Calendula (medicinal marigolds) has other names - balaban, calendula officinalis, calendula chemist's, marigold pharmacy, full crocodile, fry, crocis. This is a grassy annual plant, which can be seen in the front gardens, in the flower beds, summer cottages. It is also cultivated as a very valuable, effective medicinal plant on various types of special farms.
The characteristic properties of calendula are a specific strong odor. For medicinal purposes, only flower baskets are used. At golden marigolds, they are orange or yellow, large enough, consist of 2 types of flowers: internal - tubular, marginal - reed.
Calendula officinalis blooms from June to October. It withstands freezing even up to - 9 degrees. Marigolds are a good honey plant. The extracted honey from their flowers has enhanced properties. A wide chemical composition defines the plant as especially significant. Calendula leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, organic acids (and salicylic acid - aspirin), and flowers - carotene, phytohormones, phytoncides, enzymes, resins, mucus, tannins and dyes, there is also an essential oil.
Calendula: Description
As a medicinal plant, calendula has been used for a long time. Her tinctures rubbed places stung by a bee. With malaria, the patient was given crushed calendula seeds (in powder) with white wine. Calendula also treated headaches and inflammation of the eyes. It was also used for fever and plague.
Today, calendula is one of the most widely known plants that is used in medicine (both folk and official). It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties. Her drugs effectively reduce blood pressure, increase the amplitude of heart contractions, slow down the rhythm of the heart, and soothe the irritated nervous system. Calendula drugs are used for stomach ulcers, chronic and acute gastritis (during periods of exacerbation), diseases of the bile ducts, gall bladder, liver, and also for malignant diseases. It is quite effectively used in the treatment of stomatitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and mouth. People commonly use marigolds for cuts, bruises, eye diseases, ulcers, warts, diseases of the spleen and liver, lichen, scrofula and rickets. It is best to use it in combination with others acting similarly to herbs. But it should be borne in mind that calendula during pregnancy and with allergies to herbs should be taken into account as directed by a doctor.
Calendula: application in gynecology
With erosion of the cervix and ulcers, compress and douching from the tincture of calendula, which is diluted with water in such a simple proportion - 1:10, have a good effect. In severe inflammatory diseases of the appendages and uterus, they use such a mixture of herbs that they are taken in 1 small spoon each: yarrow (grass), calendula (flowers), St. John's wort (grass), kidney tea, plantain (leaves), buckthorn (bark), chamomile (flowers ), motherwort (grass). One Art. l such a mixture is infused in 200 g of boiling water and is drunk 200 g up to 4 times a day with honey.
Tincture of this plant in gynecology is also used for douching. It is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1 (a teaspoon of grass in a glass of water). She treats cervical erosion, leucorrhoea, ulcers, Trichomonas colpitis, paraproctitis and proctitis.
Calendula during pregnancy
In this period of a woman’s life, calendula is a good universal remedy.
Calendula during pregnancy is used for various reasons. Infusion, pharmacy creams or oil perfectly help with hemorrhoids and varicose veins. They rub them into painful and itchy places. Also, creams, infusions and oils are good for cracks and scratches of the nipples.
Calendula during pregnancy, with various diseases and disorders of the body - an excellent tool. You should not neglect the gifts of nature, and then it will be favorable to you.