Zucchini fried in flour: recipes and cooking features

Zucchini is a unique vegetable, from which you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy dishes. And this is not only well-known salads or pancakes. The easiest way to make zucchini fried in flour. Moreover, there are dozens of rather interesting recipes for this.

Simply and easily

Anyone who is just starting his culinary career can start with the simplest option. In this case, the zucchini fried in flour is cooked in just 20 minutes. This will require a minimum set of products: for 1 kilogram of fresh zucchini - 10 grams of salt, a glass of flour and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

flour zucchini

Preparing zucchini fried in flour, as follows:

  1. For work, it is better to choose young fruits. They have a very delicate peel and soft, almost invisible seeds. First of all, vegetables should be washed well, and then, having removed the tops, carefully cut into identical circles with a thickness of not more than 1 centimeter.
  2. After that, each piece should be rubbed with salt.
  3. Pour the flour into a separate plate.
  4. Put the pan on the fire.
  5. Now, each circle must first roll in flour, and then put in boiling oil and fry on both sides until a delicate golden crust appears.

It is better to eat such zucchini immediately after cooking. This dish is ideal for a full breakfast or a light dinner.

Original breading

Zucchini fried in flour will be even tastier if you use not quite ordinary breading for their preparation. The original composition can change not only the taste, but also the appearance of the finished dish. To verify this, you will need 2 zucchini - 5 tablespoons of cornmeal, salt, and 1 teaspoon of red pepper, dried basil and chopped nutmeg.

how to fry zucchini in a pan

The cooking technology is slightly different from the previous version:

  1. First, washed vegetables should be cut into circles, as usual.
  2. Then they need to be salted and left in this position for 10 minutes.
  3. Allow water to drain to the next step.
  4. In a separate container, combine salt, flour and seasonings.
  5. Slices of zucchini alternately lower in breading, and then fry in a pan in boiling vegetable oil. During heat treatment, the product will become a little softer.

As a complement to such a dish, it is better to use thick sour cream with fresh herbs or yogurt.

In one go

Frying individual pieces often takes a lot of time. What to do if food needs to be cooked quickly? How to deliciously fry zucchini in a pan in the shortest possible time? There is an exit. To do this, you just need to change the methodology of the process itself. The products will need the same: based on each young zucchini, a little salt, a tablespoon of wheat flour and vegetable oil.

how to fry zucchini in a pan

In this case, the cooking method will be as follows:

  1. First of all, as usual, vegetables should be washed.
  2. Then at each zucchini cut off both tops. Divide the remaining workpiece into 4 parts, making two cuts crosswise for this. After this, the resulting plates must be divided into segments with a length of 4-5 centimeters.
  3. Fold the products in a bowl, salt, sprinkle lightly with flour and mix gently with a spoon.
  4. Put the slices thus treated into a pan and fry them in vegetable oil over medium heat.

This is the easiest way to fry zucchini in a pan. And to make them sharper, you should not spare the salt, but try not to overdo it with its quantity.

Vegetables in batter

Zucchini fried in flour with an egg is very tasty. This method is often used to prepare many products (meat, fish and others). In this case, the following ingredients will be required: for 800 grams of zucchini - 8 tablespoons of flour, 2 eggs, a little salt, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a pinch of ground black pepper.

zucchini fried in flour with an egg

The dish is prepared using the following technology:

  1. First, the washed zucchini should be divided into round billets of a centimeter thickness. If the vegetables are very large, then itโ€™s better to cut off the hard skin with a special knife.
  2. Then the circles should be salt and leave them in a deep plate for 15 minutes.
  3. Free time can be spent on batter. To do this, beat eggs with pepper and salt in a separate plate, adding half a glass of water. Then, without stopping mixing, gradually introduce flour. The finished composition should look like liquid sour cream.
  4. Now each piece must first be dipped in batter, and then put in a frying pan with boiling oil and fry for 5 minutes on each side. The process is best done under the hood. So the vegetables inside will be softer.

If desired, sour cream or mayonnaise sauce can be served with such a dish.

Fragrant addition

Those who like spicy dishes can cook zucchini fried in flour with garlic. Itโ€™s not difficult to do this. It will only be necessary to prepare for this the main components: zucchini, salt, wheat flour, vegetable oil and garlic from a consumption of 2 cloves for each vegetable.

zucchini fried in flour with garlic

All work takes place in three stages:

  1. Vegetables must first be prepared. To do this, they must be washed, and then divided into blanks in the form of circles or plates. Their thickness should be at least one centimeter. Otherwise, the flesh will spread, and the finished dish will lose its shape.
  2. Fry salted semi-finished products in boiling fat on both sides until a characteristic crust forms. Care must be taken that the product does not dry out and remains soft.
  3. Squeeze the garlic through a press and treat them with each piece of still hot zucchini. To do this, the crushed mass can simply be laid on top or squeezed juice out of it through cheesecloth.

The pleasant aroma of garlic successfully complements the taste of fresh vegetables, which makes the finished dish more attractive.

The energy value

Zucchini refers to low-calorie foods. That is why they are often included in their diet by those who are forced to monitor their weight. Of course, after all, 100 grams of fresh product contains only 24 kilocalories. In addition, do not forget that they contain a huge amount:

  • macrocells (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium);
  • vitamins (A, E, C, B and PP);
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • gland;
  • mono- and disaccharido.

During cooking, the number of calories in the finished product changes dramatically. It all depends on the cooking method and related components. For example, when stewed with onions, butter and carrots, this figure increases to 40 units. If you use zucchini fried in flour for food, their caloric content will be even higher.

fried zucchini in flour in a pan

It increases through the use of large quantities of oil. After such extreme processing, 100 grams of zucchini will already have about 100 kilocalories. This is certainly worth considering for those for whom maintaining a normal weight is a serious problem.

Interesting solution

How else can you cook fried zucchini in flour in a pan? The answer to this question has dozens of different options. The most interesting of them involves the use of a special sauce. Everything is very simple. First you need to prepare the necessary ingredients: for 2 zucchini - 16 grams of salt, 2 cloves of garlic, 150 grams of mayonnaise and 5 tablespoons of flour.

zucchini fried in flour calories

Now you can start cooking:

  1. First, zucchini should be washed well, and then divided in any convenient way into smaller pieces, put them in a bowl and sprinkle with salt.
  2. Each piece is breaded in flour and fry over medium heat with the addition of a small amount of oil.
  3. Make a sauce of mayonnaise and grated garlic.
  4. Fragrance on one side with each piece of fried zucchini. So that the vegetable is well saturated, it must be allowed to stand for a while. In principle, the sauce can be served separately in a vase.

This option can be used as a hot or cold snack, as well as a good side dish for meat dishes.

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