It hurts to inhale deeply: possible causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Usually, any ailment manifests itself in the form of certain symptoms. If it hurts to breathe deeply, then many people see this as a pulmonary problem. But there are many pathologies that are associated with the respiratory system. Why it hurts to inhale deeply, is described in the article.

Musculoskeletal disorders

The chest includes:

  • sternum;
  • ribs;
  • collarbone;
  • thoracic spine.
it hurts to inhale deeply

Near the bone apparatus is muscle mass penetrated by nerve fibers. These formations can lead to pain. If it is painful to inhale deeply, this may be due to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The reason for this is considered chest movement during breathing. During the inhalation period, it rises and expands, which can cause pain.


This is a pathology of the spine, which is more than half of the adults on the planet. With osteochondrosis, atrophic changes in the intervertebral disc occur. There is a loss of elasticity of the pulpous nucleus, since it has pronounced hydrophilic properties. Moisture disappears, the disc will be less elastic and more flattened.

The fibrous ring, which supports the volume of the pulpous nucleus, also suffers. Due to the displacement and approach of neighboring vertebrae, radial cracks occur on the ring. The destruction of the ligaments that support the vertebral segment occurs. It becomes unstable, a vertebral shift occurs, and therefore a painful syndrome occurs.

Such changes in varying degrees occur in all people over time. They are most pronounced with excess weight, irrational physical exertion, a long sedentary lifestyle. Chest pain on inspiration occurs with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, as the movement of the chest affects the painful vertebral segments.

Intercostal neuralgia

This is another answer to the question, why does it hurt to breathe deeply? On the lower edge of the ribs is a neurovascular bundle. Nerves in its composition often lead to neuralgia. This condition appears from:

  • hypothermia;
  • infringement;
  • infections
  • irritation.
it hurts deeply to inhale in the chest

Intercostal neuralgia is often manifested in osteochondrosis of the spine. Less commonly, pain occurs from herpes zoster - a herpes infection. The virus can be activated by hypothermia. Usually it appears with a natural decrease in immunity:

  • the elderly;
  • with diabetes;
  • with primary and secondary immunodeficiency.

With this ailment, the pain manifests itself constantly, it manifests itself from the lesion site. And amplified by the movement of the chest. By nature, the pain can be strong and burning.

Rib fracture

If it is painful to inhale deeply in the chest, then the cause of this may be a closed chest injury. Usually this phenomenon appears in the elderly, which is associated with severe fragility and fragility of the bones. The condition can be from moderate to severe, it all depends on the number of broken ribs.

If the fracture is 1-2 ribs, then usually it is not difficult, for this inpatient treatment is not required. When a fracture of 3 or more ribs increases the likelihood of damage to the organs of the chest: heart, lungs, blood vessels. For multiple bilateral fractures, emergency medical care is needed. Pain manifests itself at the site of damage, they can intensify even with shallow breathing and coughing.

Heart disease

If it hurts to breathe deeply, then this may be due to pathologies of the heart, blood vessels. Often there is myocardial infarction or angina pectoris, but with them there are pressing sensations that are not associated with breathing. Read more about heart disease below.

it hurts to inhale deeply in the chest

Pericarditis of the heart

Pain sensations appear only with dry pericarditis. With it, fibrinous adhesions appear in large numbers on the pericardial leaves, noticeably worsening the friction of the leaves during a heartbeat. There is a sharp, painful sensation, intensified by deep breathing.

Pericarditis of the heart appears from:

  • systemic diseases - systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma;
  • terminal chronic kidney disease;
  • gout
  • tuberculosis.

In addition to chest pain, there is a rhythm disturbance. A person quickly gets tired, he has shortness of breath, a feeling of interruptions in the functioning of the heart. Without treatment, dry pericarditis eventually becomes exudative.

Pulmonary embolism

When it hurts to breathe deeply, often the cause is this ailment. This is one of the pathologies when emergency medical care is needed. When it occurs, reflex cardiac arrest.

Pain is characteristic for emobes of small branches, causing recurrent heart attack pneumonia. With it, chest pain appears, spilled, which intensifies on inhalation. Cough, fever may also occur. Symptoms of respiratory failure are likely.

it hurts to inhale deeply to the left

Pulmonary thromboembolism usually appears amid well-being. It develops from:

  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • pathologies of the heart;
  • atrial fibrillation, cardiomyopathy, cardiomyopathy;
  • oncology;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome;
  • different thrombophilia.

Gastrointestinal pathology

It hurts to inhale deeply with problems with the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. With gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis, burning pain, pressing. It usually appears in the center and at the top of the chest.
  2. Gastritis, stomach ulcer. Pain sensations are manifested in the center, can be combined with a feeling of quick satiation, nausea, belching.
  3. Duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis. Pain occurs in the lower chest. There may be night attacks, as well as 2-3 hours after eating.
  4. Cholecystitis. Pain occurs in the lower chest. There is also a feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and nausea.

Pulmonary disease

If it is painful to inhale deeply in the chest, then the causes may be in pulmonary ailments. There are no pain receptors in the lung tissue; its pathologies are not able to manifest as soreness if the pleura is not affected.


In many cases, the focus of inflammation in pneumonia can be located near the pleural cavity. Then the inflammation can go to the pleura, which causes pain. It is constant, and can only be with deep breathing. With coughing and forced breathing, the pain noticeably increases.

it hurts to inhale deep in the chest

Probably appearance:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • elevated temperature;
  • cough with sputum.

If pneumonia is massive in area, then there may be symptoms of respiratory failure. This is shortness of breath, cyanosis, decreased saturation. The disease is more complicated in the elderly, children and people with immunodeficiencies.


If it hurts to inhale deeply left or right, then the cause may be dry pleurisy. In morphology, it is similar to dry pericarditis: fibrinous filaments that are deposited on the pleura. Because of them, the friction of the pleura leaves is painful. The pain becomes severe when breathing.

The condition becomes better when leaning toward the affected lung. So the tension of the inflamed pleura decreases. The patient feels relief if laid on the side of inflammation. In addition to pain, there may be: fever, weakness. Often there is a dry reflex cough.


If it is painful to inhale deeply under the ribs on the left, painful sensations appear, then this may be due to pneumothorax. A person develops severe symptoms of acute respiratory failure.

why it hurts to inhale deeply

With massive pneumothorax, mediastinal organs are likely to move to the site of a collapsed lung. This phenomenon is manifested by signs of cardiovascular shock, because of which there may be a cardiac arrest.


When it is painful to inhale deeply in the chest area, you must consult a doctor. He collects an anamnesis and performs a physical examination. Assessment required:

  • the duration of this condition;
  • the presence of wheezing;
  • progression of the condition;
  • lack of air in a calm form and during physical exertion;
  • the presence of injuries.

Inspection does not always give an accurate picture. Sometimes additional examination methods are needed:

  1. Blood analysis.
  2. Chest x-ray.
  3. CT scan of the chest.
  4. ECG.
  5. Spirometry.

Using these procedures, it will be possible to accurately establish the ailment. Then the doctor prescribes treatment. After a visit to the therapist and diagnosis, you may need to consult a specialist.


Self-treatment should not be. Each ailment has its own methods of therapy. If it is painful to inhale deeply in the back, in the chest, then the causes first come to light. Doctors may recommend using the following methods to get rid of uncomfortable sensations:

  1. If the respiratory organs are inflamed, then the anti-inflammatory organs prescribed by the doctor are used. Ancillary medicines that restore breathing can be used as auxiliary agents.
  2. With pathologies of a neurasthenic nature, phyto-drugs and drugs that strengthen the nervous system are taken. In these cases, stress must be eliminated. A healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are needed.
  3. With thoracic osteochondrosis, special exercises are needed that strengthen the back muscles to perform their functions. General strengthening agents are also needed. It is important that the body receives the right amount of calcium and vitamin D.
it is painful to inhale deeply below the left under the ribs

If the pain manifests itself from trauma, then the patient needs help. A person needs to be seated, to eliminate factors that interfere with normal breathing - to unfasten clothing. It is required to ensure complete peace and immobility of the body before the arrival of doctors.

Thus, pain with deep inhalation can occur for various reasons. If there are such symptoms, then it is better to consult a specialist. Only a doctor can identify the real cause, as well as prescribe a treatment that will improve well-being.

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