Unfortunately, with age, it becomes increasingly difficult for our body to perfectly perform its functions. In particular, our joints are not always able to withstand the increased load due to the formation of salts in them or the development of other diseases. That is why it is necessary to timely treat joints at home, which in the first place implies their cleansing. It is worth noting that you still have to consult a doctor in order to check the body for contraindications. For example, you need to analyze the work of the gastrointestinal tract, since an ulcer is the very first of them.
Joint treatment at home: bay leaf cleansing
To prepare the broth, you need 5 grams of bay leaf and 300 ml of liquid. Grind the leaves and pour boiling water, then boil over about 5 minutes over low heat. This is done in order to digest essential oils, which can negatively affect the kidneys. After five minutes, pour the mixture into a thermos and insist for five hours. Then strain the infusion and drink in small sips throughout the day. You should not use the entire volume at one time, since laurel is characterized as a potent substance and can cause bleeding in the body. The course of treatment is three days.
During this period, baths with the addition of branches of pine needles, sea salt are welcome, because these ingredients help to heal joints. Also, experts recommend enemas to quickly remove toxins from the body, which will significantly reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. A
contrast shower will have a good effect on your well-being
. When the three-day period has passed, you should take a break for a week, then repeat the course.
Joint treatment at home black radish
Adherents of alternative medicine do not get tired of describing the miraculous properties of ordinary black radish. Here she can solve problems with joints in an instant. Before preparation of juice it is necessary to process a product correctly. Radish needs to be washed well, then for half an hour put in a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. After that, thoroughly rinse the root crop and use a grater to extract juice from it. It is worth remembering that the resulting liquid is stored only in a well-closed container and in a cool place.
Do not forget that this is still traditional medicine. Joints, of course, can be cleansed of excess salts, but without consulting a doctor, there is a possibility of negative consequences. If no contraindications are found, then the juice is taken three times a day, strictly at 30 grams. The course of treatment can be considered completed when you drink the juice obtained from 10 kilograms of radish. To enhance the effect, certain dietary restrictions should be introduced, for example, refuse fatty and too seasoned foods, flour and sweet foods, even meat and eggs.
Joint treatment at home: we follow eastern traditions
In the East, people are actively using rice as a good tool that helps not only to maintain a good shape, but also to cleanse the body of toxins. To do this, the product must be properly cooked: first, the rice should be soaked in clean water for two days, then drain, draw new and cook. A glass of boiled rice is divided into four portions and eaten for 20 minutes, but before each meal, drink half a glass of water.