A significant proportion of people are infected with parasites. One of the most common helminths are roundworms. It is very easy to get infected with them, since larvae can survive in the external environment for a long time. But getting rid of these parasites is also easy, the main thing is to start treatment on time. You just need to choose the right drugs for roundworm, as well as follow all the doctor's recommendations.
General characteristics of the disease
Ascaridosis is a fairly common parasitic disease. It is found in both adults and children. Moreover, at the initial stage, the disease can be almost asymptomatic, therefore, usually treatment begins when the parasites already grow to large sizes. And they can reach a length of 40 cm.
Roundworms are very prolific parasites. A female can lay up to 20 thousand eggs per day. They ripen in the soil, so people bring them into the home on shoes. Eggs are ingested through poorly washed vegetables and fruits. You can become infected if you do not follow the rules of hygiene. Parasite eggs are transmitted through unwashed hands, vegetables, herbs, common dishes, household items.
Children are most often infected, as they often come in contact with the ground and often poorly observe hygiene rules. Once in the body, parasites grow rapidly, negatively affecting the functioning of all organs and causing symptoms of intoxication. It is not difficult to cure this disease, if you choose the right drugs for roundworm.
The danger of ascariasis
These parasites can grow to large sizes. And they feed on useful elements found in human blood. This often leads to anemia. Therefore, it is very important to start treatment of roundworm in time. Drugs for this are sold without a doctorβs prescription. But basically they are very toxic, so it is better not to take them without consulting a specialist.
The danger of ascariasis is also that larvae, entering the body, can settle not only in the intestine, but also in the lungs and even in other internal organs. At the same time, they disrupt the body, leading to the development of various pathologies. The consequences of ascariasis can be gastritis, pancreatitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, allergic reactions. Therefore, it is very important to start treatment of the disease on time under the supervision of a doctor. For this, mainly drug therapy is used.
Roundworms in adults: symptoms and treatment
Drugs for getting rid of these parasites are sold freely without a prescription. But itβs better to go to the doctor to prescribe treatment. There are certain symptoms that make it possible to suspect infection. Although pronounced symptoms usually appear already in the late stages of the pathology. The patient may experience such sensations:
- nausea and vomiting;
- allergic reactions;
- cough, irritation in the throat;
- impaired appetite;
- abdominal pain, poor digestion;
- weight loss;
- fatigue, sleep disturbance.
But in some cases, the disease can be almost asymptomatic. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly undergo an examination in order to identify the infection in time and begin treatment.
Features of the treatment of ascariasis
All drugs against roundworm are quite toxic not only for parasites, but also for the human body. In addition, usually on sale you can now find drugs with a wide spectrum of action, they are active against many types of helminths. If a person has exactly ascariasis, it is better to choose a less toxic agent, which will be aimed at the destruction of this particular parasite. Typically, such drugs affect the metabolic processes in the cells of the worms, disrupt their energy metabolism or block the transmission of neuromuscular impulses. In this case, the parasites die and usually go out with feces. Often this requires an additional intake of a laxative.
Therefore, it is best to carry out the treatment of pathology under the guidance of a specialist. When prescribing the drug, contraindications and the possibility of developing side effects are taken into account. If the treatment is carried out under the guidance of a specialist, he can notice the deterioration of the patient's condition in time and change the drug.
In addition, the doctor knows what medicines need to be prescribed additionally. It can be medicines to restore intestinal microflora, antiallergic drugs, medicines to strengthen the immune system. Sometimes laxatives and adsorbents are also prescribed. They are needed to quickly eliminate toxins released during life and after the death of parasites.
Albendazole-based preparations
This is the most common remedy against roundworms. Preparations based on it are most often prescribed to adults after the discovery of these parasites. All drugs based on albendazole in tablets are available. Their action is based on the ability of this substance to disrupt the carbohydrate metabolism of parasites. Because of this, they die. But albendazole often causes side effects: nausea, vomiting, headaches, allergic reactions. It can also affect the liver and adversely affect the hematopoiesis system. Due to the high toxicity of these drugs from roundworm, they are prescribed only for adults. They are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.
The most common albendazole-based product is Nemozole. It is usually drunk once in the amount of 1 tablet. Sometimes analogues of this drug are also prescribed, having the same composition: Zentel, Gelmadol, Alben, Aldazol.
Drugs containing mebendazole
Means based on this substance have a wide spectrum of action. Mebendazole is part of Vermox, Vormina and Telmoksa. It is believed that these are the best drugs from roundworm and pinworms, not only for adults, but also for children. These drugs can affect not only adult parasites, but also their larvae. The active substance blocks the metabolic processes in the cells of the worms, as a result of which they die.
These drugs from roundworm for humans are not very toxic, but can cause side effects. Basically, it is nausea, headache, dry mouth, drowsiness, allergic reactions. Mebendazole-based products can be taken for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The dosage and duration of administration is determined by the doctor.
Levamisole-based products
Levamisole disrupts energy metabolism in the body of parasites, and also causes paralysis of their muscles. But the negative impact of these drugs extends not only to worms. Levamisole can cause such side effects:
- abdominal pain, indigestion;
- disruption of the nervous system;
- pancreas inflammation;
- cramps
- allergic reactions;
- violation of the process of blood formation.
Therefore, such drugs are not prescribed for children under 3 years of age and pregnant women. But their advantage is the possibility of using without laxatives. And basically they are drunk once. Based on levamisole, drugs such as Decaris and Levamisole are available. They can be used only as directed by a doctor.
Other treatments
Sometimes adults infected with roundworms are prescribed lesser-known remedies. They are toxic, often cause side effects, so the dosage and duration of treatment should be chosen by a doctor. There are several drugs for the treatment of roundworm in adults, which are used most often:
- "Heptylresorcinol" is available in capsules. Dosage depends on the age of the patient. Usually, the drug is prescribed only for adults, but it is permissible to use it for children from 7 years. The complexity of treatment with this remedy is that you need to follow a diet, take a salt laxative before using the medicine. The drug is prohibited for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Sankafen is also taken after a laxative. At the end of treatment, a laxative is also taken. Ascaridosis treatment continues for 2 days. Side effects of the drug include nausea, vomiting, headaches.
Herbal remedies
Such funds are not recognized by doctors. Usually they are recommended only for preventive purposes. Although it is believed that they also effectively destroy parasites, in addition, they have a general strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. Such preparations contain natural plant components, therefore, less likely to cause side effects:
- Bactefort is a dietary supplement in the form of drops. It contains only plant extracts. They cleanse the body of parasites and toxins.
- Intoxic exterminates not only adult helminths, but also their larvae. In addition, it removes parasites and their decomposition products from the body. This is also a remedy based on herbal components, so it has almost no contraindications.
- Triple Evalar is a dietary supplement in capsule form. The detrimental effect on roundworm is based on the antiparasitic properties of three plants: cloves, tansy and wormwood.
Roundworms in children: drugs for treatment
Due to the large number of anthelmintic drugs with high toxicity, it is not recommended to choose a means for removing worms in a child. There are just a few effective drugs that do not require dieting or laxatives. In addition, they are almost non-toxic and rarely cause side effects. Convenient and the form of release of these drugs: they can be produced in solution or suspension. Therefore, they are most often prescribed to children:
- "Pirantel" is the best drug from roundworm for children. This product is available not only in the form of tablets, but also in suspension. In this form, it is easier to dose to children, since you need to use it at the rate of 10 mg per kilogram of weight.
- "Piperazine" is a well-known anthelmintic agent that has been approved for use for small children for many years. The drug is available in tablets and solution. Dosage is determined individually. Recently it has been rarely used, since it negatively affects the work of the nervous system.
- "Vermox" is a drug from Ascaris worms based on mebendazole. It is less toxic of all such drugs, so it is often prescribed for children from 2 years. After all, this drug is not absorbed into the blood, therefore it rarely causes side effects. The dosage of the medicine is determined individually, it must be used within 3 days.
- Dekaris is also often prescribed for children. The action of this drug is based on blocking the muscles of the parasites. Because of this, after a day they easily leave the body. Take the drug 1 time before bedtime.
Application rules
Only if the symptoms of roundworm in adults are detected in time and the treatment with drugs is prescribed by a doctor, you can quickly get rid of parasites. But it is very important to correctly apply all the prescribed funds. All these drugs are toxic, so you need to take them strictly according to the instructions. You can not independently choose a remedy for parasites, change the recommended dosage or duration of treatment. This can lead to the fact that helminths adapt to the medicine or migrate to other organs. In addition, treatment is important to combine with sorbents, antihistamines and immunomodulatory agents.
Disease prevention
A person infected with helminths is dangerous for his loved ones, since parasites are transmitted through household contact. Therefore, it is recommended that upon detection of roundworm in one family member, prophylactic treatment is given to everyone else. Preparations for this should be selected by a doctor.
In addition, it is very important to know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from getting roundworm. It is very important to follow the basic rules of prevention:
- always wash your hands thoroughly after the street, after the toilet, and also before eating;
- wash all vegetables and fruits with warm water, with a brush and soap, and those that are not subjected to heat treatment are recommended to be doused with boiling water;
- meat must be thoroughly cooked, and the kitchen appliances used to cook it should be washed and rinsed well with boiling water.