N. Gumilev, "Lost Tram": analysis of the poem

Many poets and writers of the early XX century did not support the new government and opposed the Soviet regime as much as possible. The poem written by Gumilyov - “Lost Tram” expressed a bright position. Analysis of the work carried out in the material.

Historical patterns

Thinkers in all ages carried the idea of ​​freedom and equality. Representatives of literature were no exception, the heyday of whose creativity fell on the period of the fall of the imperial regime and the establishment of a new state called Soviet Russia. One of the opponents of communism was the famous poet and public figure Nikolai Gumilyov. He believed that building a country on intimidation, wars and lies was both impossible and wrong. The writer also noted: the government, which thus began its dominance, will not be able to preserve all the wealth of culture and traditions. And for centuries, the empire has guarded them.

gumilev lost tram analysis

The real manifestation of disobedience was a poem, which was composed by Gumilev - "Lost Tram." An analysis of this work shows his civic position. It should be noted that the work immediately spread around the world only because during the coups and struggle there was no structure that would be responsible for censorship. Consequently, in 1919, the poem was published.

Unusual inspiration

Today, symbolism is so wide that each reader can interpret this work in his own way, in accordance with the time and country in which he lives. However, the author himself was clearly aware of what he was writing about.

It should be noted that Gumilyov came up with a completely random “Lost Tram”. The analysis of this and other works, over which the poet did not hesitate for a long time, always amazes with its eccentricity and irrationality. History testifies that on the morning when the author composed the poem, he returned home. All night a man played cards and won significant money. Gumilev himself believed that in gambling, in war and in love he was always accompanied by luck.

At dawn, he crossed the bridge. Crows croaked nearby. And suddenly a tram drove nearby. Sparks bounced off the paths, leaving a trail of fire on the road. Then, something began to stir in the poet’s mind. He took a few more steps, and the first rhyme sounded in his head. So Gumilyov came up with the beginning ("Lost Tram"). The analysis of the poem shows that the introduction, that is, the first column, the reader perceives very simply and without problems.

gumilev stray tram poem analysis

Blind car

But the following lines cause a slight perplexity in the audience. The protagonist of the work notes that he himself does not understand how he jumped into the carriage. Here the writer conducts a subtle metaphor reception. He became a random participant in the events of the war. It is about the fact that imperial power was overthrown, but the Communist Party appeared, which destroyed everything on its way to rule.

The then society (according to Gumilev) is a lost tram. The analysis of the poem (it is necessary to briefly touch on historical events) is intended to convey to the reader that the people are moving blindly and without a plan, just like a machine. People do not know where they are going. During the ride, the unit knocks everything in its path. So, the Soviet government destroyed the military, political and cultural elite of society. But without their support, arriving at the final stop is not possible.

Travel wrong

Gumilev (“The Lost Tram”) put so many details, symbols into his work. A brief analysis, even of simple artistic turns, should be taken as a specific metaphor. We can safely say - sparks flew out from under the wheels of the car, like flashes from explosions and shots.

The author notes that from now on he and other passengers should move along with the tram, regardless of their will. The car rushes like a storm. By weather, the reader should understand the revolution. Also in the third column, the main character, on behalf of whom the story is being asked, asks to stop and release it. Probably, the author is the main protagonist of the work “Lost Tram” (Gumilyov). Quatrain analysis allows you to parse the poem in order.

Therefore, in the fourth column, the man says that getting out of the car is no longer possible. Moreover, Nikolai Stepanovich gives geographical data. Communism spreads all over the world: from the Russian Neva to the French Seine.

gumilev stray tram poem analysis briefly

Ghostly guests

His journey continues into the fifth quatrain. The hero suddenly finds himself in an unfamiliar place. He meets an old man who died last year. The hero also sees a way out. There is a train station selling tickets to India. This country is a symbol of spirituality and traditions. However, the carriage returns to the Green sign. There, like cabbage, severed human heads are sold. Thus, the author shows that life is not valuable for the revolution, and death is an everyday occurrence.

An analysis of Gumilyov’s “Lost Tram” verse shows that the author successfully combined several styles and plot twists in one piece. Nikolai Stepanovich notes that everyone falls under the general press. Therefore, the hero already knows that a heartless executioner will also cut off his head. The life of a cultural figure is also worthless for the system.

Next, the man again asks to stop the car, because he sees the house and the fence. It turns out that there lived Mashenka, who wove a carpet. The hero fears that his friend also died.

The soul died out

The girl’s image is a symbol of culture and traditions. Previously, the ladies hosted to show the guys their abilities. However, with the advent of new power, centuries-old rituals are destroyed.

An extremely broad analysis can be made from the verse (“Lost Tram”). Gumilev, according to the plan, smoothly moves from mysticism to burning topics. The lyrical hero notes that from now on everything has changed. He says that the light that poured from Mashenka’s windows was their salvation. The narrator mourns the past life. His soul has died, and he is ready to light a candle for himself in the church.

In the last column, the main character announces that he misses very much what cannot be returned. Previously, a man did not notice the happiness that fate gave him. However, once a person has taken away faith, culture and customs, he goes out.

lost tram gumilev analysis

Various aspects

Gumilev was distinguished for his creative style. “The lost tram" (the analysis of the poem can be carried out taking into account various factors) is a kind of masterpiece of the author. You can consider poetry from the side of history. Here are clear events that excite the writer’s soul. It should be noted that the master does not just give information, but hides it behind images and symbols. If the reader does not decrypt the code, then the poem will be meaningless and incomprehensible. People who can read between the lines, it becomes clear the poet’s attitude to the situation, what is happening in the country.

To understand the idea of ​​the author, it is better to analyze Gumilyov’s poem “Lost Tram” according to plan. In addition to the historical aspect, attention should be paid to references to other works.

Many researchers believe that the work was a kind of copy of the work of Dante Alighieri "Divine Comedy." Here, the narrator also falls into different time frames and meets with mysticism.

analysis of the lost tram gumilyov according to plan

Travel Writer

The author has worked with different genres. He liked ballads very much. This work is composed in a similar style. It has a given motive and its own plot structure. A similar manner was encountered in his work before. In addition, the mysticism that is characteristic of this genre is clearly present in poetry.

Constantly looking for new directions in literature N. Gumilyov. “Lost Tram” (analysis confirms this) is a peculiar attempt to write a synthetic ballad.

In work, the master travels a lot in his mind. It should be noted that almost all the cities that were mentioned in the lyrics, Nikolai Stepanovich actually visited. Also, together with the hero, with a sufficient amount of knowledge in the field of literature, one can discern in the work of his compatriots. For example, in the last two lines of the 13th column there is a link to a poem by A.S. Pushkin's The Bronze Horseman. In addition, there are many parallels with the historical novel of the same writer, "Captain's Daughter."

lost tram gumilyov quatrain analysis

Tragic fate

The real novelty was the poem, which was written by Gumilyov - "Lost Tram." An analysis of this work shows that the author began to work in a different form, moving away from the traditional style. It is quite possible that a man could develop a fresh direction in his work, if not for the tragic circumstances of the death of a brilliant writer. Nikolai Stepanovich openly shared his religious preferences and declared without fear that he prefers the monarchy. Therefore, very soon the activist became an enemy of the Communist Party. He and many other talented writers received a tacit verdict.

Mr. Gumilev lost tram analysis

We can say one of the poems that killed Gumilyov - “Lost Tram”. An analysis of the events of 1921 suggests that the man was not a member of the conspiracy in which he was accused. The poet was shot on August 26. His life ended at the age of 35.

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