Not only children, but also adults suffer from chicken pox . This viral infection is extremely contagious and easily transmitted. A person of adulthood suffers this disease much harder than a small child. Many patients have heard of the unpleasant effects of chickenpox in adult men. How dangerous is this disease? Can chickenpox lead to impaired potency or male infertility? We will consider these issues in the article.
Pathogen and route of infection
The causative agent of the pathology is the Varicella Zoster virus. Otherwise, it is called type 3 herpes virus. This microorganism is transmitted by airborne droplets. It is released when coughing, sneezing, or during a conversation. The virus can spread along with air over a fairly large distance, so infection is very easy. Contact transmission is unlikely, since the pathogen is not able to live long in the external environment.
After recovery, the patient acquires lifelong immunity. Approximately 75 to 80% of people suffer the disease before the age of 15 years. Therefore, chickenpox in adults is observed only if a person has not previously been ill with this viral infection. Re-contracting chickenpox is impossible.
Men who work with children have an increased risk of infection. Often, parents become infected from their child. It is important to remember that a sick person becomes contagious 1 to 2 days before a skin rash appears. During this period, patients often take chickenpox for the flu or SARS. The danger of infection persists throughout the entire period of rashes and for another 5 days after the appearance of the last spot on the skin.
The course of chickenpox can be divided into several stages:
- The incubation period. This stage of the disease can last from 10 days to 3 weeks. At this time, the patient does not feel any signs of deterioration.
- Prodromal period. At this stage, the first symptoms of chickenpox in adult men appear. The patient's general condition worsens, severe weakness, headache, aches in the bones occur. The temperature rises to +39 degrees. A characteristic rash does not yet appear, and patients often take the first manifestations of chickenpox as signs of a cold or flu.
- The period of rashes. Red spots appear on the face and body of the patient. Then they turn into protruding tubercles (papules). Over time, the rashes fill with a clear liquid and take the form of bubbles. Such a rash is called vesicular. Skin manifestations of the disease are accompanied by severe intolerable itching.
- Recovery. The rash and itching gradually disappear. In place of papules and vesicles, crusts form, which eventually disappear. The patient's condition improves.
As already mentioned, this pathology occurs in mature people is much harder than in children. Manifestations of chickenpox in adults differ in the following features:
- The rash is formed not only on the epidermis, but also on the mucous membranes (for example, in the mouth).
- With the localization of rashes on the head, hair loss is noted.
- The febrile period lasts longer than in children, and is accompanied by a higher temperature.
- In adults, rashes are usually more abundant than in children. In patients with sensitive skin, chickenpox elements may look like pustules.
After the disease, the depigmentation of the skin may remain at the site of the rash. However, if the patient combs the rashes, then scars form on the epidermis, which can remain throughout life.
With chickenpox, patients are prescribed antiviral drugs that act directly on the causative agent of the disease. Such funds include:
These drugs not only help suppress the activity of the virus, but also prevent complications of the pathology.
As symptomatic therapy, patients are prescribed the following groups of drugs:
- antipyretic: "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen";
- antihistamines for stopping itching - Suprastin, Tsetrin, Tavegil;
- local disinfectants for the treatment of rashes - Zelenok, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin.
Patients are advised to follow a special diet. Rashes in adults are often localized on the mucous membrane of the mouth, so eating is accompanied by soreness. The patient is recommended to give food in liquid and mashed form. During illness, you should drink as much fluid as possible, this will help reduce viral intoxication.
The prognosis and complications of pathology
Most often, chickenpox ends in complete recovery. However, deaths occur annually. Mortality from chickenpox in adults is 30-40 times higher than in children. This pathology can occur in malignant forms (hemorrhagic, generalized, gangrenous), in which the mortality rate reaches 25%. Such dangerous types of chickenpox are more common in people with reduced immunity, especially in HIV-infected people.
Dangerous complications after chickenpox include meningitis and pneumonia. These pathologies also often cause death. Such effects are more likely to occur in elderly patients.
All this suggests that chickenpox is far from a harmless disease, especially in adulthood. Therefore, at the first signs of deterioration in well-being, an infectious disease specialist should not be delayed with a visit to the doctor. Of particular concern should be the appearance of bleeding and the formation of areas of necrosis in the area of ββthe rash. These are signs of malignant forms of the disease that are life threatening.
In adult men, the following complications after chickenpox may occur:
- transient disorders of libido, potency, and reproductive function;
- balanoposthitis;
- streptoderma;
- meningitis and encephalitis;
- pneumonia;
- nephritis;
- arthritis;
- keratitis;
- herpes zoster.
Next, we will consider in detail the consequences of this viral infection in male patients.
Genital eruptions
In the acute period of the disease, the rash covers almost all areas of the patient's body. Often men notice the appearance of red dots on the penis. These are common chickenpox rashes that have spread to the genital area. The spots are very itchy and cause serious discomfort to the patient. Over time, small dots turn into a bubble rash.
The appearance of red spots on the glans penis is not a dangerous complication. This is just one of the skin manifestations of chickenpox. To avoid rash infection, it is necessary to regularly treat spots and papules with local medicines.
When a rash appears in the genital area, doctors recommend the use of the following drugs:
- Decoctions of chamomile and calendula. These herbal remedies are used for washing the skin and baths. Such treatments help reduce itching and inflammation.
- Liquid "Fukortsin" or cream "Desitin". These drugs have disinfectant properties. However, they do not burn or irritate the skin. They can be applied even to the most sensitive parts of the body.
- Gel "Fenistil". This antihistamine effectively relieves itching. The use of the gel will help to avoid combing the rash.
Often patients mistakenly believe that chickenpox cannot be wetted. However, doctors recommend regularly washing the genital area during an illness. Neglecting personal hygiene can lead to a severe inflammatory process.
Rashes in the penis and head disappear on their own as the patient recovers. During the illness, it is only important to prevent infection of the papules.
Libido and potency
In the acute period of the disease, the patient may experience a decrease in libido and a decrease in potency. This is due to both general poor health and rashes in the genital area, which cause severe discomfort.
However, these sexual dysfunctions are temporary and reversible. They do not require special treatment. After recovery, libido and potency are fully restored.
The unpleasant consequences of chickenpox in adult men include inflammation of the penis and foreskin. This disease is called balanoposthitis. It often occurs due to combing or trauma to the vesicle rash in the genital area. Pathology is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- sharp redness and swelling of the penis and foreskin;
- pain during urination;
- purulent discharge;
- swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes.
In this case, doctors supplement antiviral therapy with prescription of local and oral antibiotics. Typically, chickenpox balanoposthitis passes without consequences. All signs of inflammation disappear after recovering from chickenpox.
Reproductive function
There is a misconception that the result of chickenpox in adult men can be infertility. However, this viral infection is not so dangerous for reproductive function. Maternal fertility may be adversely affected by mumps (mumps). Chicken pox does not cause persistent infertility.
In the acute period of chickenpox, the quantity and quality of seminal fluid may slightly decrease in a patient. This is due to general intoxication of the body, a decrease in immunity and the use of antiviral drugs. However, no irreversible reproductive dysfunction is noted. After recovery, the fertility of a man is fully restored.
Other consequences
So we found that chickenpox does not cause persistent disorders of potency and does not lead to infertility. All violations of sexual function are temporary and reversible. However, the virus can affect not only the skin, but also other organs. What is the danger of chickenpox in adult men? This disease can cause the following complications:
- Streptoderma. This skin disease occurs due to the attachment of streptococcal infection. Most often, the patient introduces bacteria into the epidermis when combing a papular rash. Large pustules appear on the skin. Over time, they erupt, and ulcers form in their place.
- Meningitis and encephalitis. Inflammatory processes in the membranes and brain matter are among the most dangerous complications of a viral infection. These diseases are accompanied by severe headache, cramps, nausea and vomiting. In this case, the patient needs urgent hospitalization. Without treatment, meningitis and encephalitis are fatal in 20% of cases.
- Pneumonia. If the Varicella Zoster virus penetrates deep into the airways, then this can lead to pneumonia. This complication is observed in 15% of men. A sign of pneumonia is the appearance of cough with sputum, shortness of breath and chest pain. Often these symptoms occur at an early stage of the disease, even before the rash appears.
- Nephritis. Inflammation of the kidneys after chickenpox is relatively rare. Such a complication may appear at the end of the rash period. The patient has lower back pain, discomfort during urination, swelling of the face and legs. In urine analysis, protein levels increase.
- Arthritis. Chickenpox in men over 40 can cause joint inflammation. Symptoms of the disease - pain in the bones and muscles, difficulty walking. Usually, discomfort intensifies at night, and in the morning you can notice swelling in the joints.
- Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea is one of the dangerous complications of chickenpox. Keratitis occurs due to the penetration of the virus into the organ of vision. Pathology is accompanied by redness of the sclera, pain in the eyes, visual impairment. Without treatment, inflammation can pass to the optic nerve and cause blindness.
These complications are most often observed in the elderly, as well as in patients who do not observe bed rest and do not engage in treatment.
It should be remembered that the effects of chickenpox in adult men can affect many years after the infection. After all, the virus forever remains in the cells of the body in a "sleeping" state. With a decrease in the immunity of Varicella, the Zoster can again be activated.
As we already mentioned, it is impossible to get chickenpox again. Relapse of the pathology manifests itself in the form of herpes zoster. This is an unpleasant disease, which is accompanied by a vesicle rash, itching and severe pain. Pathology is more often observed in middle-aged and elderly men. Therefore, it is very important for each person who has had chickenpox to strengthen their immunity.
Body recovery
What to do after chickenpox? Usually, after an acute viral pathology, the patientβs immune system is sharply weakened. To increase the body's resistance to infections, doctors advise observing the following recommendations:
- Within a month after recovery, it is necessary to use multivitamin complexes daily: Pikovit, Vitrum, Supradin, Alphabet.
- As prescribed by the doctor, you can also take immunomodulators: Immunal, Immunomax, Galium-Heel, Liasten.
- It is useful to drink chamomile tea with honey and lemon every day, as well as a drink from rose hips.
- Fatty and salty foods should be discarded. The diet should often include vegetables, nuts, fruits and sour-milk drinks.
- After illness, you should not expose yourself to excessive physical and emotional stress.
- Every day you need to make small walks in the fresh air.
Compliance with these simple measures helps to strengthen the body's defenses, as well as the rapid restoration of sexual and reproductive function in men.