Culinary delights of different countries are able to hit the taste buds of not only beginning gourmets, but also sophisticated lovers of unusual dishes. It is customary to serve meat products after various types of heat treatment, but recently a raw meat dish has become increasingly popular. The name of such a masterpiece depends on the technology of cooking.
How did carpaccio appear?
In all cuisines of the world, meat products are prepared in a variety of ways. They are baked, stewed, boiled, fried, smoked. However, there are a number of countries that serve raw meat. Over time, this technology has spread throughout the world. Not everyone knows the name of a raw meat dish in Italy, sliced in thin slices and seasoned with sauce.
Carpaccio appeared in Italian cuisine in the 50s of the last century. A dish of very thin slices of raw meat was seasoned with a sauce based on lemon juice, olive oil and aromatic herbs. For a long time, the appetizer did not have a specific name and was served as "Raw meat slices with sauce."
In the year of the appearance of an amazing dish in Venice, an exhibition of the famous artist Vittore Carpaccio, who often used all shades of purple and scarlet in his paintings, was held. In appearance, the thinnest slices of raw meat vaguely resembled the color scheme in the paintings of the painter. Gradually, the name Carpaccio began to be associated with a dish of raw meat, and the now popular name has taken root.
Beneficial features
Many people wonder what is called a raw meat dish, which is served with raw yolk. This tartare is a dish whose roots go back to distant France, although it owes its appearance to the Tatar nomads. From ancient times, raw meat was considered useful for the human body. Unlike a heat-treated product, it is easier to digest and digest faster.
Under the influence of temperature conditions in meat, enzymes are destroyed that contribute to its absorption. The body, to ensure complete digestion, spends its own resources for processing, thereby depleting itself. In addition, meat without heat treatment preserves the entire spectrum of nutrients and vitamins, so necessary for normal life.
Possible risk
Regardless of the name of the raw meat dish, its benefits are undeniable. However, there is a risk of infection with various parasites and helminths. Meat - a product that requires compliance with storage rules. Without heat treatment, a bactericidal background quickly develops in it, which increases the risk of the disease.
Unfortunately, now many catering establishments serving raw meat dishes do not always adhere to sanitary standards. Thus, meat products from sick animals that were fed various chemical additives to accelerate growth often get into the kitchen. Gourmets who like raw, thinly sliced meat (as the dish is described above) should be sure of the quality and freshness of the product used for cooking.
What meat is eaten raw?
The popularity of meat products without heat treatment is growing every year. This is due to a completely new taste of such a seemingly familiar product. However, not everyone knows what types of meat are best used for cooking. Raw poultry does not have an excellent taste, because it is not used for dishes such as carpaccio or tartare.
Pork and lamb are considered “dirty” types of meat, as they are often infected with parasites. Using them without heat treatment, you can contribute to the appearance of various diseases. For raw feed, beef or veal is most often used. This meat has a great taste, which is easy to emphasize with spicy spices, lime or lemon juice, olive oil.
Tartar in Tatar
The French borrowed a recipe for an amazing dish from nomadic Tatar tribes. Of course, for refined cuisine, it was somewhat improved and new components were added. Nomads often ate raw meat, cutting it into thin plates and keeping it under the saddle. Most often, horse meat was used, which was perfectly preserved in this form and helped to satisfy a severe hunger at any time without additional preparations. She was eaten, cut into small pieces, generously seasoning with salt.
A classic dish of raw minced meat is called tartar. Prepared from young beef or veal. The meat is chopped with a sharp knife into a small cube, mixed with spices and spices, let it brew for several minutes. Serve the dish in the form of a raw beef steak, on top of which a whole raw yolk is placed. Decorate with sprigs of rosemary, parsley leaves.
Venison Stroganin
What is the name of a piece of raw meat? It would seem that the answer is simple, this is carpaccio. However, there is a variety of this dish called stroganina. It is preferably prepared from the meat of a young deer, roe deer. In terms of technology, it differs little from Italian cuisine. The meat is pre-frozen, cut with a very sharp knife or a special kitchen machine into thin slices.
When serving, the meat is not pickled previously, but only sprinkled with coarse salt and black pepper. On request, sauces based on French mustard, lemon juice and vegetable oil are served separately. When served, the dish is decorated with fresh herbs and a slice of lime.