Farewell letter to colleagues - a piece of human warmth

This kind of epistolary genre is quite young here. He owes his birth to the pro-Western reorganization of our business and, of course, email. A farewell letter to colleagues is important psychologically. He is written by a person who leaves his post, as they say, “in a good way”: upon retirement or for a profitable career transition to another company. In such a letter he outlines for himself the completeness of the previous stage of his career or marks the last milestone of his career. This is a letter of gratitude, “a piece of human warmth”, “good wishes” to former colleagues, a look at the path traveled “from the side”.

farewell letter to colleagues

Agree, it is not often compiled. But still it happens that a person finds it difficult to write it. The situation here is paradoxical. There are enough feelings and thoughts for ten letters, but you need to write one short one. What exactly to write, because we are talking about many years of cooperation, a wide range of work, tasks, human relations?

Try to answer. If we follow the classical plan, then four points are outlined: appeal, information about the dismissal, a statement of cooperation, thanks and wishes. A farewell letter to colleagues approximately contains 1-2 sentences in each of the above paragraphs. (The shorter and more concise the text, the better it will be remembered.)

Consider the content in more detail. The text of a farewell letter to colleagues, of course, should begin with an appeal to them, as warm and informal as possible. Your message sent by e-mail will be seen by people with whom you did a common cause, whom you helped, who, if necessary, prompted you something. They will be pleased to see it is an unconventional and personal appeal. Perhaps in the future, one of them will remain your friend.

farewell letter to colleagues example

Next - briefly in an official tone state the reason for your departure. Emotions are not recommended at this point in writing. Employees should see the official version of the dismissal, so it is advisable that it be in tune with the wording of the dismissal order, no more. A farewell letter to colleagues at this stage only states your objectivity.

The next stage of the farewell letter is the bringing together. This is your message to your comrades in order to feel their community with you. This is logical and reasonable. You are connected by long-term cooperation, which is unthinkable without mutual understanding. You appeal to this quality, remembering the main milestones of joint activities. The third paragraph of the farewell letter is important psychologically. In expounding it, the main thing is not to leave workmates indifferent. What is important is your vision of positive teamwork, a sense of team spirit.

text of farewell letter to colleagues
And finally, the paragraph concluding the farewell letter to colleagues is the most warm and friendly. It should sound your sincere gratitude and best wishes to the people who have been with you for a significant period of your life. Remember the best, thank. Desire what you wish for yourself, for those people who will continue after your departure to “pull on with this work.”

Well, have you already compiled a letter? Thank you for your attention to this modest article. We are glad if it came in handy. Please accept our best wishes in your future work and life!

As practice shows, a farewell letter to colleagues is popular in large companies; for objective reasons, it allows you to say "goodbye" even to those people with whom there is no way to say goodbye before leaving.

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