Exicosis is what? Description of the disease

The medical term "exsicosis" does not refer to commonly used. Fortunately, not all of us have come across it personally, but we need to know what it is. Because behind this incomprehensible word lies a very dangerous state, which in some cases even carries a threat to life.

What is exicosis and how does it happen?

Exicosis is a condition of the body that is dehydration. Depending on whether there is a shortage of water or electrolytes, water-deficient and salt-deficient exicosis are distinguished. But most often it is isotonic when the body has lost these components equally.

exicosis is

Exicosis is not a disease, but a consequence of ailments. In the vast majority of cases, various gastrointestinal infections become its cause. But he can also accompany ARI, influenza, pneumonia, infections caused by staphylococci, etc. The patient loses fluid as a result of diarrhea, vomiting, profuse sweating, and even through the lungs and kidneys. This happens so swiftly that losses often do not have time to be compensated even with heavy drinking. As a result, blood does not flow to vital organs.

Dehydration occurs in both children and adults. At risk are babies and toddlers, the elderly, and patients who are bedridden.

Degrees of exsicosis

Exoticosis is far from always - it is very dangerous. It all depends on its degree. And they are distinguished by three.

  • In the first degree, fluid loss is a maximum of five percent of body weight. Such a deficit is quite realistically quickly eliminated by heavy drinking.
  • The second degree of exicosis is characterized by a loss of up to ten percent of body weight.
  • In the case of the third degree, the body loses more than ten percent, and the condition becomes critical.
    dehydration process

Symptoms of Exicosis

Manifestations of exsicosis of different species differ from each other. But since salt-deficient and water-deficient exicosis is a rarity, we will not dwell on them in detail. The only thing we note is that in the first case, a person's body temperature decreases, he becomes apathetic and lethargic. And in the second, the opposite is true - the temperature is elevated, the state is close to febrile, the pulse is quickened, sleep is disturbed, and there is great nervousness.

The more common form of exsicosis - isotonic - is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms.

  1. The first degree: you feel very thirsty, your mouth is dry, saliva resembles glue, urination becomes less frequent and the amount of urine excreted decreases, it acquires a dark yellow hue.
  2. Second degree: thirst unbearable, in the mouth everything is completely dry, trips to the toilet “little by little” do not exceed three times a day; urine - closer to brown, limbs get colder, slightly dizzy, heart palpitations.
  3. Third degree: the dehydration process is rapidly progressing, the person’s behavior is clearly changing (panic, fear, embarrassment, distracted attention), his head is spinning, breathing is quick, his pulse is weak and fast, it’s difficult to move, there is practically no urination, or there are no fainting, possible fainting , in infants, the fontanel sinks.
    oral rehydration

First aid for adults with exicosis

Any degree of exicosis requires immediate treatment. But if at the initial stage the patient can be helped by oral rehydration (i.e. banal drinking fluid), then in more complex situations, medics can’t do without medical intervention. Having noticed alarming symptoms, you should call an ambulance, but you can not wait for a folded hand.

  • The patient should be given as much as possible to drink.
  • If vomiting is present, pour water into the mouth in small doses (a teaspoon or even with a pipette), but often.
  • You can try to suck ice or drink through a straw.
  • It is better to remove excess clothing and loosen the rest.
  • At high temperature, it is advisable to place the patient in a cool room or wrap them with a damp sheet, irrigate the body with cold water using a spray.

With the second degree of exicosis, treatment is carried out in a hospital, since, most likely, the introduction of various drugs is required intravenously. And the third degree requires immediate resuscitation of the patient.

exicosis in children

First aid for a child with exicosis

Exicosis in children is more common than in adults, and carries a much greater danger. After all, the baby can not talk about his feelings, so it is difficult to determine the degree of dehydration. Do not tempt fate. At the first symptoms (non-stop diarrhea and vomiting, rare urination, lethargy, or, conversely, agitation, prolonged crying), you should call a doctor. A sunken fontanel, the absence of tears - this is evidence of a serious condition, they can not be expected.

Prior to the arrival of physicians, one should try by all possible means to provide access to the fluid in the body of a little man (drinking, rubbing, humidity in the room). Exicosis in children develops very quickly and threatens with irreparable consequences.

The human body is 70% water (and in infants this figure reaches 80%). Therefore, its loss for us is like death. It is necessary to try to prevent a deficiency of fluid in the body, and if it has already arisen, then urgently take action.

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