"Postinor": analogues, contraindications

In every woman’s first-aid kit, regardless of whether she uses contraceptive pills regularly or takes them from time to time, there should be emergency (post-ikotal) contraception: Postinor or Ginepriston, Escapel, Zhenale drugs.

In fact, the "Postinor" tablets, its analogues cannot be considered a real contraceptive, because the principle of their action is fundamentally different from the action of conventional contraceptives.

Firstly, postcoital remedies prevent the eggs from leaving the ovary. Secondly, if this still happened, they prevent the egg (already fertilized) from attaching to the uterine wall and continue to develop. Thirdly, they prevent the fertilization of the egg. Finally, if pregnancy does occur, the Postinor preparation can cause medical abortion.

Classic contraceptive drugs simply prevent the egg from leaving the ovary. Accordingly, if there is no egg, there can be no fertilization.

Some experts on the sidelines call the "Postinor" tablets, analogues of this drug and other means of postoikoital contraception "drugs for widows", implying the occasional use of the drug.

  • It is impossible to take these drugs constantly for many reasons. With constant use, the structure of the endometrium changes, severe adverse reactions from many organs appear.
  • There is an addiction, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced.
  • Uterine bleeding may begin.

The question rightly arises: "If the medicine cannot be taken constantly, when is it better to use it?" The answer is simple: "In an emergency." That is why drugs of this kind are popularly called "the morning after." What are these emergency cases?

The drug "Postinor", analogues of this tool can be taken after intercourse for 72 hours. Naturally, the more time passes, the lower the effectiveness of the impact. However, even after 72 hours, there is a 58% chance that the drug will work and that pregnancy will not occur.

What are these emergency cases:

  • rape;
  • unplanned unprotected intercourse;
  • rare sexual contacts (not more than 1 time between menstruation);
  • condom rupture or other unforeseen situations.

Women are often interested in what is better: postinor or escapel. The principle of action of these contraceptives is the same, but the drug "Postinor" belongs to earlier, not so well-balanced formulations. After taking it, every second woman has nausea. It can negatively affect the development of pregnancy if it does occur.

The drug "Escapel" was created later, it has fewer side effects, and you can drink it within 96 hours after the act. Postinor funds have this period of only 72 hours.

To the question: is postinor or gynepristone more effective, doctors more often answer that all drugs of later generations are more effective, less harmful. However, in the case of Ginepriston, this truth does not work. Like Postinor tablets, it can cause nausea or vomiting, bloody discharge, and cycle disruption. And from that, and from another contraceptive, hives, dizziness, hyperthermia, weakness may appear.

That is why it is categorically not recommended to drink emergency (post-coital) contraceptives, such as the drug "Postinor", its analogues without the recommendation of a doctor. This can lead to fatal consequences.

In addition, it is important to always remember that all such drugs have many contraindications. They are not recommended:

  • with renal and adrenal insufficiency;
  • with liver failure;
  • with lung diseases;
  • with extragenital pathology;
  • with breastfeeding.

If you need an indispensable intake of postoicoital contraceptive, it is better to do this on the advice of a doctor.

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