Hard-boiled eggs, soft-boiled and "in the bag"

What could be easier than boiling hard-boiled eggs? This conventional wisdom is mistaken. The fact is that there are three ways to cook fresh chicken eggs and each of them requires a very delicate approach. Only in this case you will get a good result. First of all, we will decide which testes you need. Hard-boiled, soft-boiled or “bagged”? After the choice is made, you can start cooking. It is better to boil eggs in a small saucepan so that they do not roll in boiling water and do not knock on each other, then they will remain intact.

hard boiled eggs
The first rule to follow, regardless of the cooking method. Eggs should never be cold. They need to be removed in advance from the refrigerator and for forty minutes, or better for one hour, put on a napkin. Do not rush, remember that chicken eggs are reluctant to give away both cold and heat. At least forty minutes, the testicles should be laid down. Then, to cook hard-boiled eggs, they need to be chopped. This is a prerequisite so that the shell does not crack in boiling water and the egg remains completely intact by the end of cooking. It should be pricked carefully, the needle should go into 2 - 3 millimeters, not more.

hard-boiled egg
Take the egg and pierce from the blunt end. Do the same with the rest of the eggs. The chopped testicles can be laid in already boiling water, they will remain intact. Why do eggs need to be laid in boiling water? The thing is that each of the three cooking methods requires a certain amount of time, with an accuracy of 10 to 12 seconds. If you lay eggs in cold water and wait until it boils, you will miss the moment of their readiness. Water boils sometimes quickly, and sometimes very slowly. But in hot water the protein is already beginning to set and the process is already irrevocably broken. Therefore, only in boiling water and only a chopped egg.

how much to cook eggs
We will first analyze the method of boiling hard boiled eggs. The water boiled, the testicles were chopped, lay them one at a time with a large spoon. This should be done quickly so that all the eggs are in boiling water almost simultaneously. You can’t cover the pan, there should be enough water for the whole cooking time, without the risk that it can boil away. From the moment when the testicles are laid in boiling water, the countdown has begun. Exactly 8 minutes if you cook hard-boiled eggs. Cook less, get eggs in a pouch, cook more - the yolk will turn green.

Now about how to cook soft-boiled chicken eggs. This method differs from the method when you cook hard-boiled eggs only for the duration of cooking. For an average size of a chicken egg, the boiled-out cooking time is 3 minutes and 30 seconds. The protein will be “caught”, but not completely, and the yolk will remain liquid. Serve the softly boiled chicken eggs. Therefore, it is traditionally to boil the boiled eggs with cold water for a better lag of the shell during cleaning, it is necessary not for long, 2-3 seconds.

Easter eggs
It remains to consider another way of cooking chicken eggs, this is cooking "in the bag." A boiled egg in a “bag” is the most delicious if cleaned correctly and properly salted. We cook the chicken eggs “in the bag” for exactly 4 minutes, after laying the eggs in boiling water. But before cooking Easter eggs, a tattoo is not needed. We drop the eggs in cold water and when the water boils, we begin the countdown. Easter eggs should be cooked for at least 10 minutes. It is not enough to boil a hard-boiled egg if it is an Easter egg. Firstly, they must be durable, and therefore well-cooked. Secondly, the Easter eggs will lie for quite some time after painting and consecration in the church. In this article, we answered the question of how much to cook eggs in time and how best to do it.

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