Psoriasis is a chronic incurable disease of the skin, which is manifested by the formation of red peeling spots. The scales itch and give the patient tangible discomfort. Most often affected areas of the skin in the head, lower back, on the elbows and knees. There are cases when psoriasis affects the nail plates, joints, and external genitalia. Pathology is associated with a short cell life cycle. In a physiologically healthy person, the epidermis is regularly updated (every 28 days). Psoriasis, the symptoms of which are very pronounced, reduces the indicated period to 5 days. As a result, epithelial cells die very quickly, leaving behind dead skin zones. About three percent of the world's population suffers from psoriasis, that is, this is a fairly common disease. Psoriasis of the scalp looks like a lot of papules that rise above the surface of the skin. The affected areas are covered with scales, which, when combed, easily fall off.
Pustular psoriasis - has a relapsing character and manifests itself in the form of generalized pustular psoriasis Tsumbush, palmar-plantar pustular psoriasis Barber. The latter is characterized by the formation of yellowish pustules on the skin, which over time open, dry out and form crusts, and red spots appear in their place . The indicated type of psoriasis is often mistaken for a viral or bacterial pathology. The fair sex is four times more likely to get sick than men. Pustular psoriasis is a long-term remodeling disease. Psoriasis Tsumbusha is a severe form of the disease with a high mortality rate. It is characterized by a fulminant course, in just a few hours, fiery red erythema develops, covering vast areas of the skin, accompanied by the formation of small pustules, malaise, chills, leukocytosis and fever.
Psoriasis: Symptoms
The main signs of psoriasis are itchy, often symmetrical patches of skin in the head, elbows, knees, inguinal and gluteal areas. An early symptom of the disease is small reddish skin rashes that enlarge and become covered with scales over time. The keratinized scales are easily desquamated, and in their place remain denser, localized in the deeper layers of the skin. Nail psoriasis is characterized by the formation of pinholes on the nail plate. Nail plates are thinned, destroyed, crumble and difficult to treat. Today, a huge number of forms of the disease are known. Psoriasis can be classified according to the place of localization and the form of rashes, according to the severity of the course of the disease and its duration. In adolescents and children, a drop-shaped form of psoriasis often develops (numerous rashes of small sizes having a drop-shaped form). It is worth noting that within a few weeks or months, such rashes can spontaneously disappear. Approximately 5-7% of patients develop psoriasis arthritis. In dermatological clinics, about 10% of patients are people with a diagnosis of psoriasis. Symptoms of the disease can occur at any age, although statistics show that people in old age and infants practically do not suffer from psoriasis.
Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the number of young patients with frequent complications that require inpatient treatment. Recurrent forms of psoriasis are very resistant to conventional therapeutic regimens. Psoriasis, the symptoms and relapses of which usually occur when the skin is dry, can also occur with a shortage of sunlight in the autumn-winter period. Pathology can occur in periods. The first symptoms can occur in patients aged ten to thirty years. Sometimes there is total psoriasis covering the entire surface of the skin. The specified clinic requires immediate contact with specialists.