Classification of chronic pancreatitis and its form

Chronic pancreatitis is a rather dangerous and long-term disease, which is accompanied by inflammatory processes of the pancreas, as well as damage to its cells and tissues. This article will describe the classification of chronic pancreatitis, as well as the main features of this disease.

What is this pathology?

Chronic pancreatitis most often occurs in representatives of the weak half of humanity in the elderly, and less often in middle age. The main reason for the development of this pathology is malnutrition.

classification of chronic pancreatitis

Most often, problems with the pancreas arise precisely when a person begins to eat an excessively large amount of fried and fatty foods. However, this is not the only extreme. Also, this disease can also attack women who follow an excessively strict diet and deny themselves healthy foods. If the human body receives very little fat and protein, then the pancreas simply ceases to function properly. And besides this, if a person also abuses alcohol, you can rest assured that chronic pancreatitis will make itself felt.

Today, there is simply a huge number of classifications of this disease, each of which takes into account certain factors. Let us consider each of them in more detail.

Marseille-Roman classification of chronic pancreatitis

This classification is very popular and widely used throughout the world. According to her, there are four forms of this disease:

  • Obstructive. This form is characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes in the pancreas. In this case, blockage of the main ducts by tumors, adhesions, or the course of the inflammatory reactions themselves occurs.

chronic pancreatitis classification modern

  • Calcifying pancreatitis is the most common today. In this case, the tissues are destroyed focally, thus forming intraductal stones. This kind of disease is most often found in people who consume a huge amount of alcoholic beverages.
  • Inductive form is extremely rare, as it is characterized by tissue atrophy.
  • The formation of cysts and pneumocystis.

The main function of the pancreas

In order to understand such an issue as the classification of chronic pancreatitis, you need to understand what function a body such as the pancreas performs. It is worth knowing that it produces various enzymes that are directly involved in the process of digesting food. Pancreatic enzymes are able to digest incoming food to such a state that it can be absorbed. During the day, this organ is able to develop about one liter of secretion, so important for the proper digestion of food.

Signs of pathology

In order to better understand what the classification of chronic pancreatitis is, you need to understand what symptoms this pathology has. And so, what signs are worth paying attention to:

Cambridge classification of chronic pancreatitis

  • pain in the abdomen ;
  • improper digestion, which will have symptoms such as profuse fat feces, bloating, significant weight loss, food intolerance and weakness of the whole body;
  • in some cases, advanced stages of the disease of chronic pancreatitis can begin to develop diabetes mellitus;
  • in the bile ducts, pressure rises and gastric dyspepsia syndrome is detected.

As a result, chronic pancreatitis develops.

In fact, this disease can begin to develop for several reasons, as well as with their combination. Pay attention to the reasons that, according to doctors, are most often the cause of this pathology:

  • excessive abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • the use of certain medications;
  • high blood calcium;

chronic pancreatitis classification mcb 10

  • improper fat metabolism;
  • the development of the disease and as a result of poor heredity is not excluded;
  • Also, the disease can make itself felt with insufficient intake of nutrients.

Chronic pancreatitis: ICD classification 10

This classification is modern and the most widely used today. According to this classification, the World Health Organization every ten years makes a list of new diseases, this also includes chronic pancreatitis. The modern classification gives each disease its own code, so even if the doctor does not understand a foreign language using this code, he will be able to understand what kind of disease is involved.

chronic pancreatitis recurrence classification

So, according to this classification, chronic pancreatitis has two forms:

  • form of alcoholic origin;
  • other forms of this pathology.

Cambridge classification

The Cambridge classification of chronic pancreatitis is particularly popular with Western physicians. It is based on the gradation of pancreatic changes at different stages of the course of the disease. According to this classification, the following stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • The pancreas is in good condition. In this case, the organ has a normal structure and functions correctly.
  • Pathological changes of a chronic nature. In this case, only slight changes in the pancreas are observed.

chronic pancreatitis etiology

  • Mild pathological changes are characterized by changes in the lateral ducts.
  • Pathological changes of a moderate nature. In this case, you can already notice changes not only in the lateral ducts, but also in the main. Usually, small cysts and necrotic tissue form at this stage.
  • Significant pathological changes. In this case, in addition to all the changes described above, large cysts and stones can also form.

Biliary Pancreatitis

Chronic biliary-dependent pancreatitis is a long-term pancreatic disease that develops against the background of pathologies that were present in the body even at the time of the birth of the baby. In fact, such a disease is very common and is characterized by such symptoms:

  • Pain in all parts of the abdomen, occurring mainly at night. Pain can also go to the back, shoulder blades or neck. Moreover, very often the painful symptoms of this disease can be confused with bouts of biliary colic.

chronic biliary pancreatitis

  • Biliary pancreatitis is manifested in the form of bloating, nausea, belching, vomiting, or rumbling in the abdomen.
  • During illness, stool problems may be noticed. Too many patients complained of diarrhea, which was observed up to five times a day. At the same time, the chair had a mushy character and was very poorly washed off the walls of the toilet.
  • Increased blood levels of bile pigment. As a result, the skin, as well as the whites of the eyes, acquire a yellowish tint.
  • Many patients experienced significant weight loss.
  • The development of diabetes.

Such a disease is usually treated conservatively, however, in very rare cases, surgical intervention may be required.

Recurrent pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis (classification for relapse is rarely used) is characterized by a very frequent occurrence of pain. It can not be said that such pains are very sharp, but with improper treatment, the patient's condition can significantly worsen.

However, if at the same time with this pathology the patient also has other diseases of the digestive system, then the pain can be simply intolerable. Usually pain is present from several hours to several days. In order to eliminate the symptoms of this disease, you need to use conservative treatment methods, as well as normalize nutrition.


Chronic pancreatitis, the etiology of which can be of a diverse nature, it is very important to start treating on time, otherwise this pathology can lead to the formation of other diseases. Usually, the chronic form of the pathology is very difficult to treat by conservative methods, so experts suggest resorting to surgery. Do not make hasty conclusions, visit several doctors, and already based on the general recommendations received, determine the scheme of further treatment.

Do not forget that the treatment process should be aimed at eliminating pain, removing inflammatory processes, as well as at the process of removing bile from the body.

Forms of the disease

It is very important to determine which variety in each individual case has pancreatitis. The form of the disease depends on many factors. Let us consider in more detail what forms scientists emit:

  • The edematous form of chronic pancreatitis is very similar to acute. In this case, the disease progresses for a very long time, more than six months. Very often, in addition to pain, nausea and vomiting are also present.
  • The parenchymal form is characterized by a very frequent occurrence of exacerbations. As a rule, such exacerbations occur several times a year. When conducting ultrasound therapy, as well as other examination methods, it can be noted that the pancreas is characterized by some changes.
  • The inductive form is usually characterized by very strong pain. In addition, the amount of amylase in the blood begins to increase. However, ultrasound does not show that the organ began to increase in size. In some cases, it, on the contrary, becomes smaller.
  • With a cystic form in the pancreas , small cysts begin to form. At the same time, the organ itself begins to grow, and its contours become not so clear.
  • The pseudotumor form is usually characterized by the most severe pain syndrome. In this case, the organ significantly increases in size and changes its shape. This can be seen even with ordinary palpation.

Of course, this disease is quite severe, so doctors advise to take care of themselves and eat right for their patients. Chronic pancreatitis can be cured with the help of conservative treatment, however, this can only be done if the disease has only an early stage. At the most severe stages, usually it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.

Eat properly, exercise, relax more and consult a doctor on time, and then you will not be afraid of any disease. Be healthy and take care of yourself.

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