About a term such as "papilloma", many have a rather vague idea. Some people associate it with a wart, others believe that it is a contagious neoplasm, and for others, such a growth is absolutely harmless. But in fact, papillomas have a viral origin and, choosing a method of getting rid of them, this important factor must be taken into account.
Pathology definition
Papilloma is considered to be the most problematic type of neoplasm for a century, since it causes the greatest inconvenience, not to mention the too high risk of injury. And such a phenomenon is completely unacceptable, since the growth can have an oncogenic character.
Papilloma itself is an abnormal growth of the upper cover. Although it can be localized not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes - for example, in the oral cavity or in the genital area. The dimensions of this growth, as a rule, are small - 1-7 mm, very rarely the size can reach 2 cm. But despite such small parameters, the papilloma carries a huge danger.
The appearance of such a growth on the eyelid is not only a threat of injury, but is also considered a serious aesthetic defect. In addition, papilloma significantly complicates eye care.
If not so long ago people of middle and old age were exposed to such growths, now HPV, like many other viruses, has begun to affect the younger generation. Often, neoplasms appear even in adolescents, and in this case it is very important to remove the papilloma in time (on the eyelid or in any other place, it does not matter), until it has time to lead to serious complications.
The growth itself is a consequence of the active activity of the virus, which is able to enter the body through several paths.
- Domestic - pathogenic bacteria for a long time retain their viability in the environment, so they can easily invade when they enter the damaged areas of the mucous membrane or skin.
- Sexual - infection can occur with any sexual contact, even oral and anal. The result of such infection most often becomes genital warts.
- Vertical - the transmission of the virus from mother to fetus at the time of delivery. As a result, the child most often has an anogenital wart or laryngeal papillomatosis.
- Autoinoculation is a kind of self-infection, which is characterized by the movement of the virus during shaving or hair removal from one place to another.
However, it is worth saying that infection with the virus does not mean the inevitable occurrence of papillomas. External integument plays the role of a barrier of immunity. They contain cells that can prevent any attempts to introduce pathogenic microflora. That is why, even penetrating into the layers of the skin, the virus can remain inactive for a long time, waiting for the appearance of factors favorable for reproduction.
Causes of occurrence
Among the conditions that can provoke the activation of pathogenic bacteria, it is worth highlighting:
- local or general hypothermia;
- the presence of foci of infection or chronic somatic pathologies;
- regular stress, general stress of the nervous system;
- abuse of bad habits;
- the need for long-term use of potent medicines.
Usually, behind these factors lie the true causes of papillomas for centuries. Each of the described factors negatively affects the immune system, gradually weakening it. So, the body has a minimum of resources to deal with pathogenic microflora, due to which the risk of infection increases at times.
Another common provoking condition for papillomas is ultraviolet. Until now, the nature of its effects has not been fully studied. In addition, people who engage in promiscuous sex are at increased risk.
Signs of pathology
Once in the body, the virus may not manifest itself at all for a long time, but even during this period its active reproduction occurs. When immunity decreases to an abnormal level, pathogenic bacteria are activated in parallel with an intensive increase in the number of mutated cells.
A small growth appears on the eyelid, resembling a wart with a rough surface. Most often, papillomas have an identical skin color, but there are darker or lighter neoplasms.
In some cases, the growth is connected to the skin with a tiny piece of epithelium, which carries an even greater threat of damage and needs immediate medical attention. Sometimes the papilloma begins to grow rapidly, bringing to the person complexes associated with an external defect, and even complicating the normal work of the century.
Probable complications
If the papilloma is not removed in time for a century, its development can stretch for several years. Although in some cases, the appearance of a neoplasm does not at all indicate the need for its emergency elimination. After all, perhaps its occurrence is associated with a temporary weakening of the immune system.
But you need to undergo an appropriate examination in any circumstances. Only a dermatologist or an ophthalmologist can find out the initial cause of the appearance of the pathology and advise on the removal of papillomas in the eye.
The progression of the disease can be accompanied by numerous complications:
- keratitis - with the activation of bacteria, the cornea can be damaged;
- chronic conjunctivitis - may occur due to the large size of the growth or itching;
- eyelash loss is a side effect of demodicosis and a decrease in local immunity.
Among other things, if you do not remove the papilloma on the eyelid, over time it can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. Such a threat is present constantly.
First of all, the patient is assigned a standard set of measures: visometry, biomicroscopy, tonometry. As auxiliary methods, CT or optical coherence tomography is used. In addition, the patient takes biological material for histological analysis.
Differential diagnosis is carried out with:
- skin nevus;
- molluscum contagiosum;
- single neurofibroma;
- seborrheic keratosis;
- papilloma of the conjunctiva.
In addition to the ophthalmologist, in some cases it is advisable to visit a dermatologist and oncologist. The method for removing papillomas on the eyelid largely depends on the results of diagnosis.
Drug therapy
For the treatment of papillomas on the eyelids, various drugs can be used.
- Papilayt is a natural composition product with a high level of safety. It includes: propolis, Jerusalem artichoke, garlic, rhododendron, red pepper, caragana. The price of Papilayt in different pharmacies ranges from 950-1000 rubles. It is noteworthy that negative and positive responses about the effectiveness of the drug are found with almost the same frequency.
- "Papillux" and "Papillux plus" are similar to "Papilayut" drugs with a natural composition and dubious effectiveness. It is not recommended to use the product on its own without a doctorโs prescription.
- Immunomodulators and antiviral drugs - make it possible to suppress the activity of HPV and at the same time strengthen the properties of immunity.
How to remove papilloma on the eyelid efficiently and safely? Definitely using liquid nitrogen. Cryotherapy is deservedly considered a fairly simple and harmless method of treating abnormal growths in the eyes.
The technique involves the use of low temperatures of nitrogen, which are achieved using special devices. A frozen place loses sensitivity. Due to this effect, the growth begins to collapse. It is possible to remove the papilloma on the eyelid with the help of cryotherapy in just one procedure - the result will be noticeable in 5-6 weeks.
The main advantages of using liquid nitrogen:
- lack of need for anesthesia;
- quick healing of the resulting wound;
- affordable cost;
- quick rehabilitation;
- lack of scars instead of papillomas;
- the impossibility of the spread of pathogenic bacteria to other zones.
True, cryotherapy has certain disadvantages:
- the inability to choose the depth of skin treatment;
- the use of a large nozzle, which does not allow to control the processing of a certain area;
- there is always a risk of partial removal of papillomas in the upper eyelid.
Radio wave therapy
With this procedure, the doctor does not directly contact the patient's integument. Under the influence of radio waves, the tissues neatly move apart and the papilloma is removed. After this procedure, no scars remain on the eyelid. In addition, radio waves prevent the reproduction and spread of pathogenic microflora. But despite the effectiveness of such an intervention, it also has certain contraindications:
- oncological pathologies;
- inflammatory processes on the skin;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- menstruation period;
- exacerbation of any disease.
How to remove papilloma on the eyelid using high-frequency current? When a special device is touched with damaged tissue, energy is released. It leads to the evaporation of the liquid and to improve the coagulability of the protein. Due to the point effect on the growth, it is possible to carry out cauterization only where it is needed. It does not cover healthy tissue.
The electrocoagulator has been used for many years and has passed all relevant tests. There are several advantages of this method of removing papillomas on the eyelids:
- high efficiency;
- security;
- prevention of the risk of hemorrhage and infection;
- minimal risk of injury;
- lack of need for in-patient observation of the patient;
- allowed for children;
- affordable cost.
True, the method has and contraindications:
- individual intolerance to the influence of current;
- period of exacerbations of any pathology;
- hypersensitivity to anesthetics;
- poor blood coagulability;
- herpes;
- the presence of a malignant tumor.
Using a laser
Where to remove the papilloma on the eyelid? This service is provided by all modern clinics. In private institutions, patients are most often offered laser surgery. This demand is explained by the large number of advantages of this method of intervention.
Removal of papillomas on the eyelids with a laser involves sealing the damaged cells and blood vessels. This helps prevent hemorrhages, inflammation, and scars.
The laser has a lot of advantages:
- absolute sterility;
- lack of blood;
- lack of risk of infection;
- the ability to simultaneously remove multiple growths;
- lack of scars.
But the minuses include:
- chance of a burn;
- the possibility of secondary infection with HPV;
- pain
In addition, the patient may be offered a surgical method for removing papilloma in a hospital. Although today such operations are extremely rare due to the high risk of injury to nearby sites. In addition, after such an intervention, ugly scars often remain.
How to remove papilloma on the eyelid at home
With the independent use of folk recipes, you should know exactly what needs to be cured. That is why such tools can be effective only after a full diagnosis.
The safest way to eliminate papillomas on the eyelid is the use of Kalanchoe and aloe juice. These plants have a delicate effect, while inhibiting the activity of viruses.
In addition, in the role of folk remedies, you can try and essential oils: fir, cedar, pine, tea tree, juniper. These products are also famous for their antiseptic properties and are relatively safe.
But the use of celandine juice or garlic to remove papillomas in the eyes is strictly prohibited. These products have a burning effect, but they can easily get on the mucous membrane and injure it. Such an effect can cause irritation and even ulcers.