“Police Academy in Moscow” (1994)

"Police Academy in Moscow" is a tape that was shot by American filmmaker Alan Metter. Its duration is 83 minutes. The tape was released in 1994. Her fees in the United States of America amounted to $ 126,247, and the budget is $ 10 million. What is the picture “Police Academy in Moscow” about, and what interesting facts are associated with its filming? We will talk about this and not only in our article.

The plot of the Police Academy 7: mission in Moscow

In the final part of the popular series of paintings about the graduates of the Police Academy, consisting of volunteers: Lassard, Jones, Hightower, Tackleberry, Callahan and Harris - the coolest cops go to Moscow to provide overwhelming help to their Russian colleagues.

film "Police Academy 7: mission in Moscow"

In the capital of Russia, a mafia boss by the name of Konstantin Kanalya has unbelted, and the local police are completely unable to cope with him without the support of the Americans. Criminal authority spread around the world a computer game, which for several months brought him not a small amount of money. Kanalya bribed a computer genius who built a virus into the program itself, allowing authority to get into any computer in the world, a stock exchange or a bank.

Thus, Kanalya has ambitious plans, according to which he can take over Red Square, the Kremlin and the Mausoleum. However, this urgently needs to be prevented so that Kostya does not increase his appetite and seize the whole world. How events will unfold in the life of the Russian mafiosi, the Police Academy in Moscow will show.

Interesting facts related to the picture

As it turned out, many funny and unusual cases were associated with the filming of the picture. The most interesting of them we have collected in our article:

  • In one of the scenes of the picture on the screen appears the charred institution of the Supreme Council of Russia after tank shelling. In fact, this is the White House.
  • At about the 40th minute of the picture, a bright scene in the subway was demonstrated. Her shooting took place at the station Novoslobodskaya Koltsevaya line.
  • The scene that took place on the ship was shot at the Olympic Penta Hotel.
  • In the office of police general A. Rakov, the Russian flag and the table flag look like the flag of the Serbian Republic.
    Police Academy in Moscow
  • The scene in which Captain Callahan sings under the piano takes only a few minutes in the picture. In fact, her shooting took place all day (44 doubles were taken).

The first telecast for Russian citizens took place in August 1996 on the ORT television channel. The picture is the last of the whole sequel.

"Police Academy: Mission in Moscow"

The film's genre refers to comedy. Not only actors who played the brave American cops, but also well-known Russian artists who appeared in secondary, episodic roles took part in the filming.

cops on a mission

On the territory of the Russian Federation in the 90s of the last century, the “Police Academy in Moscow” was distributed mainly on “pirate” cassettes with the author's one-voice-over-voice translation A. Pronin, a translator under the pseudonym Wizard, as well as professional translation by E. Grankin. A little later, the tape began to be released on licensed discs of the Russian company Laser Video.

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