Homemade mustard is a very tasty and fragrant sauce that can be added to almost any second course, as well as appetizers. It should be noted that today there are many options for preparing such a gas station. But, unfortunately, most people are used to buying this sauce in a store. However, if you look at the composition of this product, you will quickly see that, in addition to mustard powder, various flavor enhancers and flavorings are often added to it. In this regard, many people have a question about how to make homemade mustard, which will have a special taste. In this article, we decided to answer the question posed.
Product Overview
Cooking mustard at home is quick and easy. But before telling you exactly how this is done, we decided to tell you what kind of product it is.
Table mustard is a seasoning made from whole or crushed seeds of the same plant with the addition of food vinegar, some kind of base (for example, water), as well as other ingredients. This product is considered one of the most popular sauces in Russian cuisine. It enhances the formation of gastric juice and increases appetite, as a result of which food is absorbed several times better.
However, it should be noted that home mustard is contraindicated for people who have problems with the digestive system. This is due to the fact that the sauce based on it always turns out to be very spicy.
What is it used for?
Powdered home mustard is often used as a seasoning for meat dishes. In addition, there are many recipes for marinades, which also include this product, but only in the form of whole seeds or powder.
Mustard at home: a step by step recipe
The easiest and fastest way to cook homemade mustard is from powder. Such a sauce always turns out to be much tastier and spicier than a store. In addition, it will not contain preservatives that adversely affect human health. It should also be noted that homemade mustard is exhaled quite quickly. In this regard, it is recommended to do it as much as you eat in one sitting.
So, for cooking hot sauce we need:
- mustard powder - about 50 g;
- boiled water - about 100 ml;
- table salt and fine sand-sugar - use at discretion;
- apple cider vinegar 6% - apply to taste;
- undeodorized olive oil - a large spoon;
- chopped turmeric - ½ small spoon.
Cooking process
You can cook mustard at home quite quickly. To do this, the powder must be sieved through a tea sieve and put in a deep bowl. Next, it is necessary to pour boiling water in it and mix thoroughly so that lumps do not form. After that, fill the pan with water for ½ part, place a bowl with sauce in it and put on medium heat. In a water bath, mustard must be heated for 20 minutes. After the specified time, the seasoning bowl needs to be removed, and then immediately add sugar and table salt to it. Also, to give the mustard a pleasant shade, it is recommended to add a small amount of chopped turmeric to it.
At the end of the ingredients, pour apple cider vinegar and some olive oil. After that, all components should be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous slurry is obtained.
How should i store?
After the homemade mustard of the powder is cooked, it should be laid out in a glass jar with a screw cap. In this form, the sauce is recommended to be stored in a dark and cool place. If you neglect this advice, then homemade mustard will very quickly lose its taste and aroma.
It is advisable to use such a seasoning after two days in a refrigerator.
Old Russian mustard at home
As mentioned above, you can make such a sauce in different ways. Above, you were presented with a classic recipe using a standard set of ingredients. If you want to make a more original seasoning, we recommend using the method described below. For him we need:
- mustard powder - about 50 g;
- cucumber or tomato brine - 100 ml;
- cloves crushed - about 6 g;
- icing sugar - 3 large spoons;
- apple cider vinegar 6% - use to taste.
Fast cooking method
Any mustard at home is prepared according to the same principle. Using it in practice, you can independently make any mustard sauce on any basis. In this recipe, we decided to use cucumber or tomato pickle. Thanks to such a liquid, you will get a very aromatic and tasty sauce that can be served with both meat and fish dishes.
So how to make mustard at home based on a vegetable pickle? To do this, you need to sift the aromatic powder through a small sieve, and then put it in a bowl. Next, you must add cucumber marinade to mustard flour, which is recommended to previously be aged at room temperature (so that it becomes warm). By mixing both components with a spoon, you should get a homogeneous mass. To make it a little thicker, it must be subjected to heat treatment. To do this, the bowl with mustard should be put in a water bath and heated for ¼ hour. At the same time, it is recommended to stir the contents of the dishes regularly with a spoon.
The final stage in the preparation of sauce
As you can see, mustard at home is done quite quickly. After it is subjected to heat treatment, it must be removed from the water bath, and then flavored with powdered sugar and crushed cloves. These ingredients will give the sauce a special taste and aroma. To make it sharper and keep it unchanged for a long time, apple cider vinegar should also be added to the seasoning.
Then you need to mix the ingredients, cool in cold air, and then place in small glass jars and tightly tighten with metal lids. If you do not plan to immediately use the sauce with any dish, then it is recommended not to be stored in the refrigerator for long.
Features of the preparation of Russian sauce
Now you know exactly how and from what mustard is made at home. The recipe for this sauce may include completely different ingredients. As a rule, it is made on the basis of ordinary drinking water. Although some housewives often dilute mustard powder with cucumber or tomato brine.
If you want the sauce you cooked to not dry for a long time, we recommend that you prepare it on the basis of fresh milk. In the event that the aromatic seasoning is still dried, then it can be easily diluted by adding low-concentrated table vinegar.
In addition, a slice of fresh lemon will help you keep moist mustard. It must be placed on top of the sauce and then tightly closed with a metal lid.
How to change the taste and color?
If you are fed up with classic mustard, which is made from a standard set of ingredients, we recommend adding one of the following products: ground allspice, ginger, nutmeg, applesauce, anise, star anise, chopped sorrel, mashed capers, bay leaf, cinnamon , cabbage brine, basil, thyme, etc. These ingredients will allow you to significantly change the taste of the sauce, as well as its color and aroma.
To summarize
Homemade mustard is always tastier than the store. It should be noted that such a sauce can be used not only to add it to meat or fish dishes, but also mixed with mayonnaise or oil, and then season various salads. Believe me, even the most fastidious household will not be able to refuse such a dinner.