The main characters of the series are Dean and Sam Winchesters, played by Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, respectively. In season 5, another important character appears in the series - an angel named Castiel, whose role is played by Misha Collins.
About the series
The brothers' mother died under strange circumstances, after which their father, John, began to fight evil. The brothers begin to do the same, becoming older. At some point, John disappears, and the sons rush in his search.
Despite the general type of activity, Sam and Dean are completely different. Dean is an older brother, more cold-blooded and capable of killing if the situation requires it. Sam, being the younger brother, whom the older one saved as a child, is rather gentle, he opposes aggression and, of course, murders.
Archangels in the "Supernatural"
A separate place in the series is occupied by the archangels. They represent the messengers of God. They have their own characteristics, for example, each of them can find a vessel for itself, which serves as a person. But their specificity lies in the fact that not all people can become vessels necessary for the archangels, because the body of an ordinary person is not able to withstand the full power of the archangels. That is why older angels seek the descendants of certain people, for example the descendants of the sons of Adam (Abel and Cain).
Another ability is invulnerability. It is known that only Death, God or Darkness can kill an archangel from living beings. In addition to them, there is a list of artifacts that can seriously injure or even kill the archangel, they include the sickle of Death, holy oil and the blade of the archangel. It is worth considering that only the same messenger can kill a messenger of God.
Who is the archangel?
Due to the fact that the archangels in the series “Supernatural” are the children of God, his first “creations”, there are not so many of them. They raised each other, loved their father and ordinary angels, their followers. It was to the love of God that they were taught. Archangels were created by God in order to fight with his sister - Darkness. After he won, he handed the key to the place of confinement to his beloved archangel - Lucifer.
The eldest of all archangels is Michael, and he was the first creation of God. In addition, only Michael had the ability to use a vessel without killing it. It is worth considering that subsequently, Mikhail and Lucifer, whom he loved very much, had conflicts, after which Mikhail expelled him from heaven. After some time, the eldest of the archangels was imprisoned in the cell of Lucifer.
Lucifer is a fallen angel, he created demons. The first demon was Lilith - the first person. Lucifer seduced her to avenge her expulsion from heaven. He used Castiel as a vessel (however, Amara drove him out). Lucifer later died at the hands of Dean Winchester.
Another archangel in the “Supernatural” is Raphael. After God left the archangels, Raphael and Michael took all power into their own hands. After Mikhail was imprisoned in a cage, Raphael “inherited” all power and became Mikhail's deputy. Raphael died at the hands of Castiel, who had previously mutated.
The last name of the archangel from the “Supernatural” is Gabriel. He is the younger brother of two warring personalities - Lucifer and Michael. During the so-called civil war in heaven, Gabriel fled to Earth, so as not to choose the side of one of his older brothers. Everyone assumed that on Earth, Lucifer killed Gabriel, but later it became known that the younger brother still survived. Gabriel died during a fight with Michael from an alternate universe.
Another archangel from the series is Michael, but he is from an alternate reality. The alternative universe is the reality in which the apocalypse occurred. The “alternative” Mikhail ruled his universe single-handedly, and later, upon learning of the existence of another, he decided to seize her as well. In this he was helped by one of the main characters - Dean Winchester. Dean became the temporary vessel of Michael and killed Lucifer, and Michael took himself a new "permanent" vessel.
Blade of the Archangel in Supernatural
The blade is an item that is one of the most powerful things in the universe, but exclusively in the hands of the archangel. It is also called the sword of the archangel. He first appears in episode 19 of season 5 - Gabriel dies from him. Throughout the series, not all swords are shown, but only a few of them: Raphael, Gabriel, Lucifer, as well as alternative Michael.