient’s condition does not improve after the procedures, he needs to be hospitalized.
Young children are very curious. They can taste everything that is left unattended by adults.
What to do if your child is poisoned with drugs? Symptoms may appear immediately or within a few hours. Call “03” immediately. At this time, induce vomiting and diarrhea (using a cleansing enema). Plenty of water and lack of food. It is impossible to feed the child, even milk.
Growing up children excite parents not less, than kids. Interest in alcohol often leads inexperienced teenagers to severe poisoning. Moreover, low-quality alcoholic products are often sold in small stalls, eateries, where they are still illegally and discreetly sold to children.
What to do with alcohol poisoning? The danger of such poisoning is that an alcoholic coma may occur in which there is no reaction, for example, to ammonia, to an injection. Only urgent hospitalization can help. Before the arrival of the ambulance, the teenager must be laid on his stomach.
If loss of consciousness does not occur, allow the victim to smell cotton wool with ammonia. Then you need to wash the stomach with soda solution (one teaspoon per liter of water). Induce a gag reflex. Warm with a blanket, hot tea. Activated carbon will help to cope with intoxication.
What to do with carbon monoxide poisoning, the signs of which are severe headache, nausea and vomiting, chest pain, lacrimation, cough, and with more severe poisoning - loss of consciousness or, conversely, motor paralysis with full consciousness, redness of the skin, hallucinations?
It is necessary to provide the victim with fresh air, a comfortable position, and restoration of respiratory function. Be sure to give a smell of ammonia, put a heating pad at your feet.