Sexual diseases in men: causes, symptoms and treatment

Sexual diseases in men are pathologies of an infectious nature that affect the genitourinary system. The bulk of these ailments are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), although in fact their list is extensive, and such diseases can not always be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

Due to good immunity, genital infections often occur in a latent form and can only be detected by screening. Therefore, it is recommended that every man visit a doctor at least once a year for preventive purposes.

Vascular diseases of the genitals of men

Signs of sexual ailments

There are various types of sexual diseases in men. Many of them have a similar clinical picture and appear almost the same. Based on this, common symptoms were identified, which include:

  1. Discharge from the genitals , which may have an atypical odor, color, texture.
  2. In the urine there may be impurities of blood, pus.
  3. Genital irritation, itching.
  4. With pathologies, inguinal lymph nodes increase.
  5. Drawing pains appear in the lower abdomen.
  6. During intercourse, atypical pain occurs.
  7. Pain during ejaculation.
  8. On the penis appears pigmentation, rash, pimples, redness, which did not exist before.

These clinical signs are characteristic of all types of genital infections. The severity of symptoms depends on what kind of sexual disease a man has.

Some diseases are characterized by secrecy. They are detected by chance during the next trip to the doctor or the pathology begins to manifest itself, but already in the late stages of development. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to undergo preventive examinations.

Transmission ways

Sexually transmitted diseases in men are all those ailments that are transmitted through sexual contact. The more often a man changes partners, the higher the risk of contracting an illness. Moreover, you can become infected with several different diseases at once.

There is a household way of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases, but thus infection is rare, only if a person has weak immunity or when using general hygiene products.

Sexual diseases in men can occur even after visiting the pool, sauna, bath. In this case, the elderly and those with weakened immunity are at risk.

Conception Problems

Sexual infections can lead to problems with conception, infertility. This is due to the fact that diseases of the genital area of โ€‹โ€‹men negatively affect sperm quality, causing impaired sperm motility. Some infectious agents can alter the morphological properties of sperm.

If a man suffers from a chronic pathology or if the ailment proceeds in a latent form, then narrowing of the vas deferens can develop, which prevents the normal conception. Often, genital infections cause complications in the form of prostatitis, orchoepididymitis, etc.

If a man suffers from a genital infection, then he can infect his partner. Inflammatory pathologies of the pelvis are dangerous not only for the stronger sex, but also for women, since they can cause infertility and other complications.

Common Sexual Infections in Men

Causative agents of disease

The causative agents of diseases of the reproductive system in men are various microorganisms: fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites, protozoa. The most common ailments are mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, papillomavirus. Less commonly diagnosed are gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, candidiasis, giardiasis, pediculosis, molluscum contagiosum. Most of all genital infections are hidden, without pronounced symptoms, and their pathogen cannot be detected in the laboratory in the incubation period.


This disease is one of the most common genital infections in men. With it, the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system is affected. In most cases, the disease is transmitted sexually.

The danger of ureaplasmosis lies in the fact that there is no clear clinical picture and severe symptoms. Men do not experience any signs of illness, so they do not go to the doctor. And at this time, the pathology develops, causing various complications, inflammations, including urethritis. This pathology has severe symptoms, itching in the genitals, sharp pains when urinating.


It is caused by chlamydia. This disease is transmitted sexually in men, and after 3-5 days the first symptoms appear. Microorganisms destroy the cells of the penis, affect the epithelium. Clinically, chlamydia is characterized by the appearance of sparse transparent discharge from the penis, pain during urination. In the absence of proper treatment, the pathology becomes urethritis, other reproductive organs become inflamed.

Symptoms of sexual diseases in men


Another common genital disease in men is trichomoniasis. In the early stages, it proceeds without any visible manifestations. In advanced cases, the disease can lead to the development of infectious cystitis, urethritis, as well as inflammation of the prostate.

Often trichomoniasis is confused with other pathologies. This is due to the fact that the first signs are pain that occurs during urination. Less common is itching, hyperemia of the skin of the penis, and irritation.


Usually men are carriers of this sexually transmitted disease. In men, mycoplasmosis is acute, has a vivid clinical picture. In carriers, it can occur after stress and against the background of a decrease in the body's immune defense. The disease leads to inflammation of the prostate, testicles. Some types of microorganisms can cause damage to the respiratory tract, lungs.

Penis disease male


Among the most dangerous pathologies, HIV infection (human immunodeficiency virus) is distinguished . The disease is transmitted sexually and through the blood. At the first signs of sexual diseases in men, you should immediately visit a doctor.

HIV is considered a dangerous ailment because it has a long incubation period and there is no cure for the virus. Practical medicine has drugs that suppress the activity of the virus, but not one medicine can completely destroy it.

HIV destroys the cells of the human immune system, making the body completely defenseless against any disease. If you do not treat it, do not take drugs to increase immunity, then this can lead to the development of AIDS and death.

If you follow all the recommendations of a doctor with HIV, you can live a full life, have completely healthy children.

Papilloma virus

According to WHO statistics, about a third of the world's population suffers from human papillomavirus. This virus is incurable.

Pathology is detected depending on the protective capabilities of the male body. With strong immunity, the virus manifests itself as single papillomas on the penis, and with weak immunity it can appear on any part of the body in the form of genital warts, papillomas and other formations. The danger of the disease lies in its insidious ability to go into oncology, acquire a malignant character. To avoid this, you should immediately consult a doctor if any neoplasms appear on the skin or genitals. If this is the papilloma virus, then he will prescribe treatment. Most often, the disease is treated by removing formations.

Signs of Sexual Disease in Men


Gonococcal bacteria infect the mucous membranes, causing inflammation of the penis in a man. The disease can lead to prostatitis, inflammation of the testicles.

The first clinical manifestations of the disease are:

  • itching
  • burning sensation;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge, which at the beginning of the pathology only follows with pressure on the tip of the penis, and after the pus flows constantly.

Most often, gonorrhea is complicated by other pathologies. Bacteria can affect the organs of the genitourinary system, causing erectile dysfunction, infertility, impotence.


Among dangerous diseases that are easy to catch even without sexual intercourse, syphilis stands out. An ailment is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture. And if a man in the early stages does not go to the doctor, then the pathology will be complicated, causing many inflammatory processes in various systems and organs, up to the defeat of the musculoskeletal system. At the last stage, syphilis causes softening of the soft tissues of organs.

In advanced cases, syphilis most often affects cartilage. Surely, everyone has heard of a sexually transmitted infection in which the nose falls. This is what happens with syphilis, if left untreated. In rare cases, the disease causes necrosis of the tissues of the penis, which leads to amputation.

Genital herpes

The first symptoms of sexual disease in men, namely herpes, include the appearance of small vesicles and pimples on the organ. Then they turn into erosion, ulceration. With pathology, men feel itching, burning, the genitals can swell, the skin turns red. Due to the ongoing inflammatory process, the inguinal lymph nodes increase. In advanced cases, the nervous system is affected, chronic prostatitis develops.

The herpes virus is not able to live in the external environment, it is transmitted only through close contact between partners. But Trichomonas and papillomas can be transmitted through bedding, personal hygiene items. Cases of infection through poorly sterilized medical instruments, with blood transfusion, are known.


This is a fungal disease of the genitals of men that develops as a result of the active reproduction of yeast-like microorganisms of the genus Candida. In a certain amount, these fungi are found in humans in the oral cavity, intestines, genitals. As soon as conditions are formed for their favorable reproduction, a disease of thrush or candidiasis appears.

Thrush can be asymptomatic or with a pronounced clinical picture. In the latter case, men feel:

  • pain during urination and during intercourse;
  • burning, itching;
  • the glans penis is hyperemic, swollen;
  • on the foreskin there is a white coating with a characteristic sour smell.

You can become infected with thrush not only through sexual contact, but this ailment also occurs when immunity is weakened.

Male genital diseases

Diagnostic Methods

If you have sexually transmitted infections, you should contact a venereologist or urologist. First, the doctor conducts an examination, collects an anamnesis, recognizes the patientโ€™s complaints, then prescribes tests. Due to the similarity of clinical symptoms, pathology can be accurately determined only by laboratory means. For this, the doctor prescribes a general analysis of blood and urine, a smear, etc. The most reliable method is considered to be tests for bacterial seeding and PCR. An examination for latent infections is mandatory.

Depending on the pathology, instrumental diagnostics in the form of ultrasound can be prescribed.

Treatment methods

Therapy of all sexually transmitted pathologies involves:

  • abstinence from any sexual contact;
  • taking medication prescribed by a doctor;
  • symptomatic treatment.

For each type of ailment, certain types of drugs are selected. So, if the disease is caused by bacteria, then broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

If the disease is caused by fungi or viruses, then prescribe antiviral or antifungal agents.

In the treatment of any genital infection, drugs are selected that increase the body's immune defense, as well as vitamins.

Possible complications

They can occur not only in cases where the disease is not treated, but also with self-medication.

If a man does not consult a doctor for a long time, then the disease causes various complications. Most often, they affect the genitals, leading to impotence, problems with conception, prostatitis. In more serious situations, genital diseases lead to the development of prostate adenoma.

Some vascular diseases of the genitals of men lead to the development of inflammatory processes in other organs and systems. Pathologies can cause renal failure, pyelonephritis, cirrhosis, and infect the bladder.

Syphilis can cause brain damage, leading to mental disorders. Herpes and some other ailments cannot be cured, so they periodically remind of themselves.


The best protection against sexual diseases is the rejection of unprotected sexual intercourse, an orderly sexual life with a regular partner. Infections are also prevented using post-coital agents that are inhibitory to infections.

An excellent preventive measure is personal hygiene using individual washcloths, soap, individual towels. When visiting public baths, swimming pools, saunas, you should be extremely careful, because you can catch the infection, even just sitting on a shelf and not laying a towel or sheet.

Some types of infections can be protected by vaccination. As a prophylaxis, an annual medical examination should be performed, tests should be taken for common pathogens.

Sexual Infections Act

Legislation protects healthy people. So, if suddenly a person has contracted a sexual infection from someone who knew about his illness, then the latter faces criminal liability.

There are two types of intentional infection:

  • refusal to use protective equipment during sexual relations;
  • an attempt to infect someone when using dishes, washcloths and other items.

In any case, silence about the disease before sexual contact is regarded as a deliberate infection, for which the sick person is criminally liable.

Types of Sexual Diseases in Men

What to do?

With any symptoms of the disease, do not panic. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, to pass all the necessary tests. Be sure to tell the sexual partner about the problem. Do not self-medicate. Even if all clinical manifestations disappear, and the course of treatment of a sexual disease in a man has not yet ended, then it is worth continuing. Otherwise, microorganisms may remain, causing re-infection.

If one of the partners has a sexual disease, you should immediately inform the other and ask him to undergo a medical examination, otherwise you can become infected again. During treatment, you should refuse sexual contact or use condoms.

What will the doctor do

When contacting a doctor, he will not only conduct an examination, prescribe the delivery of various tests, but also ask the patient to inform his partner about a possible sexual infection and the need to undergo a physical examination. After the examination, appropriate therapy is prescribed, in which drugs are applied that affect a specific pathogen. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to re-take the tests. Only in this way can one be sure that the disease is defeated.

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