Potassium gluconate is a natural preparation that our body needs. The composition allows you to maintain an optimal level of a useful component. It regulates the work of the cardiovascular and nervous system, and also normalizes osmotic pressure. Specialists recommend this drug to those who advocate low-calorie diets and an active lifestyle. In addition, the drug is simply necessary for the elderly.
Drug properties
Potassium gluconate enriches the body with potassium. This substance is an intracellular ion. Sodium and potassium maintain the osmotic pressure inside tissue cells. Shortage or oversupply of these components is dangerous to human health.
Potassium takes part:
- In the processes of transmission and conduction of nerve impulses to innervated organs.
- In muscle contraction.
- In the processes of formation and breakdown of glucose in the liver: glycogenesis and glycolysis.
- In the synthesis of phospholipids and proteins.
- In maintaining the osmotic pressure inside the cells.
The main component of potassium gluconate is potassium. This substance eliminates edema and promotes dehydration. Potassium ions resist sodium ions in the body. The substance has an anti-sclerotic effect. Potassium does not allow sodium to accumulate on the walls of blood vessels.
Signs of Potassium Lack
Potassium gluconate is often usually prescribed for potassium deficiency in the body. Determining the lack of a given substance is not so difficult. As a rule, at the same time appear:
- Acne and dry skin.
- Constipation
- Delay in the body of fluid and salt.
- Low blood pressure
- Fatigue and insomnia.
- Cramps and muscle weakness.
- Nervousness and depression.
- Constant feeling of thirst.
- Blurred thinking.
- High cholesterol in the blood.
- Glucose intolerance.
- Cardiopalmus.
Features of the drug
To eliminate the deficiency of the substance allows potassium gluconate. The use of this drug provides a complete restoration of the reserves of a useful component in the body. Do not forget that potassium can reduce the conductivity and excitability of the myocardium. This property is very important for the elderly. However, in large quantities, the substance is able to inhibit contractility and myocardial automatism. In some cases, an excess of potassium can lead to cardiac arrest. If the amount of substance in the blood decreases significantly, then a person arrhythmia occurs.
Metabolic processes occur in cells due to the interaction of sodium and potassium ions. If violations occur in the operation of this mechanism, then osmotic pressure surges arise. This leads to the development of abnormalities during metabolic processes within the cells.
Potassium gluconate: indications for use
Potassium is a substance that is very necessary for the human body to function normally in the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Potassium gluconate is usually prescribed for the prevention of:
- Failures in the central nervous system.
- A variety of cardiovascular ailments.
- Chronic kidney disease.
- The consequences of physical and, of course, emotional stress.
How to take
An overdose of the drug can have negative consequences. To avoid this, you should know how to take potassium gluconate. The instruction states that the drug can be used as a dietary supplement. In other words, it is an additional source of potassium, phosphorus and calcium.
As a rule, the drug is prescribed only to adults, two tablets three times a day. It is necessary to use the drug in the process of eating. The course of such therapy is a month.
Recommended Dosages
Under normal conditions, when the patient does not take diuretic drugs, does not suffer from stomach flu, does moderate physical activity and does not visit the sauna daily, it is recommended to use the minimum dosage of dietary supplements. A person should receive 1600-2000 milligrams of potassium per day. However, do not forget about the foods that contain this substance.
Signs of Poisoning
Potassium gluconate should be taken at the indicated dosages. If you neglect the recommendations of specialists, then there is a risk of intoxication. The main symptom of this phenomenon is blurred thinking. This symptom occurs both with an excess, and with a lack of potassium in the body.
In addition, the patient may experience general weakness. Often with intoxication there are problems with speech. Most often, those with kidney problems suffer from excess potassium. Such people simply cannot tolerate intoxication normally. Take potassium gluconate in renal failure should be under the strict supervision of doctors.